Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 1147 Looking back at the past!

He didn't know if the demon who caused all this suffering was still alive.

But he knew one thing.

The Bloody Lady came back with all her might, and the first person she wanted to find was her daughter, the angel in her heart whom she wanted to protect at all costs.

Just like when they first met in Wandering Soul Alley.

If there was something that could not be wiped out even after she fell into hell.

That was her love for her child.

That was the only thing that could make her turn back into a human being in the endless pain and hatred, obsession!

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"Help me dig out the remains of that child, and leave the rest to me."

Lin En raised his head suddenly.

At that moment.

Invisible spiritual energy spread out from his body, isolating himself and the entire cursed house on the other side.

And it was almost the moment he stepped into the house again.

The strong curse fluctuations were suddenly stimulated again.

He heard the hideous screams coming from all directions, as if countless evil spirits were tearing your eardrums frantically. The whole house kept flashing between the illusions of the past and the corruption of reality. He heard the painful screams and saw the bloody butcher knife that chopped down the girl in the shadow reflected by the window paper.

At this moment, Lin En was no longer on guard.

He squinted his eyes.

He continuously transformed his spiritual energy into the purest spiritual power to feed back the curse in this house!

He wanted to find her soul!

He wanted to follow the veins of the curse and find her broken soul medium from history!


Lin En turned his head and shouted.

Lin Ying wiped the redness in her eyes, and without any hesitation, she rushed to the withered locust tree quickly, gritted her teeth, picked up the stone with force and stabbed it heavily into the soft soil under her feet.

She didn't know what Lin En was going to do.

But she believed him, believed that he would be able to bring the cursed girl back.

Because why? !

Why did she have to suffer such hardships at such a young age? !

Why did she have to suffer misfortune even after death, why could she not be relieved even after death? !

Keep digging!

Keep digging!

Countless dead leaves drifted down, under the rotten locust tree, she seemed to be able to feel the sadness under the soil.

And finally.

When her hand touched the cold and cold bones, her whole body trembled.

"I found her..."

She turned her head tremblingly and looked in the direction of Lin En.

The cold wind blew.

They all seemed to hear the ethereal crying sound, which lingered around, as if the land was constantly wailing.

But in the next moment, it was as if something was violated.

There were suddenly shrill screams from the underground of the rotten house.

One rotten hand after another.

Suddenly it broke out from the ground above the house and the courtyard, and spread towards Lin Ying with a scream as if it wanted to kill everything, and at that moment it surrounded her in the center.


Lin En turned around suddenly and stretched out his hand towards Lin Ying.

The invisible spiritual energy formed an elliptical, empty shield around her, blocking the turmoil of the curse for her.

And in the house.

Under the curse's vision, countless black silk threads representing the curse surrounded him like a group of snakes, making him walk in a quagmire, and madly clinging to his body.

[Warning! Warning! Please turn on the anti-curse mode immediately! If the curse spreads to the central processor, it may cause irreversible abnormal effects! ]

But Lin En did not move.

He still squinted his eyes, allowing the veins of the curse to crawl all over his body.

He slowly closed his eyes, letting his spirit spread to the spiritual energy released by himself that was swallowed by this house, and tried hard to search in the quagmire.


Bone-piercing and unimaginable coldness!

The moment his spirit merged into this cursed room, the unprecedented hatred almost instantly overwhelmed him, followed by the intense pain that almost cut your soul alive!

He understood!

Everything he felt now was all that was left of the girl when she turned into a curse, and it was all that was left!

Her will dissipated, her soul collapsed, and only this pain and hatred were continued in the curse, cursing every living being who dared to step into this place!

But this was not what he wanted.

Because if you can still feel pain, if the soul is really completely empty, then why should you repeat the tragedy of the past here over and over again!

[Memories of the Past]! Start!

At that moment.

Lin En suddenly opened his eyes, gritted his teeth, and pressed his five fingers to the ground in an instant.

The dazzling white light instantly enveloped the entire house and the entire courtyard in the surging curse.

Time seemed to be retraced at this moment.

Ten years!

A hundred years!

Flowers bloom and fall, the sun sets and the sun rises.

Everything in the past hundred years is like an old movie that is accelerated and skipped, constantly flowing backwards to the era when everything began.

That moment.

When the scene is fixed.

Lin Ying stood in the courtyard shrouded in white light. She raised her head and saw the canopy of the locust tree, and saw the countless locust flowers falling from the top of her head, making it a dreamy summer scene.

Her eyes were in a trance.

When she looked forward, the skeleton she dug out was no longer there. The girl stood barefoot in the green grass, just like her, staring blankly at the locust flowers.

She is really beautiful, just like the carefree girls of that era in those old photos.

That was the Republic of China.

It was in that turbulent era a hundred years ago.

Is she alive?

She stared blankly, but when she reached out her hand to touch, what she encountered was cold bones.

She knew that all these were phantoms of the past.

She has been dead for hundreds of years.

She didn't know why, but at that moment her heart suddenly hurt so much that she could hardly breathe.


The girl opened her hands and shouted.

She was like an elf passing through her body and running towards the house.

She turned her head and vaguely saw the young and beautiful woman in the white light. She hugged the girl with a smile, and the tenderness in her eyes was like a trickle of melting water.

The silver light obscured their figures, but their soft whispers could still be heard.

"Mom, the locust trees are blooming again. Is my daughter one year older?"

"Well, now my baby is a big girl. It was at this time that you ran out of your mother's belly seven years ago."

"Then when will I be as tall as my mother? I seem to be going to the big city that my mother said. I also want to be a dancer like my mother and make everyone applaud me! I also want to dance! "

"There will be a chance. When the war is over, the world outside will still be big."

The soft voice slowly faded away.

It's as if this is the only good time, and the memories of the past seem to speed up its process.

She saw the changes of the seasons and saw the flowers withering and falling.

I saw the scorching sun in summer and the snow in winter.

And in that scene of watching the lights, it was as if she had traveled through her life. She saw her running out of the house excitedly every day, saw her playing in the courtyard, saw her working hard to practice her dance steps, I saw her sitting on a pony with a writing brush practicing calligraphy. Occasionally, of course, she would do nothing and just stare at the birds on the tree in a daze. She would stay like this for a whole afternoon.

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At that time time seemed to pass very slowly.

It seems that I can really go through this ordinary life without knowing it.

But she knew that such a life did not last long at all.

That moment.

When the memories of the past are recalled, they slowly freeze.

She still saw the girl again where she first saw her. She had obviously grown much taller than last time, but the sky was dim and the falling snowflakes were like burning ashes. Her face was obviously a little pale. Her body is also thinner, and it seems that her face has not shown the smile of the past for a long time.

She sat on her knees under the locust tree, clasping her hands in front of her chest. Her cold lips were purple, but she was still praying.

"Dad wasn't like this before. He never let mom get hurt in the slightest. In the past, dad would protect mom and me every time we were bullied, but not anymore. I'm so scared. I don't know dad. What's wrong? The way he looked at my mother yesterday was as if he really wanted to kill someone. I've never seen my father show such a terrifying expression..."

She raised her head palely and clasped her hands together.

"Big locust tree, big locust tree, please bless my mother, and also bless me to grow up quickly. I have been working hard to save money, and I want to take my mother away. That man is no longer my father... I'm fine I'm afraid that at some point he might really kill my mother... I'm so scared..."

She trembled in the snow and prayed over and over to the tree.

In the silver light room in the distance.

Once again came the sound of abuse and beatings.

It was like this day had lasted for a long, long time, and she cried, but her tears soon froze and turned into water droplets in the dark night with falling snowflakes.

And the bad luck seems to have started on that day.

Looking back on the memories of the past.

Time once again passed by like a horse watching a lantern, but in this long period of time, I could no longer see the girl who often ran out of the house to play. The only thing I could see was the darkness day after day. , dragging her cold hands and feet, she carefully deposited the accumulated copper coins into the earthen jar, buried it under the locust tree, and bit her lips.

This seemed to be her only sustenance at that time.

When she has saved enough money, she will quietly take her mother away from here, so that they will no longer have to suffer or endure the abuse of that man.

"Soon... soon..."

"Mom! Mom... we will be able to leave here soon..."

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