Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 1650 The beginning of war!!

It was like a send-off for him.

The moment the dark coffin board was pulled open, he saw the fragmented body in Linn's coffin, with chaos flowing in disorderly fluctuations.

Just the moment it appeared, the entire surrounding space structure was greatly interfered with. All the energy flowing in this area was instantly annihilated and disintegrated like a fire meeting a flood.

His expression changed drastically.

At this moment he finally understood.

The ambush at the bottom of the world was not intended to launch a large-scale invasion of them immediately, but to behead him directly with lightning speed!

"not good!"


At the core of the world, the corpse instantly cracked into countless cracks. Thousands of rays of light instantly burst out from the cracks in the corpse. Everything in sight collapsed under the chaotic power. The shrill screams instantly resounded throughout the sky.

As for Linn, the moment he dropped the fourth jailer bomb, he was once again pulled into a higher dimension by Sir Egwene and jumped back.

Rumble, rumble——

In the psychic world model.

The disorderly explosion directly spread out in the center of the stratum, forming lines representing destruction and disintegration.

at the back of the space.

This is silent destruction.

From the beginning of the ambush to the current precise attack, the total time taken was less than five minutes.

The moment when Discord's corpse exploded, it officially meant that the core hub supporting this bloody world was completely burned to the ground, and the impact of the explosion was quickly revealed in the field of vision, including As the barriers of the entire world dimmed little by little, the fluctuations in the huge space were like chaotic currents, crackling and climbing on the top surface of the world.

This world can no longer maintain its slide on the back side of space.

Above the wilderness of the dark world.

The black mist above the sky stirred, and the ground rumbled and trembled for unknown reasons. Countless rodent aberrations hiding underground all crawled out of the ground uneasily.

And that's the next moment.

A large dark shadow slowly appeared on the dark sky.


The space burst apart without any warning.

It was like a big crack across the sky.

All the creatures in this area were shocked to see that the edge of the endless and huge world like a planet was sliding into this real space bit by bit under some huge disintegration. And just its appearance caused the earth to crack and tremble in patches.

And on the back side of the space.

The huge world also completely lost its stability due to core collapse. The entire world could no longer maintain balance and began to tilt little by little. A small half of the world had lost its ability to slide and fell into the real space.

The interior of the bloody world was in chaos.

The ground tilted almost at a forty-five-degree angle, and countless flesh-and-blood creatures let out sharp screams and fell to the other side as the whole world overturned.

And even now, they have not captured any trace of Night City.

Because it’s too fast!

From planning to execution, almost in a blink of an eye.

"Steady!! Steady!! Board the Leviathan, and all creatures that can fly, get off the ground!!"

The Mechanicum's reaction was the fastest.

Almost at the moment when they felt something was wrong, all the vehicles and war fortresses had entered a state of war. The dense hives were suspended in the air, separated from the overturned earth. They formed a huge war cluster in the sky, almost without any impact. loss.

And inside the highest hive, the eyes of the Seven God Generals reflected the countless data streams.

Models of the entire world are also rapidly being built.

He almost instantly marked the locations of the four huge sources of destruction that had hit the world hard. Countless computing power was activated, and dense data was collected and entered into the core processor.

"Two minutes ago - the core of this world was damaged by an unknown force - that force was terrifying - unstoppable -"

"All combat units have taken to the air—"

"Sure enough - the Flesh Dominator cannot be believed - his stupidity and arrogance made him pay the price he deserved -"

"Strong psychic information in the underground has been detected - the information is being traced - the target's power comes from the shadows outside the world - Night City is nearby - they have started a war -"

"Immediately issue a broadcast - if not stopped - this world will topple into real space within thirty minutes - a huge collision will trigger the rapid disintegration of this world - the creatures remaining in this world will Inevitable destruction—Night City’s sanity—is admirable.”


Constant broadcasts spread from the highest hive to the entire world in the language of hell, broadcasting this devastating prophecy to them.

And the expressions of all flesh-and-blood beings who heard the broadcast changed drastically.

This moment.

All flesh-and-blood creatures that did not board the Leviathan or had the ability to fly fled like crazy.

The Underlord raised her head and looked at the huge mechanical war cluster suspended above the sky with flickering eyes. Her huge bat wings were dancing. She and her family members had already left this disintegration at the very beginning of the world's collapse. of earth.

"Is the Flesh Ruler dead?"

She looked at the canyon with a flickering gaze.

She had already sensed the terrible power that occurred in the deepest part of the underground a few minutes ago. She knew that the Night City had already taken action and directly launched a large-scale attack against this world.

No matter how the Night City took action, she was not surprised.

Because it was only a matter of time.

She could also clearly feel that the last explosion directly affected the body of the Flesh Ruler. The Night City bypassed them and launched a fatal attack directly against the Flesh Ruler.

If the Flesh Ruler did not survive, then she would not have to let her family die.

Because there had never been any conflict between her and the Night City.

If there was a choice.

She absolutely did not want to let herself participate in this root-level war, because compared to such a huge force as the Mechanicus, she was still too weak.

She paid close attention to any actions in the canyon in the center of the earth.

And if the Flesh Ruler was doomed to fail.

Then she should run away.

But at this moment, when the earth had already tilted to nearly 45 degrees, a huge roar suddenly came from the huge canyon in the center.

The sound was deafening, with a chaotic and terrible pollution that could make people lose control of their minds.

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