Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 803: Will Hell Paratroopers Dream of Rain

The upper ranks often see the corpse position vegetarian meal, because the premise of the corpse position vegetarian meal itself must be "superior."

However, the corpse position vegetarian meal is only a personal choice, a work attitude, and does not reflect the level of ability.

If you want to carry the hope of others, the superior must learn to abandon it.

Since the last meeting with Anastrian, Carlos has given up the idea of ​​protecting Quel'Thalas.

Silvermoon City is too close to Northrend, but it is separated from Alterac by Wanzhong Mountain.

It's too late, and it's not reachable.

The damage caused by the Second Orc War to the Alliance was repaired by humans at the risk of two generations of sacrifices. As a long-lived species, the high elves have only a short span of twenty years.

This is also the reason why Quel'Thalas did not immediately lend a helping hand in a country where he knew that the Scourge was ravaging allies of mankind.

Because the high elves have not recovered from the trauma of the orc war at all.

Twenty years ago, there was just a battle for mankind. Yongsong Forest was burned, and a large number of adult high elves were either slaughtered or graciously killed in battle.

If the female high elves still retain the traditions of the Kaldorei relatives and can stand up to half of the sky, Silvermoon City is afraid it will not be facing the social problem of [the missing generation].

Anastrian's rejection of Carlos's proposal is not only selfish racism.

It's that he can't do it.

When all the high elves feel that Quel'Thalas has fulfilled the obligations of the Alliance, should the Sun King stand up and tell everyone that this is killing you?

Life is not an online game. There are only so many Quel'Dorei elves, and one who dies must wait for a mother to regenerate one.

Quel'Thalas' core appeal to join the Alliance is to protect allies and defend homeland security in harmony.

Even if Carlos has informed Anastrian about the terrible future of the undead natural disaster, the Sun King must give in to public opinion.

This is a helpless choice.

This choice also prompted Carlos to give up his plan to save Quel'Thalas.

Back then, desperately rescuing Silvermoon City like a dog licking thousands of miles away, Carlos didn't mind Alleria mistakenly thinking that she was smashed into the crown and turned into a beauty. But Carlos himself understood that it was because the Alliance needed Quel'Thalas, and the Barov family needed the support of Silvermoon City.

The result is also obvious. Although the high elf spoke upright and said that he didn't need you to save him, his body actually gave Carlos a generous return.

Otherwise, during the ten years of Carlos Alien Trek, how did the Alterac Kingdom still unite with the Barov family under the strong suppression of the old father-in-law?

Rely on cleaning up?

Stop making trouble, the scavengers themselves have to eat and receive wages.

It depends on the foreign trade share allocated by the high elves exclusively to the Barov family.

It is the "heritage" that Kafather acquired from his son's life that he has the money to buy people's hearts and maintain his rule.

This is the real Carlos, talking about friendship and having business in his hands.

Carlos has never been entangled and hesitated outside Stratholme about how to protect the high elves.

Although the relationship with Guy Elsas is good, the military situation is like this right now. Even if he still held the Glory Orc card in his hand, Carlos would not be desperate for the life and death of the high elf as if he had lost his mind.

Especially the trip to Ere'Thalas was so complete. Kul Tiras has successively transferred the high elves to the Eastern Kingdom. Carlos did not desire the magic support of the high elves.

There is only one source of the alliance's Grand Marshal's hesitation-Taiyang Well.

It doesn't matter what Quel'Thalas is like, but the Sunwell can't be lost.

Ner'zhul wanted the Sunwell, and Carlos wanted it too.

Arthas and his Scourge may be able to easily break Silvermoon City, but they may not be able to capture Quel'Danas.

So Carlos still came.

There was only one reason for Carlos' risk. He would destroy everything the Lich King wanted to do, and he would obstruct everything Arthas wanted.

Carlos did not have the ability to prevent hundreds of thousands of undead natural disasters from killing, but he had the ability to block Alsace's door in the Sunwell Heights.

He came, he came, he flew by the wind and the clouds; he came, he came, he came in ragged clothes; he came, he came, the Alliance savior jumped off the ship; he came, he came, eldest brother Happy New Year!

If it weren’t for the Enterprise’s unsustainable disintegration, Carlos’s original intention was to fly directly to Quel’Danas Island and finish the business.

However, the legendary meritorious battleship Enterprise was already scarred and unable to hold on any longer, and being able to fly to Silvermoon City was already a miracle in engineering.

For the research of ultra-high-speed aircraft, the alliance is still too superficial.

In particular, this group of masters still has a bunch of two knives, gang committing crimes for this precious academic "fake" opportunity, and disregarding conscience for the sake of adding a strong stroke to their life history.

Carlos looked at the hull scorched by high-speed friction with the air, at the hull ignited by the arcane core's high output due to the lack of heat insulation equipment, and at the scarred keel that did not conform to aerodynamics at all. The bow of the ship could not be suppressed by the strong wind.

There was peace and tranquility inside.

It’s impossible to decelerate. It’s impossible to decelerate in this life. The brakes have been removed, and the accelerator has been welded to death. Let’s get up!

This gang of idiot mages never considered how to stop the enterprise account!

According to this group of Faye's thoughts, as long as the arcane core works in the opposite direction, it will naturally slow down.

As a result, the Enterprise lost its power source on the front left side. The [Walnut] directly penetrated the hull and swept the night sky with a splendid arcane tail flame, and disappeared into the vast sea of ​​stars.

There was no other way, but I dismantled it and repaired it, and finally unloaded the propeller at the stern to repair the hole. The fixation became a big problem again.

The company, which spins at high speed like a blasted bullet, is a nightmare for all members. Everyone spins and jumps like a cat stuffed into a drum washing machine. I spit my face.

After finally dealing with the problem of the instability of the enterprise number, the inevitable brake problem resurfaced.

"Abandon the ship, except for the captain, the sailor, and Nathanos, everyone else thinks of their own way!"

That's right, think of a solution by yourself!

That's why Carlos didn't play with Magni.

The old dwarf was dead and dead, so small, heavier than Carlos, and really couldn't move it.

On the other hand, the current members of the Enterprise, except for the mage and the paladin, all have the means to independently complete the achievement of [Falling from Height].

As a result, three sets of precious, only, "Ixunsi" brand parachutes that could not be found by the manufacturer and were not certified for safety were handed over to the three of them. Carlos began to shake hands with the crew one by one.

"Although it is short, I am honored to walk with you."

"For the alliance."

"This wonderful experience will eventually be engraved by history. We are all witnesses of the great journey."

"The alliance will last forever."

"Life is endless and the battle is endless, the holy light is on!"

"The same for me!"

Carlos poured chicken soup without conscience and waited for the time to come when the captain of Kul Tiras suddenly began to pull his clothes.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, is that Silvermoon City? It seems like the elves are being beaten!"

The dawn has whitened half of the sky, and the mask of the mountains is still blackened with the color of the earth.

Carlos leaned his head on the side of the ship and took a look.

Good guy, Carlos is a good guy directly.

Silvermoon City is already on fire? !

This is not catching up!

But it's not right. What's densely packed outside the city?

It is the Scourge.

It's not as good as not catching up...

This is the meal to catch up with the undead natural disasters.

Yes, there is no need to abandon the ship. Now that they jumped off the ship, few of this group of wizard paladins could survive.

Must find a way to enter Silvermoon City, the wild is a dead place!

The battle in Silvermoon City is in full swing, and the status of Enterprise is extremely critical.

At this time, a bold idea emerged in Carlos's mind.

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