Looking forward to my dream when I left, I was full of wind and frost when I returned home.

Garrosh lay alone on Elemental Heights, with a blade of grass in his mouth, and squinted at the sky.

Taken away from his grandmother by Thrall, he joined the army of Northern Expedition Northrend with the relief of his father, rose from the fission of the earth, and finally took control of the tribe.

Garrosh was over.

Indulge in the glory of the orthodox tribe, step by step to the point where the people betrayed their relatives.

Garrosh resented.

Then the King of Steel found him and asked him if he wanted to do it again.


It's not me who is wrong, it's the world! ! !

Although Garrosh didn't say so, he thought so.

The seven-year imprisonment did not consume his will, but strengthened the tribal chief's heart for revenge.

To this end, he does not hesitate to cooperate with the world's most wanted criminal steel king.


Then Garrosh understood what vision determines realm.

The King of Steel feared by the entire Azeroth, the man cursed by all camp leaders as a crazy careerist, is actually a great good man who saves the world wholeheartedly?

Garrosh felt that he had found a big joke while helping the King of Steel conquer Otherworld.

In a place invisible to the Alliance and Horde, the Iron King beheaded one enemy after another who was full of malice towards Azeroth.

Amidst evil talk and encirclement and hostility, the Iron King sucked flesh and blood from Otherworld to repair the wounds of Azeroth.

But all is just in vain.

Even if Garrosh is "not good at thinking", he can see that the King of Steel is targeted by the "world".

His failure is destined to happen in the not-too-distant future.

Because what he wants to save is those who oppose him.

Therefore, Garrosh is not surprised that the King of Steel is desperate to abandon all his foundations for this expedition.

Completely withdraw from Azeroth, and then gather two forces that have been conquered to the world. This powerful but ineffective army naturally suppressed the broken half of Draenor.

I can only say that the feeling of going home is not so good.

Garrosh didn't understand any space-time refutations, and didn't care why his grandmother had a young self beside him.

But seeing the young "Garrosh" trying to use force to obtain affirmation from Gaia's grandmother, Garrosh suddenly became furious and rushed out with a set of military punches to beat his "young body" into a coma.

The Mag'har orcs who watched the excitement were suspicious and hostile towards the Iron King, and they took out their weapons and surrounded them. However, Grandmother Gaia stopped them and hoped to talk to the Iron King's messenger alone.

When Garrosh was thinking about how to talk nonsense with his old grandmother, Gaia's grandmother pierced his defense with just one sentence.

"Garrosh, is that you."

The emotional breakdown caught him off guard.

When Garrosh recovered, he was already on his knees, hugging his grandmother's waist and crying as a fool.

Grandmother Gaia didn't need to ask a word, but looked at the "old" grandson quietly.

The long years have changed Garrosh's appearance, and his tan skin has become pale under the erosion of the years.

At this time, Garrosh simply looked at his appearance, and was older than Gaia's grandmother.

But in front of his relatives, he is still the child who longs for love.

So it was relieved in an instant.

"Carlos, must that kid go to Azeroth?"

"The Mag'har orcs can stay, for the sake of your many years of merit. But Azeroth must have a Garrosh, you understand."

The Iron King agreed to his subordinate Admiral's request. The Mag'har tribe of Grandmother Gaia could not be driven out, but "Garrosh" must leave Draenor and complete his due course of fate.

"I'll go, okay."

After a long silence, the steel king nodded.

"I will prepare the magic for you to change your appearance."

Ner'zhul's final madness shredded the earth of Draenor and killed the elemental spirits on this planet.

After taking the potion prepared by the Iron King, Garrosh took off his armor and went to the Elemental Heights.

According to the King of Steel, the elemental highlands in Nagrand are the last elemental gathering places in the broken Draenor.

He just needs to wait quietly for being struck by lightning.

Garrosh has not been hit by lightning magic, but lying on the ground waiting for the lightning strike is still a novel and boring experience.

In this way, after roasting three tabu lambs, Garrosh finally fell asleep.

Then, a whole tingling sensation came, followed by a booming sound.

Garrosh was stunned for a long time before realizing that he had been struck by lightning.

The old appearance was renewed under the magical effect of magic, and when he looked down at a small puddle, Garrosh found that his appearance seemed to have returned to his youth.

Only the vigorous power in the body and the skills left over from years of battle remain unchanged.

Immature appearance, old eyes.

This is the commander of the Iron Army at this time, Garrosh Hellscream.

With a blade of grass in his mouth, he slumbers with his eyes closed.

Garrosh didn't know why he made such a choice.

He has all power, status, and strength.

Haven't you decided to take revenge on all the guys who betrayed him and hurt him?

Hasn't it been decided to recast the glory of the orthodox tribe?

Hasn't it been decided?

Why would I take the place of the "stupid boy" who doesn't know anything to wade in the muddy water.

Garrosh didn't understand.

Or he didn't want to understand.

In fact, Garrosh understood.

It can even be said to be eager to try.

He, Garrosh, is the same age as Guyle.

Perhaps Güell is a year and two years older than himself.

But everyone regarded Garrosh as Thrall's junior.

What Garrosh longed for in his heart, which he did not dare to admit, was precisely Thrall's approval.

No one knows how much Garrosh's heart hurts when Guyle appeared in Orgrimmar and appeared in the enemy camp.

It was you who gave me the tribe, you asked me to do what I wanted, and it was you who made me like this.

I did what you said, but you told me that all this is a mistake!

Garrosh didn't dare to continue thinking, he didn't want to think about everything clearly, whether he was for the sake of Gaia's grandmother, or for the deepest unwillingness in his heart.

Anyway, he had already decided to go to Azeroth again.

"Garrosh, you really are here!"

An immature voice shouted loudly.

Here comes Nazgrin, a sheep-herding baby.

For a moment, Garrosh was stunned.

This orc who went to Azeroth with him, like himself, grew from a small soldier to a general step by step, then obeyed his orders, and finally died in Orgrimmar.

The past is like a cloud of smoke, and suddenly it reappears in front of you.

Garrosh suddenly didn't know what to say.

Hi, friend, long time no see?

"Don't be lazy, Grandma Gaia summoned everyone, the steel king sent someone to summon everyone, hurry back with me."

Thousands of words finally converged into one word.


In the past, Garrosh always talked endlessly, and Nazgrin listened silently.

This time, it's the other way around.

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