Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 88 Guy Erdalon Teddy Bear

After a short period of dormancy, the Horde attacked across the board and competed with the Alliance for the golden and precious grains in the farmland.

On the scene on the southern front of the Hillblad Theater, a hundred-man battle has never ceased.

The five-hundred guards fought for three consecutive days and four nights, leaving Carlos exhausted. With about two hours before dawn, Carlos who insisted on vigil was replaced by Dan Dema, leaning against a hollowed tree trunk and fell asleep almost instantly.

"In the empty hall, holding my pencil in hand.

I outlined my memories, and what I wrote was not a sigh.

In the court where I tried, I spoke hoarsely.

There is madness between the lines, revealing my ambition.

The crowded city echoes my voice.

Inciting fanatical hearts, breaking the crystal of night.

The iron hoof always moves forward, even if there are thousands of enemies ahead.

Faith will never change, chant the poems.

Vow to extend the empire for Ten Thousand Years!

I am justice, and I will never pity the enemy who died under the sword.

The baptism of blood has become a steel-like military discipline.

I made a resolution and would never give up even if the war was ignited.

In order to defeat you, my eternal enemy, Tribe Chicken!

Lordaeron under the sword, flying the Alterac battle flag everywhere.

In Alvin's night sky, the Griffin fighter flew over.

After the peace treaty is signed, will the war be over?

The Alliance army has taken another step to make those who underestimate the enemy pay the price.

The eagles roared, and our army was on the offensive.

The smell of gunpowder, Shinigami's cleansing, wailing everywhere I go.

I am justice, and I will never pity the enemy who died under the sword.

The baptism of blood has become a steel-like military discipline.

I made a resolution and would never give up even if the war was ignited.

In order to defeat you, my forever enemy Terenas!

Alterac's snowflakes, which kept falling, were punishments given by the Moon God.

The exaggeration of the front line, I can't perceive the bewildered.

The horses of the knights fell one after another, their blood stained into landscape paintings.

Flocks of crows pushed me down the cliff mercilessly.

Broken glass, ruined walls, sorrowful battlefield,

Waiting for the dawn, a miracle like Thoradin the Great.

There are corpses all over the floor, life and death parting, it seems that these are meaningless.

The final battle, holding the weapon tightly, I secretly cry.

Menethil's trial ended my life.

It is the sinner or the hero who left the question for all ages. "

In a dream, Carlos walked through his life like a god with singing.

In the dream, Carlos overthrew the incompetent Alterac Pirynold regime, led the alliance step by step to victory, and slaughtered the orcs to all.

In the dream, Carlos, as the hero of the alliance, leads the Kingdom of Alterant, and his national power is flourishing.

In his dream, Carlos discovered that the Alterac Kingdom had been surrounded by the Anti-Austrian Alliance of Lordaeron unknowingly.

In the dream, Carlos colluded with the remaining orcs and Wildhammer dwarves to launch a blitz battle against the Kingdom of Lordaeron led by Terenas.

In the dream, the new alliance led by Carlos is pressing on Uber in the early stage, and another empire of mankind is rising.

In the dream, Carlos was deceived, the generals concealed their military information, and the Alterac kingdom fell into desperation amidst cheers.

In the dream, Carlos was defeated, the Barov family was purged, and Terenas initiated a hoarse trial in the court of the old alliance.

In the dream, Carlos used a nail that his subordinates desperately sent to the cell to end his life.

"General, general, wake up, it's time to eat breakfast." Ymir brought a bowl of dry noodles soaked in cold water. In places where the enemy's situation was unknown, the alliance warriors did not dare to make a fire and could only eat some dry food.

Carlos woke up, the first reaction was to draw his sword. After discovering that it was Ymir, his tight body relaxed.

"How long have I slept." Feeling cool on his face, Carlos took off his chain gloves and wiped his face.

Some small particles are tears.

Seeing Carlos taking the simple wooden bowl, Ymir said: "It's less than three hours. General, why are you crying in your dream?"

"Dreaming about the brothers who died in battle, maybe there was too much written in the death notice recently."

The hypocrisy of the nobles has penetrated into his bones, and Carlos opens his mouth to tell lies that are beneficial to him, without having to think through his brain.

"General, please don't be sad, you have done well enough." Ymir picked up the iron glove that Carlos threw on the ground, kissed the back of the glove, and placed it in a position where Carlos was holding it.

"It's not good enough, you should take a break, the battle has just begun." Carlos finished his food after two bites.

"Yes, General." Ymir retracted the wooden bowl, wiped it briefly, stuffed it into his suitcase, and then found a reliable stone to sit and rest not far from Carlos.

With the second troop increase across the sea, the intensity of the war gradually escalated.

Terenas returned to Lordaeron to coordinate military supplies; Gene Greymane returned to Silverpine Forest to prepare for defense, to guard against the possibility of the tribe going north or the orcs landing across the sea to open up the second battlefield; Aiden Perinold Defend the Tarren Mill Road and guard against the orcs from breaking through the Hillbrad War Zone from the mountains.

The only good news for Carlos in the near future is that the high lord of Stromgarde Solas Bertone has replaced the commander of the Saldo Bridge guard unit, and Biglas Bertone has been transferred to organize the Wall of Thoradin. Defense work.

With Uncle Biglas defending Thoradin's Wall, he doesn't need to worry about the back path.

After the orcs discovered that the tribe had an overwhelming advantage in individual combat effectiveness, they decisively changed their tactics, and a large number of small teams with a size of hundreds of people scattered in all directions to compete with the alliance for food.

Large-scale battles are invisible, but the alliance has shed more blood. Countless tragic fights have taken place throughout the Hillbrad Hills. Every second, there are soldiers of the alliance who sacrificed.

Sixty thousand to eighty thousand. As a member of the human high-level, Carlos got the comparison of the forces between the two sides calculated by Lothar's staff.

It seems that humans have a total of 20,000 more troops than the tribes, but when reminiscent of the chilling combat power comparison, Carlos has a cold sweat behind him, and he didn't dare to share this data with anyone.

It is the busy farming season, and the recruits for the second conscription want to complete the most basic training, at least three months later. These three months are an awful winter for the Alliance.

As one of the main grain producing areas, the poor harvest or even no harvest in the Hillbrad region this year has become an ironclad fact. If the orcs are allowed to break through the Thoradin’s Wall, the originally slightly barren Arathi Highlands or the northern silver pine forest will be harmed. The alliance will starve itself to death.

This is forcing the Alliance to engage in a bloodletting battle with the Horde at the weakest moment.

"General, to the northwest, a small group of orcs was found resting in an abandoned village. The number of visually estimated numbers is less than two hundred." Brother Bale won the rank of Ensign issued by the Alliance in the last military achievement commendation, and now he is also calling Carlos a general. .

"Composition of soldiers." Carlos took two deep breaths, sober.

"A few wolf cavalry, and ogres." Brother Bale replied.

"Ymir, gather the troops and set off in fifteen minutes!" Carlos slowly got up and began to move his body.

The incorrect sleeping posture caused Carlos to make a creaking sound as he moved his bones.

Carlos felt that he needed a hearty battle to wake his sleeping body.

PS: Recommending the song "Berlin Teddy Bear" to everyone, such a cry from the soul, it is classified as a funny work, it is really unfair.

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