Dalkhan never thought of hurting his compatriots, but he was tired of the endless disputes in Silvermoon City.

But the Magister underestimated the power of the void.

He was calculated by the Lich King after all.

In this intelligence contest, Dalkhan is on the second level, and the Lich King is in the atmosphere.

In the face of a long lifespan, talent is particularly important.

Dalkhan may not be the kind of high elves with the highest magical talents, such as Guy Elsas, but he is definitely the hardest one.

If there is only this premise, then Dalkhan is nothing special.

The problem is that he has the best talent among the Magisters who work as hard as Darkan.

This is very interesting, six times four is destined to be less than five times five.

As early as ten years ago, Dalkhan had already possessed the strength of the Grand Magister level, but he did not participate in the evaluation.

The problem of Silvermoon City was not formed in this one hundred years, but a ill accumulated over thousands of years.

After pursuing power and putting it into wisdom, Dalkhan, who tried to change the world with his own efforts, was dead.

The adults of Silvermoon City chose it, idol!

For ten years, they don't know how Dalkhan lived in the past ten years.

Dalkhan, who had been desperate for Quel'Thalas, opened the door to teach and recruited disciples, and has placed his hopes on the next generation.

However, even such a simple wish was forced into a joke by the living reality.

Some of his apprentices came because they admired Dalkhan's knowledge, and some were willing to listen to the teacher's words and discern the teacher's thoughts.


Too little to despair.

The lively mage tower is just because Dalkhan is free of tuition.

The students were engrossed in learning the magic knowledge taught by Darkan, but dozed off in the teacher's philosophy class.

In the final analysis, the magic education in Silvermoon City is too expensive, and Master Dalkhan is just a lot of foolish money.

What the apprentices admired was only the power of Dalkhan, the interpersonal relationship of the teacher, and their hope was that they could enter Silvermoon City and be a personal master.

Quel'Thalas is out of help...

More than once, Dalkhan had such a desperate mood.

So the whispers of the Lich King didn't let Dalkhan go.

But Dalkhan did not give in.

He accepted the gift of the Lich King, but refused the solicitation of the Lich King.

This makes Dalkhan feel distorted, what is the difference between his behavior and his students.

In this level of game, Dalkhan won.

But the difficult situation of the Sun King made Dalkhan even more unable to breathe.

At one time, Dalkhan also hoped that Anastrian would do his best, and hope that the royal family could invigorate the spirit.

However, as the years grow older, the more I see and the more I experience, the more Dalkhan understands the hardships of the Sun King.

Silvermoon City is a big prison, and the supreme Sun King has been bound by the expectations of all the high elves of the entire kingdom in the court of the Sunstrider King.

When Anastrian began to liquidate all opponents, Dalkhan was ecstatic.

He thinks this is the biggest turning point in Quel'Thalas in a thousand years.

Prince Guy El'thas is a magical genius, and no elves in the entire Kingdom of Quel'Thalas would doubt this.

But the magical genius Guy Elsas is not a pure magister after all. He is a prince, the only son of the Sun King Anastrian, and he is destined to become the next Sun King.

Pride is Alsace's greatest sin. Guy, who is too smooth in magic, is more like a mage than a king.

The prince's handling of matters was too simple and rude, almost relying on the prestige accumulated by the Sunstrider family for thousands of years, as well as his own personal strength and personality charm to govern the country.

Dalkhan, who had left Silvermoon City, had a clearer view of the current situation of Silvermoon City.

The Sun King was worried that his upright BOY couldn't play with those two-skinned thousand-year-old monsters before they began to physically eliminate them one by one.

This made Dalkhan decided to push the boat along the way.

He did not reject the Lich King's proposal, and exchanged the secrets of the runestone for the knowledge of the void.

Because Dalkhan believes that external stimuli will help the Quel'dorei to resolve internal conflicts.

What about breaking the barrier of Yongsong Forest, the orcs did it back then, and as a result, in front of the gate of Silvermoon City, the orcs didn't even scratch the wall.

To Dalkhan, the Scourge was nothing but a pile of disgusting toys for the Lich King, not even as good as the orcs.

After all, the solidified magic enchantment of Silvermoon City is much stronger than the great enchantment of Yongsong Forest relying on runestones.

Dalkhan didn't realize that his heart was as cold as iron. As long as it was to "save" Quel'Thalas, "sacrifice" was acceptable.

As long as the undead natural disasters cannot break through the gates of Silvermoon City, then "a few" civilian casualties are just the price that must be paid for "reform".

It's just that Dalkhan has forgotten a little.

The Lich King was not alone in "love" him.

All the powerful spellcasters in Azeroth heard the whispers of the Lich King, but some were thoughtful and some were indifferent.

It just so happens that Silvermoon City is where the most powerful spellcasters in the Eastern Kingdom are located, and it is also the closest overseas city to the Ice Throne.

Great magisters such as Bi Luohua will naturally not respond to the whispers of the Lich King, but after all, the number of magisters is limited. There will always be magisters serving in Silvermoon City who will have the same idea as Dalkhan, trying to occupy The cheapness of the Lich King exchanges some dispensable "services" for taboo knowledge that distorts the void.

When many seemingly unrelated "little accidents" were linked together by the Lich King, Quel'Thalas had become a fish on the cutting board of the Scourge.

Think about it, the magic-smashers who are immune to magic are at the top, the rangers of the Farstriders perform physical remote output, and the Legion of Magisters performs fire bombardment after the two.

What a perfect tactic.

It's a pity that this is simply a military method used by high elves to deceive human friends.

Where are the expensive units of the lawbreaker used to top the front row? These wizard killers are basically the military police used to fight the civil war against the Magister Legion!

Lawbreakers are not only difficult to train, but the anti-magic armor and annihilation shields on their bodies are also expensive to build. The most important point is that the Sunstrider family firmly controls this unit from beginning to end.

However, other nobles tried their best to mix sand into the lawbreaker troops, and a troop of high elves was always performing Infernal Affairs.

Even Anastrian transferred most of the lawbreakers to Quel'Danas in order to lure hidden political enemies to reveal their flaws.

However, the high elves are not silly fools. Knowing that the spellbreakers can't stand the front row, they created an army of arcane golems.

These steel golems with arcane cores as energy sources are much more reliable than spellbreakers.

However, the seemingly invincible arcane golem has a very troublesome problem, that is, it consumes too much energy, so most of the golems in Silvermoon City are in standby mode, and only a few golems are activated to maintain the order of the city.

This obviously gave the Lich King a chance.

Ner'zhul did not need to destroy these arcane golems, and was not interested in seizing control of the golems.

It doesn't even need to corrode the great magister who is responsible for maintaining the golem army, it only needs to control the engineers and high-level mechanics who overhaul the golems.

After all, the more sophisticated the creation, the more fragile it is at the same time.

The loosening of several circuit nodes can make the Arcane Golem lose most of its combat power.

Coupled with the struggle between the Sunstrider King's Court and the Silvermoon City Council, both parties are reluctant to transfer the Farstrider troops back to Silvermoon City.

The seemingly unbreakable Silvermoon City, now only the city defense barrier that connects with the Sunwell can be relied upon.

As Arthas had traveled a long way to reach the mountain road leading to Quel'Thalas, a top-secret message finally arrived at the camp of the Alliance Vanguard.

"Damn it, Carlos has gone to town! How can this be good..."

Magni Bronzebeard is qualified to read top-secret information, but he prefers not to read it.

According to intelligence, two days before the date of signing, the Necropolis of Naxxramas, which had been staying above Lordaeron, lost its track. After detection, the wizards of Dalaran calculated that the floating fortress was facing Move north.

Magni Bronzebeard's first association is that the Lich King has come to trouble the vanguard. Counting the days, this has already happened seven days ago.

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