Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 1494 She is the Demon King!

This is the demon in her heart.

Perhaps she had been thinking that in the years since she left the abyss, in the long time since she became the strongest ruler of the sacred world, her subconscious mind had always been burdened by the fact that she had left the abyss. She might even have been blaming herself, thinking that she should be judged by her sisters.

So this illusion came into being.

This is the blame she felt she had to bear.

Because she had told him about the things in the abyss, about the helplessness in her heart, how could a soul that yearned for freedom and a new world be conservative to this ancient doctrine and decay for a lifetime.

"Are you the raven? You finally came to find me, didn't you? You still can't let me go, right?"

In the fierce wind, her eyes looked at the man who suddenly appeared and sheltered her in his arms.

She didn't understand what he said.

But the only thing she could think of that would appear at this time was the raven flying in her dream, and it had left without saying goodbye for a long, long time, and she thought she was going to be abandoned.

Lin En was stunned.

He looked at the pure golden eyes of the mistress in his arms.

He knew that in this subconscious illusion, she was not the founder of the Night City in the future, nor did she become the ruler of the Holy World in the future. At this time, she had not risen, and she told him that it was the experience in this period of time that the raven accompanied her through the most difficult period of mental struggle.

He pointed out the way for her, but left without saying goodbye before she decided to leave the abyss.

She thought he was herself.

A trace of confusion flashed in Lin En's eyes.

Because if it was really fate, then what a coincidence and absurdity it was.

He couldn't even deny it.

Because he was really a raven.

Lin En looked at the obedient angel he was hugging tightly, his mistress, his elder sister, and perhaps from the first moment she saw him, she had already regarded him as the raven flying in her dream, so she would let herself be kidnapped by him, like a child, instinctively accepting his protection and dominance.

Even in a sense.

Perhaps for the mistress, the raven was the first person who really walked into her heart, just like her father, teacher, brother, and even perhaps with a hint of ignorant feelings.

But he left soon.

Leaving this vast world to her, letting her walk her own way independently.

Lin En raised his head, facing the wind, and said:

"I am not."

The mistress with black hair and golden eyes in his arms said in a concentrated voice: "Although I have not seen his true face, I remember his breath, even now I remember it, you can change, but you can't hide it from me!"

Her voice was loud and firm.

Lin En wanted to refute her.

But at that moment, when he felt the body mixed with the colossus Cthulhu and a trace of the power of the First Born in his consciousness, he stopped.

At that moment, he understood, and he could not make any effective explanation at all.

His soul had already begun to change.

After he dug out the power of the First Born, he had irreversibly turned towards the direction of the Raven, and this feeling would become clearer and clearer with the passage of time, especially for those who had really had contact with the Raven...

You can't lie about this.

"Okay! If you really think I am that Raven, do you still remember what I said to you?!"

Lin En jumped down from the high wall, hugged her, gritted his teeth, and quickly shuttled to avoid the endless pursuit behind him.

He recalled the experience that the mistress had mentioned to him.

The Raven mentioned and what she said.

That was also the turning point of her fate that really broke the shackles on her body and allowed her to spread her wings and fly.

She was stunned.

Lin En turned around abruptly, gritting his teeth and looking at the densely packed fallen angels and demons surrounding them. At that moment, they had no way to retreat. Behind them was the ancient demon door that no one could push open.

It was ancient and huge, like a huge natural moat that could not be crossed.

"If you don't remember, then I'll tell you again."

Lin En turned his head and looked at her trance eyes.

"Even if the demon king was here, he would say the same thing to you as I did. He doesn't need your faith, and he doesn't want to see his subordinates believe in him as fanatically as gods, because he doesn't want to be the unattainable god in your hearts."

"What he wants is for you to become the god in your own heart!"

At that moment.

Lin En punched the pursuer who was rushing to kill him, and the power of the huge force exploded across his clenched cheek.

She stood behind him in a daze, and the wind lifted her long hair fiercely.

It was as if she could hear the long, loud cry of a flying bird again.

It passed through her dream.

It echoed in her ears for a long time.

"If my departure has prevented you from completely letting go of your inner demons and making you still bound to your past, then I'm telling you now that I'm back!! If the fear and guilt of Lucifer have made you restless for the rest of your life..."

Lin En pushed back the endless stream of demons and fallen angels, turned his head abruptly, and gritted his teeth to look at her cheek.

"Then I'll tell you again."

"Why did Raven say that to you, because..."

In an instant.

As everyone present watched in fear, his black hair turned pale little by little under the rolling power of the First Born, huge demon wings grew behind him, and the dark magic pattern appeared on his body. At that moment, his eyes turned as dark as the abyss in the violet light.

At that moment, the faces of all the fallen angels and demons turned pale as paper, and the weapons in their hands fell, looking at the figure standing under the huge demon gate.

Lin En turned his head and looked at her trembling eyes, saying:

"He is the demon king you have been watching."

At that moment.

Her pupils dilated violently.

At that moment, the whole illusion was like a reflection in the water, surging in the ripples, they surged like a turbulent sea.

From the moment he came here, when he saw the scarlet full moon and the ancient castle, he actually knew the answer.


It was the former Violet Lord.

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