Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 1239 Don’t even think about leaving Zuo Zuo behind this time!

"Announcement to the entire ship! Announcement to the entire ship! All ships that hear the announcement are asked to turn on the radio reception frequency. We have already contacted Mr. Lin En. Mr. Lin En has something important to say to us. Please turn on the communication frequency band immediately."

That moment.

Following the announcement throughout the ship, all the celebrating crowds fell silent, waiting and listening excitedly.

Only Zuo Zuo stood there palely, as if he had lost his soul.


The familiar voice came from the communication channels of the major fleets, but for some reason, his voice seemed so gentle at that moment.

"Everyone, I am Lin En. My communication signal was damaged in the previous battle, so the information frequency band can only be transmitted here. But first of all, I want to tell you that everyone can go home. Old God We have been dragged into hell, and we have won the final victory in this war!"

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝖙𝖜𝖐𝖆𝖓.𝖈𝖔𝖒]

The whole audience was excited and shouted Lin's name uncontrollably.

"I am also really happy, happy to be able to fight side by side with everyone in the same world, especially when I hear everyone calling me the savior in private, I will inevitably feel a little vain, after all The name savior sounds very cool, don’t you think?”

Everyone couldn't help laughing immediately, and many ladies were so amused by these fun words without any pretense that they covered their mouths and laughed.

Because it really doesn't look like a savior.

On the contrary, it is like ordinary people like them, and even many people who have had close contact with Mr. Linn say so.

He really...

He is a gentle savior.

"Haha, I made an inconsequential little joke."

"However, what I actually want to say is that although I do want to be the savior of mankind, I also want to have the halo of a god, and even let everyone believe in me... But this is wrong, everyone."

Everyone was stunned.

Listening to the suddenly aggravated tone.

"You don't need anyone to be your savior, and you don't need God's protection. We couldn't see the outside world before, and we didn't know there was such a terrible place as hell. We were restrained like a child who has not grown up. Here, but now it’s different…”

"We have seen ghosts, supernatural beings, even unspeakable devils and gods. We have seen them all... and know their existence..."

"Then what if a similar evil god invades our world next time? Do you still expect me to come again? Do you still need to ask for help from the intervention of external gods and the protection of higher civilizations? No... Everyone, you just encountered When it comes to me, you are lucky to have just met me..."

"But I will never be so lucky again."

"The development of civilization takes a long time, but destruction often only takes a moment. You must arm yourselves to make Blue Star powerful enough to travel in space, travel through all walks of life, and confront gods. You must become your own god!"

Everyone was shocked to hear the voice coming from the radio.


"I know it's not going to happen overnight, but let's get ready."

"The communication between Blue Star and Night City will always remain open. In the long years to come, Night City will provide you with the technology and knowledge that will allow you to develop rapidly and help Blue Star get through this difficult growth period. You must seize this opportunity! If I am still alive in the future, if we can break out of hell, I hope I have seen a thriving Blue Star civilization, and that civilization..."

"You can make a new covenant with me in a new attitude, and I will accept it with a smile."

It's like a teaching.

It's like a hope.

Not as a savior, but as a wanderer from his hometown traveling to hell.


That roar.

All officers and soldiers in the entire fleet stood up, with firm eyes, and saluted in unison.

High-level officials from the Supernatural Administration and various governments around the world all stood up after listening to the broadcast and stood in awe of Lin En.


At this moment, he was in a dialogue with the entire Blue Star civilization.

That's what's expected of them.

And they are lucky.

They stand at the cusp of this major change, and there is someone who can and is willing to open up the blueprint for their future!

Omnic civilization, colossus civilization, cyber civilization!

But whether there will be such a day.

The civilization named after Blue Star can also step out of the star sea and become a part of the giant civilization...

"In that case, everyone, let me issue one final order as the savior."

That smiling voice was filled with relief.

"Thank you for your trust."

"If you are willing, please close your eyes and listen to me counting..."

"Then let's move into that new era."

All the people in the listening fleet in the entire sea area raised their heads, listening to the voice, and their eyes had already flashed with crystal clarity.

They nodded vigorously.

Then he raised his head and closed his eyes.

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It was like when I was very young, on the sofa in front of the warm fireplace, listening to my father's teachings, and opening my eyes ignorantly to look at the world for the first time.

This is a trust.

It is also the greatest expectation.


"I'll start counting down..."



It was like a brilliant firework, and also like the final curtain call.

The blue light that slowly rose into the sky illuminated the entire sky.

In the endless sea, countless flesh and blood flowing with colorful blood were also madly attracted by the blue light at that moment, densely packed Madi chased the figure frantically and rushed into the sky.

That was the flesh and blood of the old god!

It was also dancing light.

It was extremely beautiful.

It was also extremely chaotic!

In the countdown with closed eyes, everyone was bathed in the scene of soaring into the sky. They were full of joy and expectation. They were waiting for their savior to open the first chapter of this new era for them.

Only Zuo Zuo did not close her eyes. Her face was pale, and her trembling eyes reflected the figure rushing towards the starry sky with countless flesh and blood.

At that moment.

She suddenly pushed open the cabin door, and the whole person ran out quickly without turbulence.

It was as if she had lost all her strength at once. .

She kept falling.

She kept getting up.

Like an abandoned child, her face was already full of tears, but she suppressed them and kept running.

She didn't know why he did this...

But what did it mean like a last will? !

It's always like this...

Why is it always like this? !

You know that the flesh and blood of the old gods have not been dragged into hell? Are you trying to hide it from all of us, and then take all the blame on yourself like a hero? !


You are an unprecedented idiot! !

She no longer knows how to think, and the countdown is still His voice was so gentle, as gentle as the final curtain call.

She suppressed her tears.

She kept running.

She pushed the deck door open with pale force, and the dazzling light burst in, and the rolling sea breeze swept in.

She used up all her strength to pass through the people who closed their eyes one after another, and under the blue light rushing towards the starry sky, there were countless turbulent flesh and blood attracted from the deepest part of the sea, like an inverted funnel of light, being pulled towards the gorgeous starry sky.


She wiped her tears and finally rushed to the front of the deck.

Looking at the light rushing towards the starry sky.


In the hysterical tears, the small figure stepped high in that direction without fear.

"Don't even think about leaving Zuo Zuo behind again! I don't want it! I don't want it!!"

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