Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 1639 Allies of the Seven Gods!


When Lin En stepped into the extra-dimensional induction of the colossus, dense red dots appeared throughout the night city.

And each red dot represents the consciousness of a colossus.

And this is also what the brain thinks.

Because if the Dominator of Flesh has now mastered the two major powers, then only by allowing the Colossus to briefly enter a complete state can it be possible to withstand the huge restraint brought by [Flesh and Flesh Deprivation] and [Deepening of the Curse] to the Colossus.

As the Brain of the Colossus, she would never allow herself to regretfully exit the war at the beginning.

The bloody world, the border.

There is no black fog here, and the bloody sky is the only theme here. Surrounding the long canyon, which is like a creation of the earth, are countless densely packed humanoid figures of flesh and blood.

In a basin further away, countless crazy flesh and blood creatures carried cart after cart of ancient flesh and blood, constantly moving towards the Leviathan that traversed the east and west in the center of the basin. A large amount of flesh and blood was sewn into the giant beast. Within the beast's body, the countless eyeballs straddling Leviathan exude frantic malice.

Countless armies are densely gathering towards the plains of this world.

When Ancestor Nie led a large number of her dependents across the barrier of space and entered this bloody world, she opened her crimson eyes and frowned as she felt the terrifying aura gathering in this small world.

"You kept your promise."

A gurgling sound came from the canyon in the center of this small world, which was like the creation of the earth.

Right in front of her, the ground cracked little by little, and giant tentacles as huge as mountains broke out of the earth. When part of his limbs appeared in front of her, she took a step back almost subconsciously, her eyes dark and clear. Uncertain, because she felt the extremely powerful power emanating from the flesh and blood ruler.

The power was so powerful that it made her heart tremble.


Although there is indeed a huge gap in strength between the roots, the aura will not spread to such an extent. This aura is so powerful that...

"What did you do? How could it be possible..."

She stared intently at the giant touch that appeared in front of her, protecting the family behind her who had already shown fear.

A huge eyeball slowly opened in the huge tentacle.

"How is it possible to break through the limitations of the root?"

Anzu's body couldn't help but tremble.

The huge eyeball looked down at her and said:

"The time is too short, at least not yet. It's just that I have absorbed some characteristics of managers, which makes me less restricted than you."

"Welcome, fallen vampires, I need your support very much now."


Could it be that that clown...

Anzu forcibly suppressed the shock in her heart and tried her best to remain calm in front of Him. Her eyes flickered and said:

"I don't know what you have been through, but I still have to warn you. There are too many roots gathered in Night City now, and even the dollhouses of the previous era have joined their camp. I can tell you the truth, you Even with me, there is no chance of winning in a fight with them. "

"You are not yet as powerful as your father's generation, to the point where you can kill even the jailers."

The eyes of the Flesh Dominator stared at her.

"Don't worry about this. We can't kill the jailers, but they are not jailers either."

"But I'm not the only one with you. I also have enough allies to stabilize my advantage in this war."

"Oh, here they come."

Rumble, rumble——

Almost at the moment he finished speaking, huge roars and concussions suddenly came from another direction on the edge of the small world.

Anzu's expression was shaken violently.

And when she looked.

The secrets at the far edge, huge mechanical hives one after another, are like interstellar exterminators, panicking across the ripples of the space barrier and appearing in this blood-red world.

And under the protection of dozens of inverted triangular honeycombs, a huge mechanical battleship emerged from the ripples little by little.

It's too big.

So big that even just showing up can overwhelm this small world.


Anzu's expression was shaken.

On top of the huge battleship, a mechanical being holding a cane and wearing a military cap stood there indifferently. He was like an iron-hearted ruler of an interstellar colony, bringing with him all the combat power of the entire Mechanicus.

Seven Gods [General]

And on a hive behind him, sitting on one knee was a mechanical master whose whole body was burning with flames, and whose chest was surging with a fiery core furnace.

The aura emanating from his body was so hot that it seemed like it could melt the entire earth into ashes.

Seven Gods【Star Holder】

And in that invisible realm, when the huge beehive army gradually set foot in this bloody world, storms blew one after another in the ripples, but Anzu quickly saw that it was not a wind at all. It is not a natural phenomenon caused by magic and witchcraft.

It was an extinction-level terrifying micromachine constructed from countless nanoclusters.

Buzz buzz——

The storms gradually gathered together, and then slowly formed a virtual figure on the ground that seemed to be made up of countless noise points, and the ground it passed through left behind terrible traces of being swallowed and disintegrated one after another.

The ancestor couldn't help but take a step back with a pale face.

The eyeball stared at the storms and said:

"Seven Gods [Exterminators]"

"If it weren't for the common enemy, I wouldn't want to have such a group of allies. Letting them stay here is really a blasphemy to chaos."

The ancestor's face was a little wrong, her eyes flickered, revealing her fangs, and said:

"Mechanicus, damn it, I've heard about them a long time ago. Wanji, that old bitch, isn't he afraid that he can't unify himself after splitting himself? You call them here, aren't you afraid that they will turn against us and kill us all! These guys killed a lot of my followers during the Wanji period!"

The eyes of the flesh and blood ruler were not volatile.

"They are just using each other. If I die, the next target of the Dark Night City will be them."

The ancestor gritted his teeth and said:

"How many have they split? Have all seven come out?"

The Flesh and Blood Ruler said expressionlessly;

"One was dismembered by them into a new mechanical consciousness group, and the body is in the hands of that Lin En, which means that there are only six of the Seven Gods. From the information I have received so far, at least four have split out, and if I am not mistaken, the fourth should be..."

Boom boom boom--

The entire bloody time suddenly experienced a huge shock, and cracks exploded in the sky.

The next moment.

The head of a huge mechanical dragon poked out from it. The huge mechanical structure made the flesh and blood deformed in the entire bloody world agitated, and felt the fear from the bones.

"The God of Ten Thousand... Ten Thousand Machines?!"

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