Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 786-The Road to Escape TD Edition

Knowing how to fly is great, can you do whatever you want by knowing how to fly!

Sorry, Huifei can really do whatever he wants.

Although Alsace and the main force of the Scourge regiment he led have left Stratholme, this city that housed almost all the refugees in the Greater Stratholme area has long been turned into a purgatory on earth.

The acolytes of the Scourge have built the Summoning Tower in the city, and the operation of the Flesh Factory and Summoning ceremony has not stopped for a moment.

The Carlos advance army, who lacked heavy firepower, couldn't fall into such obvious traps all at once. He could only quickly send a messenger back to call the fleet and send people back to take down some of the light artillery medium bed crossbows on the ship.

In the days of waiting, apart from dispatching aircraft to conduct high-altitude reconnaissance, all that was left was to dig trenches and repair bunker.

Even in the high water period, ocean-going warships with extremely deep drafts can only take the central channel of the Baishui River, so it is very difficult to turn around. But because of this, Carlos's messenger rushed back to the temporary base on the shore before the fleet left.

The shipboard aircraft immediately lifted off and conducted fire reconnaissance on Stratholme, but the situation was not optimistic.

Adjusted the position with the previous gargoyle battle. The undead’s anti-aircraft firepower suppresses the possibility of low-altitude reconnaissance. The ace dwarf driver who has experienced many battles can't be in the thick smoke, the soul beam emitted from the top of the Summoning tower, and the stone statue. Tactical reconnaissance under the entanglement of ghosts.

But the dense population of human refugees in the square area can't even see if they don't want to.

"At least five thousand survivors?"

"This is unreasonable!"

Although Magni Bronzebeard has been in contact with the undead and natural disasters for a short time, he has a correct understanding of these monsters.

This is not the style of the Scourge.

Can wooden obstacles and several iron fences stop the bloodthirsty desire of the undead minions?

Whoever believes and who is stupid [BEEP].

The taste of conspiracy is too strong.

But can't save you?

So what are we fighting for.

The advance army that followed the two kings on the move was almost the most elite and conviction warrior in the Alliance except for the Knights of the Silver Hand.

Dead men, each of these people left a suicide note to their relatives before they set off, and was prepared to never return.

Fear does not exist.

Sacrifice should be taken for granted.

Without this belief, why should Carlos dare to use four thousand people to follow Alsace's hundreds of thousands of troops.

Although Quel'Thalas is weak due to internal friction, the high elves are not without power to fight back as a magical civilization.

If Arthas wanted to push Silvermoon City flat, he couldn't do tricks like breaking through Lordaeron. He could only rely on the army to plow the ground.

This is the wishful thinking of Carlos. The minions of the undead can eat and drink without sleep, but the Scourge still needs supplies, and the magic of the caster needs to be restored. Although the undead natural disasters do not have the conventional logistical supplies of the human army, they can still be attacked.

As long as Arthas's footsteps are held back and Quel'Thalas, who is facing the undead natural disasters, a little reaction time, the war potential of Silvermoon City cannot be ignored.

But now, Carlos and his party have been stumbled by Stratholme.

To save or not to save.

At least five thousand old, weak, sick and disabled were trapped in the central area of ​​the city by tens of thousands of enemy troops.

Ignore the risks and casualties of the rescue operation, even if they are rescued, the refugees who lose their productive capacity are a heavy burden for Carlos, an advance expeditionary force.

If people are rescued, they have to eat and drink, and they must be divided into soldiers to protect them.

The wounded need to be treated, the sick number needs to be isolated, and the plague carriers must be distinguished from the lurking natural disasters.

Carlos only had four thousand hunkers in his hands, and he was counting on the follow-up fleet to deliver his supplies.

Five thousand mouths.

What you eat is not food, but the kindness of the alliance.

From a rational analysis, ignoring these refugees directly chasing Alsace is the best choice. Millions of people died in this natural disaster invasion, do you still care about these thousands?


"Send a group of stalkers to sneak into Stratholme to contact the refugees and see if there is an organizer."

After all, Carlos didn't want to kill his conscience with his own hands.

When powerless, it is a heroic and helpless choice to sacrifice a few for the survival of the majority.

But the advance army has a strong horse... It is also strong without a horse. If you don't launch a rescue operation, it will just make an excuse for your cowardice.

I have to say that the human mage can't be compared with the gang magisters of Silvermoon City, but the human stalker business is really adept and specialized.

The city of Stratholme, where aerial reconnaissance can't be carried out, is densely covered with magic traps and the burning dead city of the Eye of Naxxramas.

The dwarf stalker failed to step on the plague rat box. The dwarf stalker was killed by the Scourge. Only the human stalker, a sharp human bleeding thief who gave up on assassination and combat expertise, knocked out his way with a sap .

The only refugee who can contact the Plaza area is Penultimate. What makes him legendary is that this buddy actually touched it back without the cover of his teammates.

With practical actions, he proved to his colleagues in Weixu theory that the times have not changed, only if there is a virtual area when you are alive, and those who die are all rubbish!

The body is weak and severely dehydrated.

Organized without discipline.

Under the pressure of despair, these refugees are showing signs of transforming into mobs.

If Carlos was a little slower, if the nameless stalker also failed.

Then the problem will no longer be a problem.

Refugees who kill people, eat people, and have mental breakdown will eventually turn themselves into dehumanizing monsters.

The monster does not need to be saved.

But he succeeded, and the news that the Knight King's army was just outside the city pulled these refugees back from the brink of mental breakdown.

Those Carlos are not prepared to live up to the expectations of the people.

Even if he didn't eat for a few days and didn't starve to death, Carlos didn't have the ability to deliver food to refugees across several districts.

However, the advance army still has a solution to the dilemma that has been without water for several days.

Lei Gong help me...

The rain is coming!

The army wizards with a sense of mission jointly cast spells and summoned a rainstorm for Stratholme with the greatest enthusiasm.

The brief and violent rain nourished the thirsty bodies of the refugees and weakened the burning fire in the city.

Because of the shortage of civilians, the soldiers could only be used as laborers. In the absence of large livestock, only a few light artillery were carried over.

Carlos didn't want to wait anymore.

In the waiting days, the battle plan has taken shape.

It is impossible to completely clean up Stratholme, but it seems feasible to open up a channel to take the refugees out.

On the hurriedly drawn map of Stratholme, seven huge red circles outline seven forks on the escape route.

"What we need to do is actually very simple. Blast the city gate all the way into the square area, and then divide the troops to guard the seven intersections, and insist on all the refugees to leave the city."

After Carlos arranged the task, there was always an indescribable sense of sight.

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