As an amphibious humanoid creature, the murloc's iconic wow wow wow wow grum sound actually sounds very loving, silly and cute. Murloc's Q version form is even more cute, popular around online games.

But when a living murloc appears in front of you, it is not such a beautiful thing. Muddy eyes, skin covered with mucus and seaweed, short and stubby limbs, huge mouth full of sharp hook teeth and turbid saliva dripping from the corners of the mouth. When you face the murloc alone, you must first go through a round of -1 mental determination, otherwise you will enter a state of panic.

When you are in the queue, wearing battle armor, holding a sword and shield, you will gain an extra +2 boost in morale. Because the primitive social organization and living environment of the murlocs would not provide them with weapons and equipment, the most sophisticated weapon in the hands of these wow wow monsters is the rust knives in the sunken ship, most of which are only wooden sticks or hard corals.

As the fish tide went away, the food available to the broken-fin murlocs who settled here also decreased, and the wise men among the murlocs also focused their attention on humans. In just five days, three murloc injuries have occurred, and one person is missing. Carlos sent the best scout in his army to find the missing persons, and only half of the corpse covered with tooth marks was recovered.

"Whether the deception plan is going well." Carlos was angry. Having lived in this world for so many years, he couldn't treat the people he ruled as data, but an NPC. But gratuitous anger can't change anything, so Carlos's voice is calm and calm, which is particularly cold-blooded.

"Lord Sir, murlocs are different from beasts. They have a certain amount of intelligence, but they are not smart enough. As long as we seduce a few more times, we will definitely wait for an excellent ambush opportunity." Heni Mareb looked at the town hall meeting hall. The gentry were pretending to be dumb, so they had to get up and answer Carlos' question.

"As a noble with a good culture, I don't understand your concerns. Even the old mayor of the murlocs on the ground can clean up one or two." Carlos finished speaking, paused deliberately, in the chamber. The people at shook his head and laughed attentively, and the old mayor also pressed his hand with a smile on his face and motioned everyone not to interrupt Carlos's speech.

"But the murloc in the water is really a terrible opponent." Carlos finished speaking, and everyone agreed in unison, and the murloc's combat power in his hands was at least five times that of the opponent.

"I have great confidence in the action plan this time, and there are many things within the kingdom. Therefore, the good things of deploying regular troops to help you clean up the murlocs cannot happen often. Therefore, I hope that this operation will have a good effect. I hope everyone will not work together and wish the joint operation a complete success."

Carlos finished the meeting in an official tone after saying what he didn't believe in, and after catering to everyone's applause.

Many people may wonder why there are more than 400 militiamen in the town of South Blue, so why is it so important to Carlos bringing more than 100 soldiers. The reason is simple. One is: South Blue Town has a permanent population of less than 4,000, and the 400-member militia organization has exceeded 10% of the total population, which is rare in non-full-scale wars. The second is: More than half of the militias in South Blue are responsible for maritime patrols and merchant ship escorts. The shore forces are actually less than 150. Besides the patrols guarding the villages and towns, at least 100 people are needed. In previous years of suppression, the remaining 50 people, together with the hired free sailors and nearby hunters, will not exceed 100 in total. The third is: Carlos's assistance this time is free! In addition to providing accommodation and food, residents of South Blue Township do not need to pay additional fees. The fourth is: The soldiers brought by Carlos have their own full sets of equipment and are well-trained, and their combat effectiveness is significantly higher than that of the South Blue militia.

"Heni Marebu, tell me what you are saying, will this action have a good result?" Carlos asked separately, leaving Henni Marebu.

"My Lord Sir, with all due respect, we will never be able to completely defeat the murlocs, so reducing their number is the best choice. If I were the mayor of South Blue, I would build a murloc hunter of 20 to 30 people. The team, hunting down murlocs all the year round, and buying murloc heads from hunters and insurers, is much more useful than doing a cleanup at this time of the year." Heni Mareb’s insight brought Carlos before his eyes. Yiliang, this guy has goods in his stomach.

"Why didn't anyone do this before?" Carlos asked rhetorically.

"Who pays? Who is responsible?" Heni Mareb answered Carlos's question with two questions.

"In other words, it doesn't matter whether there are me or my soldiers?" Carlos asked deliberately.

"That's not the case. The support of your lord will at least keep the murlocs from causing major incidents in the next three years." After he finished holding it, Heni Mareb finally said his plan, "Actually my The suggestion is that after the joint operation, you can spend an extra month in South Blue, so that your soldiers can take over for the militia, and I can free up manpower for long, uninterrupted patrols and hunting. I dare not let yours. Of elite soldiers went to play in the mud on the beach."

Carlos believed it. Herni Marebu is really WOW's hidden BOSS, a generation of war gods buried in the long river of history. Carlos's previous idea was to bring people and murlocs in front of him, but reality gave him a slap in the face, because murlocs would never build houses on the coast, they all live in water. And Herni Mareb’s proposal is really valuable. The soldiers brought by Carlos don't care about fighting with the enemy, but they will definitely not ambush the murlocs who lie alone in the muddy beaches of the sea for two months. Then replace the task, Carlos's men patrolled South Blue Town, and South Blue Town's militiamen went to do these dirty and tiring tasks. Everyone was so happy!

Fortunately, I am still a traverser, and my mind is not as flexible as a local native.

No, Heni Mareb is an intellectual who has obtained a certificate of completion under the scholars of Lordaeron.

"It's a very good proposal. I'm admiring you. Let's do this. When the time comes, I will assign 10 guards around me to you, and you will be ready for some assault power in your hands." Carlos smiled.

"Are you agreeing?" Heni Mareb couldn't believe how simple he persuaded a lord. In his impression, the nobles were selfish ghosts, misfits, and unprofitable people.

"Complete the scheduled plan first and talk about other things. Don't let the Madara fish sacrifice worthless." Carlos quipped.

"Yes, sir, then I will go out and make arrangements first, and there should be results within two days." The energetic Heni Marebu's face value +2

After the militia captain of the South Blue town left, the soldiers who belonged to Guy Erdalon were also secretly happy, garrisoning and patrolling can be much easier than fighting in the field.

Except for the 10 rough guys who belonged directly to Carlos, everyone was very happy.

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