How long have you not meditated?

In the eyes of others, Carlos has been missing for ten years. But only Carlos himself...perhaps Chromie knew.

Fight, fight, keep fighting.

Carlos has not stopped so far.

Emptying the mind helps to concentrate, and maximize the use of the power of the holy light in the body to assimilate the holy water... a fart.

Soaking in the pool where the belly button can't get wet when you sit down, what else can you do without meditating, you can't get a copy of "Intimate Paradise" to watch.

Feeling the long-lost peace, Carlos's mood gradually returned to peace and tranquility.

In Stratholme, which is still smoky, in Stratholme Cathedral surrounded by evil, and in the sacred sacred pool, Carlos produced a kind of ultimate comfort under the contrast.

Consciousness gradually sinks into the depths of the sea of ​​mind, and the past life flashes like a revolving lantern.

From the innocent and innocent ambition when he was young, to the burden of family, country, race, and even the world.

Carlos's growth experience is a process of assimilation of outsiders.

There are regrets.

There is loss.


Only no regrets.

Carlos lived a real life, a serious life.

He can brazenly show off to everyone-my life has no regrets.

At least for now.

Carlos couldn't help but feel a little proud of this.


An abrupt voice sounded.


This is the deepest part of the sea of ​​my soul, how can there be other sounds?

Carlos was almost so excited that he couldn't keep meditating.

But the voice was so special that Carlos couldn't forget it at all.

Not the Lich King, but the Iron King, the man who claims to be Carlos!

"It's not self-proclaimed, I was Carlos, Barov in another timeline."

Ha, I don't know what I look like in other worlds, I'm still a little curious.

Jaina can become the Lich King, will there be Carlos the Lich King too?

"No. Originally you are unique. There is only one Carlos Barov in all world lines, and that is you. However, after you have received the baptism of the Holy Light and been assimilated by the power of order, you have a limited number. Of several allomorphs."

Oh, it turns out I am so special.

Carlos thought indifferently.

"Then they were all strangled in the cradle by me."

What is this, I killed myself?

"Otherwise you think why I accepted the Bronze Dragon's warrior recruitment order. Except for me, the other Carlos Barov are all you gave up [evil]."

Then what are you.

"I am the past you gave up."


The memory of my earth age?

No, I did not give up this memory.

"No, you gave up, you selectively split and gave up a part of yourself. After you discovered that doctrine could not save Azeroth, you gave up the ideal of Internechonal. And I, this is the share. The embodiment of obsession."

Are you saying that I have turned my back on my ideals?

"No, you are right. Because the world line between me and me is sliding down the abyss, I have used my tragic experience to testify to your correctness."

Carlos was shocked when he said this.

He thought he was just talking to the King of Steel in his memory, similar to a small game like a heart-asking ceremony.

But if it is the king of steel in his own mind that is deductive memory, how can he get information that is impossible to know.

"Yeah, if I simulate the mind from the memory of the time I met you, how could I cross the barrier of the world line to talk to you."


"An extra piece of information is provided to you. You guessed it. Although the management power of the time flow and the world line is in the hands of the bronze dragon king, the foundation of the time flow is the Emerald Dream. And the emerald dream of all world lines is at the top The bottom layer is figured out. This is the back door left by the Titans for the dream guard."

Ah this...

"And I, in despair, found the half of your body left at the bottom of the Emerald Dream."

This fuck...

Carlos knew that he had lost something when he returned to Azeroth through the Emerald Dream, but he didn't expect the news to be so hot.

What's worse is that one's own soul is infinitely inclined to believe this voice.

"You know, you all know, the root of Azeroth's suffering comes from the Pantheon. Mortal struggles are meaningless. But the Pantheon won't accept Azeroth, the polluted planet after Aman'sul falls into silence. Being born in Azeroth is our original sin. I know your idea is to eliminate the opponents on the table and suppress the ancient gods, and then find a living Titan to join the Pantheon camp as a guarantor. The Burning Legion is our enemy , But not the enemy we should deal with. Fighting the infinite Burning Legion with priority Azeroth is a struggle that will inevitably fail."

Carlos really believed that this voice belonged to the King of Steel.

"Don't be surprised, the Chromie you are familiar with visited my world, so I know what you are doing recently."

Oh, that Chromie, that's not surprising.

"It's a beautiful job. No loss is the only me who has hope. Sure enough, destiny still cares for you."

What's the meaning?

"Your method is feasible, and it is the only chance for Azeroth to be saved."

So what do you want to express?

"Since we are looking for a Titan as a guarantor, why not find the most suitable guarantor."


Carlos's first reaction was the mother of life.

"Aman Sur. What is safer than the protection and safety of the father of the gods, and what is more reliable than the promise of the King of Titans."

Carlos doesn't know what to say, is it possible that the King of Steel suggested that he launch a burning expedition to twist the void to find the hell Argus?

"Forget the silly [BEEP] game version, it was made by a group of Yankees. There is no Argus at all. Sargeras has no ability to harm Amansur even in a sneak attack. The king of the gods is destiny itself. "

No, why do you know this? I don’t know the information!

Carlos began to doubt the authenticity of the king of steel.

"The answer is simple. In addition to Chromie, Adal also found me. Astral Mage Medivh sent an intelligence to Naaru."

What information?

"can not say."

Then just say something you can tell me.

"Vylon will come to Azeroth soon."

I know this.

"This is Kil'jaeden's conspiracy. The Exodar spaceship was manipulated by the Burning Legion. When the spaceship falls on Azeroth, the Azeroth barrier will be broken, so everything will be irreparable."

more specific.

"There is only one chance to wake Aman Sur. There are three most critical keys, and now both of them are on you."

Be more specific.

"And I, and some other desperate losers, will help you get the third key."

Don't move yourself, I don't understand what you want to express.

"Don't understand, just follow your will and stick to it. I have already paid the reward. You only need to follow your own path."

Carlos also wanted to ask what the King of Steel was talking about, but a rough voice interrupted his meditation.

"Carlos, it's not good, Naxxramas flew away!"

Magni Bronzebeard walked in fiercely.

"Uh, you won't pee in the holy pool."

Carlos, who had exited the meditation state, looked at Magni with an unpleasant expression, unable to say a word for a long time.

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