Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 834: Things Bright Won't Tell You

Man's mouth~~~

Liar ghost~~~~~~

When you say this, your voice must be frivolous, and the ending must be stretched until you believe it.

This way others will think that you are too exaggerated and do not seem to be true.

This is probably what the so-called soldiers do not tire of deceit.

Alterac City’s location is actually very nonsense.

The plateau is snowy, with cliffs on both sides, a long steep slope with no traffic on the other, and only a good walkway to the east, a typical Jedi.

The military can't keep the Quartet's main points, the economy can't gather all kinds of financial resources, and every political meeting has to go for a month.

What are the advantages besides being easy to defend and difficult to attack?


When the war came, it was really ugly.

When Kel'Thuzad danglingly drove the Naxxramas flying necropolis to climb the Alterac Plateau to reproduce the classic tactics of the Scourge to capture Lordaeron, he couldn't help but cursed.

"Is the Barov family all persecuted delusions?"

Cauldron, cliffs on both sides of your capital, what is this called, natural danger!

Shouldn't you be negligent on defense and be climbed up and down every three times.

What is this self-loading six-continuous gurney crossbow, what is this anti-aircraft artillery with delayed fuze, what is this flying arcane booby mine?

Go and go, you are dead on the cliffs, and there are no extra gargoyles in the Scourge family to send warmth. Try it from the steep slope that merges with the Alterac Mountains.

As a result, I almost exploded the magic furnace that Naxxramas had renovated for less than a year.

The goddamned Alterac military has inherited the fine tradition of royal murderous paranoia, and built a complete underground transportation fortification on this side, so that when Alterac is blocked, it can be seen from this seemingly dangerous steep slope. Make a strategic turn to escape.

As a result, when Naxxramas lowered the height of a mountain pass in order to avoid crosswinds in the valley, artillery covered with camouflage nets attacked the chassis.

Although the defenders were completely wiped out, it caused an overload of the magic transmission pipeline.

All this gave Alterac City another day of reaction time.

So when Kel'Thuzad tried to ride the fortress again, he couldn't laugh.

It is true that Alterac's permanent fortifications in this direction are not as maddening as the two cliff positions, but this is not because the Barovs don't want it, but because it is unnecessary.

More than six groups of Griffin Riders and more than five hundred rotary-wing combat aircraft confront the enemy head-on.

Covered by the persistent white snow of the Alterac Mountains, is the Alliance Air Force Base.

Lich is also angry, and the temporary retreat is for long-term progress.

If you want to fight, Kel'Thuzad will fight with you.

Think that a demigod lich is driving the war fortress that destroyed the kingdom of Lordaeron to bring laughter to the Alterac people?

But it’s because the ground troops have too many

After continuous maintenance and upgrading, coupled with Kel'Thuzad's magical control, Naxxramas was now fully packed with more than 50,000 natural disaster troops.

This is the fundamental reason why Kel'Thuzad dared to ride Alterac City directly on the fortress.

This is why Kel'Thuzad must have a landing field.

As long as grab a landing field around Alterac City, the preparations for the project can be completed in half a day.

With the guidance of the Lich King, the use of the Undead Scourge on the floating fortress is the first in Azeroth.

However, Naxxramas had such a large internal space, full of 50,000 ground units, and the Air Force naturally carried less.

In particular, the manufacturing process of the gargoyle is too complicated for the Summoning master to pull the skeleton shelf from the cemetery.

With the continuous development of the war, the command of the undead and natural disasters has also discovered a serious problem of lack of mobility. The tactics have also evolved from the initial simple Skeleton Sea to the current Heaven and Earth Twin Ghosts plus abomination catapult reloading propulsion flow.

It is not only the alliance that is being strengthened, the undead natural disasters are also evolving during the war.

Therefore, the result of this air battle will directly affect the survival of Alterac City.

Once the Alliance Air Force could not stop the gargoyles sprinkled by Naxxramas, then Kel'Thuzad would not talk about the past feelings with his good uncle Alex Barov.

For the first time, the victory or defeat of an air battle will determine the survival of a city.

However, the reality is cruel. The number of gargoyles is scarce. It only targets the 50,000 ground units in Naxxramas. The group of gargoyles with more than 3,000 gargoyles roars. Even if they are brave and fearless, the Griffin Riders can’t help it. The scalp is numb.

Fortunately, there is ground fire support.

Although not as frantic as the other two walls, the most basic air defense is still there.

Relying on the support of the mages, the Alliance Air Force and the gargoyle, which are absolutely inferior in number, are fighting in the sky.

"No, we have too few anti-aircraft artillery, and the latest full-firing angle bed crossbow is not enough. We have firepower but we can't hit the enemy.

The officers guarding the city wall said helplessly.

After all, for the past few hundred years, the sky was just an amusement park for a few powerful people.

Although the Alliance has begun to study the iteration of air defense capabilities since the city of Lordaeron was destroyed, it is a pity that time is not waiting.

For a sturdy floating fortress like Naxxramas, the traditional air defense methods are pale and weak, and the huge crossbow arrows that can penetrate the griffon with one arrow can only break through the fortress wall.

Large-caliber artillery can threaten Naxxramas, but the firing angle, charge, and transportation transfer are another problem.

In the final analysis, there is only another sky platform that can fight against the floating fortress.

The brave dwarf knights and dwarf pilots continued to shed blood in the sky. In this air battle, the alliance was basically lost, but their sacrifices were not in vain.

"The preheating of the magic furnace is complete."

"The value of the pressure valve is normal."

"The pipeline has no obvious signs of damage."

"The ammunition stock check is correct."

"The crew count is complete."

"Sky battleship "Enterprise" is ready to take off!"

"Sky battleship "Dawn" is ready to take off!"

"Sky battleship "Glory" is ready to take off!"

Don't ask how the figure king got these toy money from the military expenses.

In fact, after the First Generation "Enterprise" blocked the gate hole of Silvermoon City with the ship's butt, Carlos immediately contacted the country and asked for the immediate development of the Second Generation aerospace battleship.

The excuse is ready, if you do not occupy the sky, the Scourge will occupy it.

On another azure blue planet, the development of spacecraft is limited by the lack of power, and the myth of Ma Da Fei Brick is born.

However, Azeroth is different.

Motivation has never been the heart disease of the aerospace industry, it is poverty.

If according to the price of Lordaeron before the destruction, the cost of each aerospace battleship is enough to arm a cavalry force of 100,000.

The kind of a full set of armor and weapons with people and horses.

One word, expensive!

But at the moment when the undead is raging, gold coins are still gold coins, and gold coins are just gold coins.

Carlos, who controls the power of the alliance, does not even need to personally initiate an authorization statement to the high-level council. Only by issuing a material call letter, three new ships with a gross tonnage of 17,000 tons can be produced in two months.

Among them are the hard work of the First Generation Pathfinders who went to Silvermoon City together, as well as the resentment of Magni Bronzebeard.

Of course, there is also the selfless technical support of Quel'Thalas.

And, what the light won't tell Kel'Thuzad - Carlos's new toy uses the Shadow Magic Furnace!

To put it more bluntly, Carlos got the abandoned power furnace replaced by Naxxramas and directly reproduced the technology of the Undead Scourge.

When the three air-to-sky battleships lifted off, Kel'Thuzad immediately sensed three strong shadow power bursts.

The long warm-up time of the magic furnace has been won by the alliance's air force with flesh and blood.

Although compared with Naxxramas, which started at least 300,000 tons, the three Alliance warships are still insignificant.

But at a high level, humans no longer need to continue to look up at the undead.

Amid the violent roar of artillery.

This air battle entered the second phase and continued.

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