Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 819 Isolate That Honest Person

The more you indulge in the brilliance of the sunwell, the more you will find that the high elves have their limits.

So Sora Starbreaker ran away.

Without any witness reports, this ghost-like woman stole a ship from under the eyes of the ghost's good friend Ji and disappeared into Quel'Danas.

The reason why she knew that Sola had stolen the ship was because the sisters took the initiative to leave a "criminal certificate" with the port authority.

Kel'Thuzad retreated decisively, until Kalecgos suspected that the Lich was the work of the Alliance's invasion of the Scourge, or that Carlos was a high-level lurker sent by the Lich King to the Alliance.

But Kalecgos did not dare to ask, nor did he dare to speak.

In the Sunwell Heights, before and after the resurrection of Kel'Thuzad, there were many doubts.

Kalecgos didn't believe that what he pretended to be dead could be concealed from the big humans present.

But if they didn't care, it proved that they really didn't mind Kalecgos knowing.

After all, to be a dragon, the most important thing is to have self-knowledge.

Blue Dragon King Malygos can look down on humans, but Kalecgos does not have such strength and confidence.

So Carre has been waiting for Carlos to talk to him about the hush fee.

However, Carlos didn't wait for Carlos's invitation to talk until the high elven defenders of Quel'Danas counterattacked Silvermoon City.

This matter is very stiff.

To be reasonable, Kalecgos took over the task assigned by the Blue Dragonflight to come to Quel'Danas to supervise the high elves to properly use the power of the Sunwell.

But do the high elves need to be responsible to the Blue Dragonflight?

Give Malygos a face.

Kalecgos had a very good life before the outbreak of the Undead Scourge, almost as if he were traveling at public expense.

So if the high elves want to counterattack Silvermoon City, Kalecgos needs no effort.

It is morally necessary, but not to blame.

Because Kalecgos was here to stare at the Sunwell.

After Kel'Thuzad used the magical power of the Sunwell to resurrect as a Lich, he contaminated the magical power of the Sunwell.

Therefore, Kalecgos's handling of the pollution of the solar well is the first priority, and it is serious work.

But leaving without saying goodbye, the little blue dragon was really afraid that Carlos would suddenly cut him with a knife.

Well, the mountain does not welcome me Jiraiya.

After Sylvanas had screened the remaining personnel, the remaining troops boarded the ship decisively, preparing to return to Silvermoon City, Carlos also leaned forward.

As a result, just before the fleet set off, Kalecgos stopped Carlos, hoping to talk.

"Just do what you should do."

Carlos who said that suddenly felt that it was quite comfortable for others to say.

Kalecgos's concerns are the inevitable result of information asymmetry.

But Carlos was not sure whether Blue Dragon King Malygos should be counted as a potential ally, and simply ignored the others.

Regarding what happened in the Sunwell, it didn't really matter whether Kalecgos opened his big mouth or not.

So, sending Lord Carley ashore, Carlos rubbed Sylvanas' ship and returned to Silvermoon City.

The undead's natural disaster walked very decisively.

Because the coalition forces are fighting very resolutely in the south.

It's really an inch of mountain and river and an inch of blood, either from the living or the dead.

When the undead natural disaster broke out, the offensive was like a wave.

But when the alliance completes its integration, it has great stamina.

As the battle to purge the Hearthglen area comes to an end, this war between the living and the dead has also entered a stalemate from the moment of human subjugation and extinction.

Carlos survived the most difficult stage after all.

Although Uther is working hard...

Although the Kingdom of Lordaeron was subjugated, the talents left behind were really useful.

Garithus is a pure soldier, resolutely carrying out the high-level orders while the Alliance military is still alive.

He is a great guy.

Uther, this old thing is really a general, and the more than 100,000 troops of Andorhal have been arbitrarily arranged properly.

That is, Comrade Lightbringer can steadily suppress the hidden thorns of Alessandro Mograine and Tirion Fording.

From the perspective of overall strategy, it is only a matter of time before mankind regains lost ground.

At this time, the millions of people that Carlos worked so hard to save began to show their power.

Because of the war, the prestigious coalition re-established and said to move refugees to the north of Andorhal, that is to move.

Who dares to disapprove, who dares to jump out to oppose.

Facing the alliance that had gradually fallen apart since the Second Orc War and united again because of the war, Kel'Thuzad had to deal with it with all his strength.

Therefore, after the Lich took over the military command of Lordaeron's millions of undead, the first thing was to contract strategically.

Quel'Thalas was out of oil and water, and left without any problems.

After replenishing a large number of the corpses of the high elves, Arthas finally replenished the forces consumed.

There are about half a million people in the Scourge in the Eastern Plaguelands.

But Kel'Thuzad didn't have the heart to get stuck here playing a game of exchange with Carlos.

Because it has to go to work on summoning Archimonde.

Therefore, using Naxxramas, a floating fortress with amazing capacity, to quickly transfer troops, Kel'Thuzad chose the strategic idea of ​​moving westward and retreating eastward.

Re-strengthen the deployment of troops in Lordaeron and the surrounding area, relinquish most of the occupied land control of the Eastern Plaguelands and replace it with the scorched soil that is polluted by the plague.

This comes and goes.

The vanguard was put on the fire again.

If Guy Elsas hadn't come in time, Tirion Fording would have almost overturned.

After all, no matter how fierce the old Fording is, no matter how sharp the vanguard is, he will have to blow his head against the undead army that retreats.

But Kel'Thuzad was really out of luck, and the opportunity to hit the league's elite had slipped through the bones of his hand.

Because Guy Elsas, who traveled day and night, led all the high elves he could call ashore along the Whitewater River.

After tens of kilometers away, he competed for his magic skills. With the help of a group of magisters and great magisters, Guy Elsas smashed a demigod lich, adding a rich touch to his life history. .

Kel'Thuzad was not a bone frame that could not afford to lose. After re-arranging Stratholme's defense line, he rode on Naxxramas and left without being consumed by the human army at all.

In this situation, Guy El'thas bid farewell to Magni Bronzebeard and Tirion Fording, and returned to the devastated Quel'Thalas against the encirclement of the undead army.

By the time the high elf prince returned to Silvermoon City, Sylvanas had already "captured" the city for nine days.

One word, miserable.

Before the war, Quel'Thalas had a population of over 800,000.

After regaining Silvermoon City, count the high elves brought back by Guy Irsas, count the fifty thousand people who “transferred away” Carlos, plus the residents of the Eversong Forest who escaped from the undead natural disasters, plus the silver Survivor of Moon City.

All high elves add up to no more than one hundred thousand people.

It's not considered subjugation and extinction, but it's not far away.

What is Carlos doing?

In the enjoyment.

After decisively withdrawing troops from Kel'Thuzad, Carlos knew that Guy Elsas had no choice at all.

His father, Anastrian, chose to stand on the sidelines of human allies in order to protect his people.

So Guy El'thas still wants the continuation of Quel'Thalas, that is, he must serve the alliance wholeheartedly.

So Carlos didn't mean anything polite to Sylvanas.

Feeling comfortable enjoying the super VIP treatment, although he didn't know what Hadulun Mingyi was dissatisfied with, although he still couldn't distinguish the appearance of the maid around him, Carlos had a very happy life.

Do not misunderstand.

Carlos is definitely not happy because of the colorful nightlife, but because of the wealth of Silvermoon City.

Silvermoon City, which had been scraped once by Kel'Thuzad, still had so many inventory materials.

Especially high-end magic materials.

It really made Carlos happy.

The thing that made Carlos happy was that Bi Luohua, who had survived this catastrophe, handed Carlos an encrypted communication from Dalaran.

Gene Greymane sent out an invitation through some channels and wanted to talk to Carlos.

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