The superior forces must be concentrated for strategic decisive battles, the superior firepower must be concentrated for washing the ground, and every minute must be raced against time.

Forward, forward, forward, the target is only Lordaeron.

In the original plan, the alliance’s 500,000 main force would be divided into 300,000 for the Western Front and 200,000 for the Eastern Front to conduct a three-line general offensive.

Uther led about 100,000 people to use the advantage of terrain to involve about 600,000 undead troops in Stratholme, and 70,000 people led by Alessandro Mograine launched a countermeasure against the undead west of the barrier. In the charge, Tirofuddin took over the guarding mission of the barrier gate, and commanded the remaining 30,000 Eastern Front as a reserve team to fight the fire.

On the eastern front line, the Lordaeron Legion of Garithos was the main force, and it strengthened to 200,000 people to launch a strong offensive from Silverpine Mountain Road. Carlos personally led 100,000 people across Lake Lordamere to land on the beach, opening up the fourth battlefield. .

There are about 70,000 scattered troops remaining in charge of suppressing possible sporadic raids by undead natural disasters within sight.

However, after high-intensity brain calculations, Carlos rejected the original plan.

It seems to be stable, but in fact it is incapable. If you use this combat plan, no matter whether the east line or the west line or the barrier pass, it will not produce results.

Because the power is too scattered.

Time is on the human side. As far as the current situation is, even if the front is deadlocked, the undead will not be able to attack the Silver Pine Mountain Road as long as the undead can not penetrate the barriers. When Stormwind City participates in the battle or the night elves support, humans will win.

But human beings are human beings, and alliances are alliances. The victory of alliances is naturally the victory of mankind, but the victory of mankind is not necessarily the victory of alliance.

Carlos knows very well that the alliance has only one battle.

This battle plan is too conservative.

If you stick to Yinsongshan Road and the barrier pass, 100,000 people will be enough, and 400,000 people will be allocated to clear the Stratholme area, this battle will be won.

Can it be overwhelming? The quantity is almost one to one. What is the comparison between bone racks and tin cans?

But no, the recovery of Stratholme will not solve the problem. There is only one problem, Lordaeron City.

So Carlos revised the battle plan, and Garithus must be given absolute superiority.

Uther’s troops drew 20,000 moves, completely abandoning the possibility of entering the Kansai area, changing from the main attack direction all the way to a feign attack, and drew 10,000 moves, and the Eastern Front’s reserve team also took 10,000, and that’s it. Forty thousand main battle troops are divided into wealth.

The troops that landed on the beach were also cut in half. Carlos himself made the bait, and he changed from cross-sea operations to strategic fraud, and an extra 50,000 troops were added.

The repressive force responsible for maintaining stability also drew 10,000 to make a round of 100,000.

This is the true meaning of the 100,000 troops assembled in Alterac City.

Not a follow-up corps to follow up, but a strengthening corps that went to the Western Front to strengthen the Garithus Department.

What the Undead Scourge detected through various means was only the initial version, and the version of Carlos's magic change was only known to less than 20 people in the entire alliance.

And these people are all high-level paladins, and they communicate with Carlos through the blind light communication, and the reliability is MAX.

It was precisely because the forces of the Eastern Front were squeezed too hard that Uther was besieged. Theoretically, the 200,000 army could not squeeze out manpower to rescue.

Is the plan to give up?

How could it be possible, let alone Carlos disagree, and Uther, who was under siege, disagreed.

What is the Eastern Front for?

It was used to contain the elite of the undead left behind by Arthas.

Elite vs. Elite, finally blocked a large group of undead in the mountain, and there is no attack at this time, waiting for bedwetting?

Sixty thousand people, the elite of the elite, are still building fortifications. Before they are exhausted, the undead can't eat even if they are surrounded by them.

This is the fundamental reason why Uther dared to issue a military order and he would be able to hold on for ten days.

Kel'Thuzad's strategy is convincing, and the unconstrained way of Tibetan soldiers is convincing, but the choice of location is the fairness of nature.

If Uther wanted to block the undead in the mountains, he would naturally choose the mountain pass. Although he was cut off by more than one hundred thousand undead buried in the soil, the undead could only be flanked back and forth. The 60,000 people in the alliance only needed two faces. enemy.

There is a big difference between facing the enemy and ambushing on all sides.

Surrounded by plain terrain, the camp of 60,000 people is surrounded by defensive loopholes. As long as the undead’s natural disasters rush, the alliance will become a small battle group with thousands of people and hundreds of people. The undead are divided and wiped out.

But the mountains are different. As long as Uther does not leave, he camps on the spot, and the wood and stone are readily available. If the camp is firmly established, the natural disasters can only play the game of exchange with the alliance.

Even as long as there is a fresh force to tear a hole from the periphery, the Uther Department can retreat calmly.

Uther thought about it, so in the letter the messenger brought to Carlos, the three words in blood red, head north! To the north! To the north!

Carlos also thought about it. At this time, Uther was not the one who had restrained the most powerful undead natural disaster in Stratholme. He would not attack at this time, but when would he wait?

Preparations for war can never be perfect, offense is the best defense! ! !

The Silver Pine Mountain Road was opened to accommodate no less than 300,000 Union soldiers.

If you want to break through the sea of ​​undead like a tsunami, you can only run over it with iron and blood.

To this end, Carlos secretly transferred productivity four months ago to refit a batch of armored and strengthened self-explosive tanks, model code: Father.

Garithos didn't know how he could do it. He had obtained such trust from Carlos and arranged himself to act as the main offensive commander.

It wasn't until the moment before the attack that he learned the complete combat plan and realized that he had changed from a secondary attack direction to a main attack direction.

Fear, some.

Excited, some.

Under the mixed thoughts, there is a heroic daring to call the sun and the moon change the sky.

Just as Carlos led his troops to board the ship, Mograine wiped the Ashbringer all night. This night when Uther was fighting bloody battles, Garithus also suffered from insomnia.

At dawn, Alessandro rushed out of the barrier first, and Carlos and Dalin’s Inner Lake Fleet landed on the shore of the dead.

And Garithus, watching the steamy steel father run over the bone soldiers, crush the ghouls, and burst into thousands of fragments that reap the will of the dead under the obstruction of the abomination and death knights.

It’s really clean, it’s totally unlike ordinary steam tanks that can only serve as a bunker for follow-up troops after they are scrapped.

Watching the heroic pilot give up his life for more lives, there is only one thing Garithos can do, don't let the sacrifice of the martyrs go in vain.

The offensive of the Undead Scourge can be non-stop day and night, and so can the Alliance!

With an army of 300,000, Garithus has no ability to command in an all-round way. He has only one role, supervising each legion to attack in the order established by the plan.

Attack, attack, and attack again, completely breaking the blockade of the Undead Scourge on Silver Pine Mountain Road, thoroughly eliminating the undead Scourge in front of you, and attacking the city of Lordaeron with the 80,000 Lordaeron Legion as the core of the assault.

"It is incumbent upon us to restore our homeland, and the glory of Lordaeron will be guarded by me!"

One hour after sunrise, the alliance air force that came to the special field completed the assembly, and the war on the western front was in full swing.

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