The great ship cannon is indeed a man's romance.

Marine Admiral Daelin Proudmoore's CoCo, a legendary feat of battleship that was able to resist the Red Dragon's Breath, had two hundred gun positions on the port side and a full load of one thousand crew. It is the black magic that spans the ages, and the hero among the sailing battleships.

Although it is impossible for the Alliance Marine to use the CoCo as the standard for the main battleship, the battleship heading to the Inner Lake is still a behemoth that the Army has never seen.

The former Lake Lordamere was the epitome of the prosperity of Lordaeron. The status of Lordamere Lake, which is equivalent to that of another planet, the Mediterranean, carries the strong needs of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. The fleet of ships that communicate with each other connects many power territories around the Great Lakes and builds a community with a shared future for mankind.

However, the largest cargo ship that runs the Inner Lake route is as thin as a younger brother in front of the Marine battleship that can ride the wind and waves across the ocean.

Conventional inland lake ships carry three to five hundred people, and they will have to be crowded and sent to pile people. Equipment and weapons have to be transported separately.

Marine battleships are different.

That is really different.

Because it is an inland river, 90% of the sails are unloaded, half of the artillery is lowered, and the crew can only be equipped with one-third, and there is no need to carry the supplies necessary for several months of ocean voyages. A battleship can carry more than 800. Fully armed soldier.

Magni Bronzebeard has a stable mentality, and there are such big guys in Ironforge. As long as it is not Daelin's CoCo, it is not enough to make a dwarf king break the defense, and other alliance generals will be sour.

Each of these ocean-going warships produced by Kul Tiras is an "enchanted" warship that the Storm Brothers participated in the whole process of building a blessing. Even if Terenas Menethil wanted to buy it when he was alive, he had to place an order in line. .

Moreover, this kind of limited quantity of short-sale goods, one ship every two years, the construction period is three years, the full amount is prepaid for the construction, and the excess fee is added at any time.

The key to selling it to you (to ruin your money) is to give you face, and Stromgarde has a trade competition relationship with Kul Tiras in the Palatine Gulf, and there is no ship at all.

With a big wave of Carlos's hand, five ships were transferred in one military order. Daelin Proudmoore gave the little brother a lot of face and effectively deterred the wait-and-see elements in the alliance.

These huge Marine ships cannot be docked at ordinary piers. While waiting for them to be brought, the craftsmen built three long trestle bridges early. Only these trestle bridges, which extend nearly 100 meters from the shore, can allow soldiers to board the ship without going through small boats and suspended ladders.

In this way, a horseless cavalry brigade with a total of 4,200 men set off on the northern coast of Alterac.

Warhorses, Alterac and Stromgarde are not lacking, and the place in Andorhal is full of horse dung.

However, according to the frontline report, the undead natural disasters have begun to contaminate the occupied land with plague.

Fortunately, Andorhal, the high-intensity war made the undead natural disasters dare not expose their spellcasters to the alliance army with long-range strike capabilities. However, the traditional farming area of ​​Hearth Valley, separated by a river, has been ruined.

What's worse is that the natural disaster forces in Lordaeron have even begun to pollute the waters of Lordamere Lake.

So Carlos couldn't even ship the warhorse.

You can't even eat grass anywhere, and the logistical pressure of raising war horses can overwhelm the new logistics department.

If there is no horse, there is no horse. As long as you insist that you are a cavalry, you can also be a cavalry without a horse.

The hydrological conditions of the inner lake are very different from those of the outer sea, and the battleship is sailing against the current, so it needs the help of oarsmen and small boats responsible for towing.

Fortunately, here is Azeroth. The dwarf has lit up the steam-powered technology tree, and it is easy to transform a water ship with the power module of the steam tank. The world-famous painting "The Tracker of Lordamere Lake" was published and failed.

Professional ocean-going warships take the inland waterway, no matter how many disadvantages it has, because its firepower advantage is too great.

Lordaeron is the quintessence of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, where the wealth produced by millions of humans over the centuries is accumulated.

Relying on these wealth, the Undead Scourge can not only transform a large number of low-level combat units, but also produce more magic units.

For example, air units such as gargoyles.

The Griffin Riders were almost unable to hold it, and the Wildhammer dwarves even let go, and if the Griffin Squadron is not equipped with the same number of dwarf aircraft, they will stop flying.

If the boats of inland navigation are used to transport high-value troops like Carlos and Magni, the undead natural disasters will also be annihilation operations.

However, in front of professional Marine warships, the means of undead natural disasters that cannot transport heavy weapons out of the barrier gate are very limited.

Lost the coordination of the ground units, and simply wanted to rely on the air force to sink the main battleship of the Alliance Marine. This is not a piercing attack to attack the siege unit.

The brain is not working well.

Moreover, the design concept and the engineering structure of the battleship and the Neihu law enforcement ship are different.

Inner lake warships are considered to deal with surface units and shore attacks. The air defense performance of ocean-going warships is an important indicator.

When an army of gargoyles flew over from the direction of Lordaeron, Carlos slapped Magni who wanted to cheer.

The layman commanding the insider is a taboo, Carlos believes in the captains of Kul Tiras.

The deck artillery was replaced with blooming bullets, each bed crossbow was wounded and hit, and the strong bow and crossbow were ready to be put in place, and the mages brewed destruction spells under the protection of the large shield of tin cans.

The first wave of gargoyle attacks was unsuccessful.

Because their magic attacks are too weak for these enchanted warships.

So the gargoyle quickly changed its strategy, and the physical attack was changed if the magic was not good enough, and the Kamikaze team started!

Carlos's decision quickly proved its wiseness.

Most of the senior champions on the ship are infantry generals and cavalry generals. It really allows them to take command. Apart from shooting me quickly and hitting me fiercely, I am afraid that there will be no other instructions.

The captains are different, really different.

Even in the face of the stormy gargoyle's long-range attack, the captains still gritted their teeth and did not fight back.

Out of reach is out of reach. If the range is not enough, no matter how loud you roar, it will be a lively shot.

However, when the gargoyle changed tactics to fight close combat, the fleet finally broke out.

A ship is a good ship, and a soldier is a good soldier.

You want to make trouble with the two technologies of Gargoyle?

The long-standing Magni Bronzebeard showed a knowing smile.

The little brother Carlos's family lacks everything else, that is, heavy metals such as steel.

To this end, every dwarf participating in the action was issued ten unenchanted warhammers.

Used to fly, will not come back by yourself.

Comfortable hand feeling, suitable weight, thrown out with a hammer, a gargoyle smashed into dregs, comfortable.

Flying unit, high maneuverability, rock body, fangs and claws, and long-range magic attacks. The screaming sound when attacking in groups is even more powerful.

Garithus has been tortured by the Gargoyle Battalion, and the soldiers even gave them the title of "Screaming Shinigami".

But Ner'zhul was not an excellent strategist when he was still the orc patriarch. Using the gargoyle to fight battleships with an air superior unit like the gargoyle is really bad for him.

Carlos didn't do anything, because he was worried that if the guy controlling the gargoyle suddenly noticed and ordered the gargoyle to play a vertical dive from directly above the ship, the damage would be unacceptable.

Fortunately, the gargoyle is not a ghoul after all, and the cost of producing one is not low, and there are no elite units among the thousands of gargoyles that have attacked.

The gargoyles did not change their tactics until the spellcasting enchantment of the wizards was completed.

When the Lich King finally discovered the weakness of the Alliance battleship's weak vertical bombardment, the Griffin Rider and the Gnomish Flying Group also arrived.

This battle is the failure of the master of micro-manipulation Ner'zhul.

Magni. Bronzebeard: Seventeen hammers and seventeen kills.

Carlos wiped out the number of enemies: zero.

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