Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 1472 You will encounter strange things!

And it was almost at the moment he finished speaking.

The originally calm mist suddenly surged as if it had come alive, and in the deeper part of the mist, there was a sudden sound of sharp long whistles, which sounded like the sharp voice of a monster giving birth, making your heart and liver break.

Lin En smiled and pinched his monocle, looked up at the sky, and said:

"It seems that I guessed it right."

"But do you really need to be so anxious? After all, guesses are just guesses. Don't you plan to wait until we go deeper before attacking us in one fell swoop? If so, wouldn't the effect be better? Are you so anxious?"


At that moment.

As the piercing whistles became more and more intense, the pale mist also produced a strong resonance and tremor at the same time, and an indescribable terrible resentment swept across the entire area like a tide.

There is no doubt.

From the moment they stepped into this place, they have been secretly observed and monitored.

And at the moment when Lin En keenly perceived their intention, they suddenly attacked without waiting.

That moment.

Looking down from the high sky, it was like a drop of blood dripping into a pond. The fog that stretched for hundreds of kilometers almost instantly turned into dazzling blood mist at a speed like a tide. The thick bloody smell rushed into the sky, as if every wisp of fog was making a sharp baby-like cry.

And the figures of Lin En and his men were almost submerged in it in an instant.

In the distance.

Observing his quill's rapid breathing, she almost rushed forward, and her fingers almost subconsciously clenched.

The young man said quietly:

"He has made so many preparations, do you think he can't even handle this little challenge?"

The quill's eyes flashed, staring at the surging blood mist.

She could only pray and worry for him in her heart.

I hope he will never be in trouble.

And just at the height covered by the black fog, with the trap triggered, one after another huge blood whales emerged in the sky. They used almost the same secret means as when they attacked the Night City. The gift from the jailer made them not worry about exposing their position in the high-level war.

At this moment, among the huge blood whales, one after another, wearing pale bird-beak masks, looked down at the turbulent blood fog expressionlessly.

"This is originally an ominous place. Except for the burial area where the blood ruler was born, there is no place more suitable for you to be buried than here."

The leading plague doctor gave the order indifferently.

At that moment.

The blood whales in the sky appeared, and the hideous mouthparts opened little by little. Countless dense blood spores, like dense barrages, were densely bombarded in the blood fog covering the sky.

The spores expanded.

Almost at the moment of contact with the blood mist, dense and sticky black rain exploded instantly.

Just like the cursed plague they released in the Night City, the black rain began to activate densely the moment it landed, turning into countless undulating diseased tissues, greedily disturbing every inch of land covered by them.

In an instant.

This area became a disaster restricted area with dense diseased tissues.

"We have always been on guard against you. We knew more than a month ago that you could not die. We also knew that you would definitely come to our mother goddess as soon as you woke up. Enjoy it, Lin En, this is a plague curse specially modified for your soul and flesh. You can travel freely in the Night City a month ago, then let's see if you have the ability to walk out of the cage we prepared for you!"

Their expressions were calm.

And this was also a generous gift prepared for him after fully understanding him and targeting a lot of intelligence.

Even including his immortal curse, he might hide in his isolated inner space, they also specially prepared a way to deal with it.

That's why.

They have to prepare a restricted area with a radius of hundreds of kilometers.

It is basically impossible to kill him instantly, but it is possible to imprison and suppress him. Even if he uses the Undead Curse in this foggy area, the turmoil and deepening against him will make him fall into the frenzy of anger in a very short time.

He can use the curse to clear it.

So they also specially prepared the ancient resentment from the old gods that grew here, the pain, resentment, murderous intent, and madness. They spent decades extracting the essence from the corpse of the old god, which is enough to kill him when he uses the curse to clear it.

"Expand the scope of the foggy area, lock the space in this area, and don't give him any chance!"

The cold order was issued.

The flesh and blood whale hidden in the black fog scattered in all directions and began to execute.

There is no doubt.

With such careful preparation and calculation, even a terrifying existence at the root level would definitely not be able to escape the trap. In other words, they treated Lin En as an alternative root from the beginning. They never underestimated this rising star in the Night City.

This deacon who destroyed their Leviathan.

The deepest part of the blood mist.

The screams became more and more intense, and countless twisted phantoms of the past appeared in the diseased fog, cursing and destroying the land indiscriminately.

Turmoil, distortion, madness.

It was like being in the deepest part of purgatory, and you were going to be tortured and destroyed endlessly.

But at this moment.

In the depths of the bloody fog, there stood a figure, his flesh and blood were blurred, and he was obviously dead. When the blood dripping from his body fell on the ground, the material on the ground disappeared silently.

It was a hollow and twisted corpse.

And the terrifying thing was that no matter the hideous blood mist around, or the phantoms and diseases of the past floating in it, there was no way to get close to him.

Everything was like a drop of water falling into magma when it approached, and it vaporized and disappeared silently in an instant, annihilated into invisible.

Just like the surroundings of that figure.

There was an absolute domain formed by an invisible force.

"Now you know what I mean?"

Lin's head poked out from the collar of the corpse, happily showing his white and shining teeth.

The silver-eyed lolita transformed by the brain of the colossus also showed her cheeks in the gap of the third button of the corpse. She tightened her delicate cheeks and was obviously very unhappy with this extremely cowardly way of dealing with it. This posture of carrying the corpse and holding her made her extremely awkward and uncomfortable.

She frowned and moved her body.

"Don't twist it, it will suffocate you. You can't bear it."


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