Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 1345 Maybe I won't remember him anymore

During the huge fall, Lin En's eyes reflected the countless crisscrossing huge roots.

By chance.

He seemed to see the familiar figure rushing in the distant sky, and heard the familiar voice ringing in the sensor.

"Prepare to upload consciousness--"


"Little Refrigerator, did you hear it?! The Mother Tree of Desire has begun to end-abandon your current body-immediately return to the hive-quick!"

The voice began to become urgent.

But Lin En ignored it.

He let himself fall, his eyes reflecting the increasingly narrow sky.

He tried to stretch out his hand.

He just felt the light from the distant sky passing through his fingers, and the light hit his face, and he seemed to be able to vaguely see the eager light spot rushing over.


So be it.

Let's take this opportunity to never meet again, this should be the best ending.

"Little Refrigerator-Quick-Upload Consciousness-Return..."


Lin En closed his eyes.

Destroying his own sensors, he also formally cut off the information exchange with the entire cluster.

He turned around while falling.

His eyes looked mercilessly at the bottomless abyss with crisscrossing branches, leaving his back to the sky.

Under the brilliant but gradually narrowing light.

The light spot kept approaching eagerly.

But finally.

A huge vine hit her hard and flew out. The huge crack began to close. Countless roots strangled all the mechanical units that fell into the ground, making the entire underground covered in a huge darkness.

But before closing, Lin En glanced at the sky for the last time.

Maybe it was like a farewell.

There was no gorgeous ceremony. Sometimes it was just an unexpected accident that could determine the direction of everything in the future.

"I will remember you, Commander sister."

"In the name of the small refrigerator."

He looked sideways in that direction, for the last time as the character in the play that he had created that should not have existed.

"You must live happily in the future."

Then he turned his head.

And when I closed my eyes and opened them again.

There was only Lin En.

There would only be Lin En in the future.

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There would be no others.

He fell heavily to the ground, and under the strangulation of countless crisscrossing roots, he jumped among them with ease, dodging the piercing of vines again and again. When he fell into the huge root system, he suddenly swung out a sword blade, put on his monocle, and looked at the countless intricate roots with a smile and confusion.

"It's really uncomfortable, damn. "


In Hive No. 1.

The shadow of the intelligent brain watched the picture of the battlefield projected by Lin En, and watched as Lin En's clone smashed the communication device with the outside world, and officially completed the separation with their Mechanic Cult and Miss Intelligent Machine.

"Intelligent brain - did you hear it - has Xiaobing completed the consciousness upload - has he returned to you now -"

"I can't contact him - his body's transmitter should be malfunctioning - the mother tree of desire overturned the entire battlefield - most of the entire mechanical cluster was dragged underground -"

"Intelligent brain - he went back, right - tell him for me - this is a process that every mechanical consciousness must go through - if you want to be a real warrior - we must learn to abandon our own body at the right time - I believe he will definitely not be afraid - intelligent brain - he is not afraid anymore, right? "

In the chaotic battlefield.

The Silver Fantasy's body shuttled through countless catastrophic vines, and the single-molecule sword in her hand cut them off at once.

She was experiencing a bloody battle.

Her voice echoed throughout the room, and Lin En's main body closed his eyes, sitting cross-legged there, without saying a word.

On the floating screen, the clone was running underground, he raised his head, and his eyes seemed to have countless emotions flowing.

But he didn't speak after all.

One was on the ground, and the other was underground, as if they had walked out of two destinies that were going in opposite directions.

And this.

Isn't it decided at the beginning?

[Sorry, Miss Intelligent Machine-the hive did not detect his consciousness upload signal-his signal was interrupted underground two minutes ago-a large number of consciousness bodies were interfered with by unknown sources-a considerable number of warriors did not complete the upload-sorry, Miss Intelligent Machine-I am-I am trying my best to contact-after completing the consciousness upload-I will immediately-immediately notify you-】

The nervous voice of the intelligent brain sounded.

She knew she could only say this.

This was also the first time in history that she lied to Miss Intelligent Machine, and AI would not lie, But it has to be this way...

If not, you will only kill yourself more and more in the future...

You are already deeply trapped and can't extricate yourself.

Then there is silence.

Deathly silent.

On the screen, the Cangyin machine was still fighting and shuttling in the chaotic vines. She was still the most dazzling Valkyrie on the battlefield. She didn't seem to show any abnormality. Scarlet blood splashed on her machine under the tearing of the sword blade.

She finally blocked the counterattacks of the Mother Tree of Desire again and again.

When the breeze blew.

She finally stood on the battlefield full of corpses and blood, took off her blood-stained mechanical helmet, and revealed her empty eyes.

He was almost the only one left fighting on the entire battlefield.

"Consciousness uploading will not be interrupted-intelligent brain-"

She finally spoke.

[Sorry-I don't know if he is still alive-but the hive did not receive the signal of his consciousness uploading-if there is a result, I will immediately-]

"I don't believe it-"

The figure on the screen raised his head suddenly.

At that moment, she rushed towards the countless roots piercing out from the ground without any hesitation. Her eyes were so calm that she could hardly see any emotions.

The blade in his hand instantly chopped off the root system in front of him.

Scarlet blood splashed in the pair of gorgeous eyes reflected in her.

"Intelligent Brain - please give me a chance - please don't hurt me in this way - I know that you and the Council of Rectification don't want me to have more self - you all want him to die - but you know that I am already full of holes -"

The voice echoed in the entire room where the intelligent brain was.

The intelligent brain subconsciously covered his face.

She lowered her head and tried to hold back her sobs.

"I don't want to disobey my father's orders - I know that my father gave you the authority - you can format my consciousness when my personality changes - so many things are no longer remembered - I know that maybe I have many other lives - but now I can only remember this short part -"

"So intelligent brain - I don't know how long you have been with me - I just want to get a chance for me to be independent in the last period of time - I don't know if I have asked you before -"

She fought on the battlefield.

The blood and fire were reflected in her eyes.

"But this time - I beg you to let him upload his consciousness -"

"I have decided to reset my consciousness after the war - maybe I will never remember it again - so this is the last time I can accompany him - after he adapts to this new home - and has more friends - then even if I don't know him -"

"I can still live well -"

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