Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 812 Three Male Elves

The former night elves were also a traditional patrilineal society.

Until that woman changed the times.

She, the queen, Azshara, the light in the light, the object of countless kaldorei dreams.

Since Azshara, women have been reconciled to only half the sky. The queen herself is the biggest affirmative movement of Kaldorei elves.

However, the white moonlight in countless people's dreams turned into a tingling cinnabar mole.

Azshara smuggled with foreign enemies and caused a big explosion in the Well of Eternity.

In the war against the first invasion of the Burning Legion, the Kaldorei elves paid a heavy price, and most of the population was lost, especially the male Kaldorei elves who were the main force in the war.

Why did Tyrande use the Sisters of Elune as the basis for a sentry unit?

There are many reasons. One thing that is undeniable is that the kaldorei elves at the time could not afford to lose more men.

Later, the dragon kings blessed the world tree Nordrassil and bestowed the Kaldorei elves who paid a heavy price for the survival of the world, which greatly alleviated the chronic death of the empire.

But the empire that has no emperor has never recovered from the cataclysm of the sky and the earth.

In order to compensate for the loss of the night elves' power caused by the loss of the Well of Eternity, Isshin specializes in the way of druids, and he has more than enough power to control the entire race.

Tyrande used his own behavior to prove to everyone again and again why women should stay away from politics.

Even if Illidan didn't steal the water from the Well of Eternity, what he did during the war couldn't stand scrutiny. It is difficult to say whether Malfurion imprisoned his brother for personal use to protect his life.

As a high-level elf, Dathremar's identity is his original sin. After the war, the night elves have already talked about the devilish change, and traveling far away may be the best result.

Jarod Shadowsong, an unprepared savior, a coward who is expected by everyone.

After the night elves re-stabilized Silithus' defenses, Dandema left the large group and returned to Erre'Thalas.

Although the prince is dead, and the Syndras who are in charge of the city hope to improve the relationship with their compatriots, Fandral Staghelm is unwilling to mix up these old troubles, and chooses to ignore the matter.

Do not take the initiative, do not oppose, do not speak, or agree.

Of course Dandema did not come to Ere'Thalas to be an "international friend". He asked the polymaths for help and once again opened a portal to Suramar for him.

Dan Dema is going to meet an old friend.

Meet the hero who your wife has a crush on.

Even though thousands of Ten Thousand Years have passed, Dan Dema is still very tired of this matter.

Shandris Feathermoon, Tyrande's adopted daughter, deeply admires Jarod Shadowsong.

But Shandris was only so old back then, she was an ass, and Jarod didn't even see her in her eyes.

Dan Dema feels so too.

Later, Jarod, who should have become the new king of the night elves, ran away, as if the world had evaporated.

But there is no trace of "crime" in the world.

Jarod Shadowsong's sister is Maiev Shadowsong who is best at hunting down the night elves.

Without a bunch of old brothers helping to wipe their ass, Garrod was found and executed by her sister long ago.

In fact, in the thousands of years after leaving without saying goodbye, Jarod wanted to go back to see his old friend several times.

But Maiev has become the leader of the watchmen, and his hatred for his brother is second only to Illidan and Tyrande.

For this reason, Maiev even put Jarod on the bounty list, regardless of life or death, which will take effect forever.

What a grudge...

Dan Dema didn't understand how the two brothers and sisters made this step, but Dan Dema had to admire Jarod, because this buddy and his wife lived on the small island near Suramar.

It was no more than three days away from her sister Maiev Shadowsong’s Lair Watcher Vault.

It is worthy of being the highest military general who has led the night elves.

"Yo, Sarah Hill, long time no see, let your man get out to pick you up."

Dan Dema found the small island where Jarod Shadowsong lived, knocked on the door of his house, and handed two bottles of moon wine as a meeting ceremony to the female night elf holding a kitchen knife, and said silly words.


The female elf did not reach out to accept the visitor's meeting ceremony, but instead looked into the distance with her head, trying to find enemies that might be hidden in the shadows.

"Sarah, come back, if Dan Dema would betray me, I would have been captured by my sister to feed the nightsaber."

Jarod, who was hiding in the secret road, heard that the person was Dan Dema, so he opened the secret door mechanism and got out.

Asking his wife to prepare something delicious, two old people who had lived for more than 10,000 years gave each other a big hug, and then tried to strangle each other with both arms.


"Oh ha ha ha ha!"

Men's friendship is sometimes so stupid and pure.

Why did Jarod Shadowsong choose Sarah Hill, a little-known trainee priestess, as her partner?

What happens at the right time.

What Sarah Hill calmed his restless heart.

What is seeing the right eye.


Dandema didn't know when she first saw Sarah Hill, but when she turned around, he understood.

Sarah Hill looked like Azshara from the back.

This apprentice priestess, who is not outstanding in the night elf society, only needs to spread her long hair and turn her back, with a temperament similar to Queen Azshara.


Dandema was full of resentment when he thought of the young man now.

Those who have truly admired the queen's style, who can forget Azshara's face.

"Why, Shandris quarreled with you again, or Tyrande?"

Jarod shifted his gaze from his wife's back in the kitchen to the old man, just in time to hear Dan Dema's lament, so Eight Trigrams asked.

"Tyrande Whisperwind, I don't want to see her at all. You can imagine [you don't even want to call me your mother-in-law], why did I marry Shandris..."

Dandema amused Jarod by learning Tyrande's accent.

"Who knows, maybe it's because you've been single for a long time, Shandris's girl is so good, and you don't suffer."

Garrod joked.

"Nonsense, I really suffer. I got divorced early. Shandris is good at everything, but I don't learn well. You don't want to learn from anyone. If you have to learn from her adoptive mother, you can't live this day, you know?"

Dan Dema vomited bitterly.

"I thought it was because Shandris couldn't forget her first love, which is my uncle."

"You can pull it down, Laozi can't stand a strong man, just your small body, cut it~~~"

While chatting, the two brothers began to lose their tone, so a light cough came from the kitchen.

When old friends reunite, there is always an endless memory of the past.

After eating up the meat and drunk the wine, Sarah Hill couldn't hold back the two night elves' "heroes" who were drunk crazy, and went to sleep alone.

So, taking advantage of this full moon, the two went to the beach to blow the sea breeze.

"Go ahead, what's the matter."

Jarod Shadowsong did not grind, and asked directly.

Dan Dema didn't say a word, and handed the old brother a memory crystal.


After checking the content of the memory crystal, Jarod Shadowsong showed a look of horror.

"This is impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible. If we don't do something, this is the future."

Dan Dema solemnly told an old friend that disaster was coming again, and the big guy was running out of time.

"So what do you want me to do?"

Jarod was a little guilty.

Dan Dema took out the dagger in his boots and handed it to Jarod.

"Don't you always want to go back, here you are."

Jarod didn't understand what Dandema wanted to do.

When serving in the Black Rook Castle, Dan Demafei had so much energy to win this flashing dagger from his own hands. What did he want to do?

"I'm going to see Illidan, you have to help me."

Dan Dema said.

"Ilidan escaped from prison?"

Jarod's face was unbelievable.

"Galod, I’m serious. If we don’t do anything, all the people we love, those who love us, will die because of disaster. That idiot Illidan didn’t deal with me back then, I can’t handle it alone, you You have to help me."

Dan Dema asked again with a serious expression.

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