Another world conquest manual

Chapter 76 The first attempt at the starry sky

While Wei Siyuan was paying homage to his brother.

More than ten kilometers away.

In a remote corner of the military base, dozens of personnel were busy working nervously.

Jing Zhengsu, chief engineer of the Near Space Research Center of the Ministry of Aerospace Industry of China, stood in front of the information console and asked his assistant solemnly:

"Xiao Chen, have all the coefficients been adjusted?"

Assistant Chen Sen held a thick stack of documents in his hand and replied: "Jinggong, all departments have completed debugging."

Jing Zhengsu nodded slightly:

"Notify all departments to carry out final inspection before flight as usual, with a twenty-minute countdown!"

From the first day they arrived in the Great Mo Realm to the present, the rabbits have never given up exploring the starry sky of the Great Mo Realm.

As soon as the Xinhuo team settled in the valley, the physics research team led by Zeng Gucheng measured Plank's constant.

The answer is simple: Planck's constant changes.

Planck's constant was first discovered through "blackbody radiation" experiments.

It means that any absorption and release of energy has a minimum value, and energy less than this value does not exist.

This also means that our world is discontinuous, and a continuous world is an illusion.

According to the experimental results obtained by Zeng Gucheng's team, the Planck constant of the Big Mo is smaller than that of the earth.

As everyone knows.

To discuss the issue of Planck's constant, it must be explained within the framework of quantum mechanics.

There is one core principle in quantum mechanics, which is the "uncertainty principle" formally proposed by Heisenberg at the Solvay Conference in 1927.

Our most familiar understanding of it is that "quantum momentum and position cannot be determined at the same time, that is, the more certain the momentum is, the more uncertain the position will be; the more certain the position will be, the more uncertain the momentum will be."

This is a very simple concept.

Many experimental results of quantum mechanics can be explained by it. Its mathematical expression is: ΔxΔp≥h/4π.

Since h/4π is a constant, when the position is more certain, that is, the change value Δx of the position is smaller, the change value Δp of the momentum must be larger, and vice versa.

At the same time, this formula also satisfies macroscopic objects, so I won’t go into details here.

It is still well known.

In the second application of the "uncertainty principle", it is the uncertainty relationship between energy and time.

The mathematical formula is expressed as: ΔEΔt≥h/4π.

So if Planck's constant becomes smaller, quantum tunneling will become more difficult to achieve, and the sun may not even become a star.

Because even if the core of the sun can reach a high temperature of 15 million degrees Celsius, the proton-proton chain reaction of hydrogen fusion cannot be achieved without the help of the quantum tunneling effect.

And from the perspective of vacuum quantum fluctuations.

This means that at the same time, when the Great Mo Realm appeared, the universe where the earth is located was not even born yet.

Therefore, the starry sky trajectories in the Great Mo Realm cannot be easily measured, and the three suns alone cannot be explained simply by tidal locking. (So ​​those big guys who talk about tidal locking look down on my settings.)

in short.

When Planck's constant changes, it means that the universe is no longer the original universe.

But in this case, something was supposed to happen.

That is when Planck's constant changed, the rabbits should have completely collapsed the moment they stepped through the light door.

But in fact, not only are the rabbits' bodies intact, they are not reproductively isolated from humans in the Great Mo Realm.

This is a very strange phenomenon.

But since it happened, it means that there must be some rules behind him that cannot be analyzed for the time being.

After all, the existing science and technology is not very sophisticated.

Not to mention the universe, there are a lot of things on the earth that are unsolved mysteries.

So after discussions and decisions at the core level.

The issues related to the Light Gate and the Plank Constant of the Great Mo Realm will be listed as a very long-term project. It is rare to make a breakthrough before the birth of high-level monks of the Nascent Soul Realm in the local area.

Corresponding to this long-term project is a relatively realistic short-term goal:

Measure the planet or planet-like coefficients of the universe where the desert world is located, conduct a certain degree of celestial observation, and then launch satellites as early as possible.

Although the specific structure of the Great Mo Realm is unclear.

But since it has main sequence stars, stars twinkle in the dark night, and its rotation period is extremely fixed.

Then it must be somewhere in the universe - something special at most.

It’s not like rabbits have never observed triple star systems. Alpha Centauri, Gliese 667, and HD188753 are all standard triple star systems.

Quadruple star systems such as Megazord TV have been discovered.

Even observatories in Western Europe have observed a 'planet' similar to a continental plate - the kind of alien continent in fantasy novels.

Of course.

The plate is not a standard flat type, but an irregular shape similar to a triangular point. In short, it has no boundary with a circle.

The reasons for this kind of star are very complicated. To put it simply, the gravitational force between its main sequence stars and satellites is balanced at a very delicate node.

This makes this star unable to reach the hydrostatic equilibrium of a round planet, thus giving birth to such a weird thing.

So from a star perspective, the Great Mo Realm is really not a rare planetary system.

What is truly special about the Great Mo Realm is that it gives birth to life.

Generally speaking.

Even if a planet in a triple star system is not tidally locked by the star, its surface temperature is generally above 500 degrees Celsius.

Except for those who have lived in the Guangzhou area for a long time, other human beings are just waiting to be roasted to maturity on this kind of planet.

But there is no such high temperature situation in the Great Mo Realm.

It has developed an extremely livable living environment and has given birth to a large number of extraordinary beings.

Even before the Great Mo Realm collided with the Demon Realm, its own ecosystem was very rich.

There is only one possibility that causes this situation:

That is, above a certain height above the surface of the Great Mo Realm, there must be something filtering most of the various cosmic energy sources.

Maybe it's the ozone layer, maybe it's some other unknown substance.

The special thing about the world of Xianxia is the civilization system derived from its "spiritual energy", but in terms of its most basic material composition, it must and must obey certain rules.

It’s just that this kind of rule is not easy to crack with current technological means.

For example, the space bag that appeared in the Wei Mansion is similar to the space technology at the peak of science and technology.

This is the essential conceptual correlation between spiritual cultivation and science.

It's like giving two people a paragraph and asking them to write an essay. The content written by both parties will definitely be different.

But if you look at the core, you will find that they actually follow a certain same "circuit".

Of course, there is an exception to the funny joke about handing in a blank paper.

Look back to the launch pad.

This time, Jing Zhengsu's team, with the authorization from the camp, is preparing to launch a tentative study of the sky in the Great Mo Realm.

But this time, what Jing Zhengsu and the others launched was not a satellite.

But a stratospheric aerostat.

After all, the mass of the Great Mo Realm is not even known at this moment, and the escape velocity of the satellite cannot be calculated at all.

But stratospheric aerostats are different.

Friends who have studied geography should all know that the atmosphere shows different characteristics with different altitudes, and is divided into the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, warm layer and exosphere, and above that is the interstellar space.

Among them, there is a very famous quiet airspace near the stratosphere, where planes cannot go up and satellites cannot come down, and only rockets occasionally pass through.

Academically speaking, this silent airspace is called near space, and it is a very strategically valuable area.

There are generally two types of aircraft that perform related tasks in near space: new concept aerostats or hybrid structure airships.

Considering that the airship is relatively bulky, the camp chose a more convenient aerostat this time - my country's stratospheric aerostat has successfully made a safe return trip on March 30, 2016, with the flight code 4Q00I-1.

This time, the initial height of the aerostat set by Jing Zhengsu's team was 32.7 kilometers above the ground, and it would be automatically recovered after 96 hours.

If the aerostat can operate normally and is recovered, the rabbits will have a much easier time in reconnaissance in the future - but the signal still has to rely on the antenna array. After all, the aerostat itself does not have the function of a long-term communication satellite.

Since the aerostat has its own buoyancy and power system and does not require a rocket to carry it, the main thing that needs to be debugged is the signal transmission system.

The twenty-minute countdown passed.

Jing Zhengsu officially ordered: "Take off!"

The operator unlocked the aerostat, and the aerostat swayed its chubby body like a drunken child and slowly took off.

Jing Zhengsu watched closely as the aerostat took off and finally disappeared within sight.

Then he quickly returned to the console.

Generally speaking, a satellite launch operation station should be divided into three rows.

The row closest to the big screen is the technician operating area, where technicians mainly monitor the data and images on the big screen in real time.

The second row is the operation area for the base’s measurement and control and meteorological personnel.

The third row is the command and decision-making area. When the satellite is launched, the base's chief engineer and unit leaders will communicate here.

However, due to the tight launch time, only one row of the aerostat's operating console was planned, so Jing Zhengsu could go directly to the screen to understand the situation.

At this time, the operator is doing data detection quickly:

"The top pressure coefficient is normal!"

"The communication dial is normal and the constant voltage is stable!"

"The pressure on the flanks has not reached the equilibrium value of 24.75. Jing Gong, do you want to perform internal pressurization?"

Jing Zhengsu frowned: "Why is there not enough pressure?"

"The current altitude of the aerostat is 4,400 meters, and the wind pressure in the Great Mo is higher than that on the Earth at the same altitude."

"Is the track normal?"

"Deflected by 0.04 standard inclination angle."

Jing Zhengsu made a decisive decision: "Increase the propellant delivery and correct it to within 0.015 inclination! Reduce the height of the floating target by 0.5 kilometers!"


Thirty-seven minutes later, the aerostat reached its target altitude.

Four and a half hours later, the aerostat was operating normally and a large amount of air pressure and gas information was collected.

The first launch mission of the aerostat was successfully completed! !

I found that I was at a disadvantage during the third shift.

Because of the width, each picture cannot be fixed at 2,000 words, sometimes 2,300, sometimes 2,500.

Others have 6,000 words in the third update, but I have 5,400 words in the second update. I cry to death.

I will try to type out another chapter tonight. I will have acupuncture on my fingers until eight o'clock, and it may take until early in the morning to finish writing, so you don't have to wait deliberately.

Anyway, if I don’t send it out today, I will make up for it with 9,000 words tomorrow.

Finally, please give me a monthly ticket! ! ! !

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