"Fight it out! Don't be stingy with ammunition!! Let it all out!!"

Accompanied by the roars of countless night doctor troops, the guns in their hands frantically discharged ammunition toward the black storm ahead.

No need to aim at all.

Because in any direction you can't see, there are your enemies.

for a while.


The billowing blood-colored dust gathered into a huge storm, sweeping out overwhelmingly in the direction of the Mechanicus like a flood, even forming a huge blood-colored cumulus cloud in the sky.

A large number of nanomachines collapsed under the offensive of the Flesh Plague, turning into billowing dust and scattering on the ground.

In an instant.

A shrill siren sounded in the sky above the Mechanicus.

The Exterminator's eyes were full of killing intent, but he did not resist head-on. He immediately controlled his huge nano-cluster storm to spread, trying his best to avoid the horrifying plague with strong contamination in the nano-clusters.

"Dragon Head—Star Holder—return to defense immediately—that Linn is here with me now—he has already arrived—"

He is very sensible.

Even after seeing the lethality of the flesh-and-blood plague, he did not back down, nor did he go off to fight with the opponent in person.

Because except for those night doctor clusters and Lynn.

If they came here at the same time, there would be two sources: the head of the witch god and Eve!

But at this moment, it also showed how fast the Mechanicum was able to dispatch. In the short period of less than two minutes when Lin En led his army to launch a surprise attack, the tower hanging high on the periphery of the volcano group The Death Star hive has rumbled and turned its gun muzzle, and more mechanical troops are already pouring in from all directions.

And at the forefront of the battlefield.

Lin En took the lead and led the charge.

With the help of the cover of the huge mist spread by the Flesh Plague, he and the Witch God Skull were like sharp knives, quickly tearing a gap in the nano-cluster storm, pointing directly at the huge six-man beast they were attacking each other. Prismatic cage.

His figure jumped, raised his head suddenly, and shouted:

"Don't be obsessed with fighting! Our goal is to rescue the Colossus! Use up all the ammunition in your hands! Follow the big army!"

for a while.

On the huge battlefield, a huge gap had been torn open by Linn's rapid attack and the raging flesh plague.

But Linn knew that their counterattack would come at any time!

Once they are trapped in a tight siege, they will face all the war maneuvers of the entire Mechanicus!

For a moment.

Lin En had already rushed under the hexagonal cage as huge as a mountain. He suddenly raised his head and swept the trident in his hand. The power of the Firstborn was blessed by him on the terrifying halberd, and he instantly A huge gap was created in the solid cage.


Linn shouted.

He jumped up and rushed into it.

At this moment, his blood energy exploded, and he waved the trident in his hand. The huge cage seemed to be in vain. Passable passages were torn apart like melons and vegetables, pointing directly into the interior of the cage. .

As the flesh-and-blood plague spread, the prison began to be contaminated, and huge lesions appeared.

The extradimensional induction at the cellular level is also becoming stronger and stronger, and all this shows that the Colossus is locked inside the cage at this moment.

"I am coming!"


The next moment.

With a loud noise, the thick metal wall in front of Linn suddenly collapsed, exposing the internal cavity structure.

Lin En had already broken through to the core of this cage.

He quickly stepped into it.

But at that moment, Lin En suddenly stopped and his pupils shrank instantly.

Because he did not see the imprisoned Colossus Brain inside this huge cage. In this cubic structure, there was only a huge machine suspended in the center. In the lingering light, he could vaguely see the brain. In the center of the machine, suspended was a fragment of flesh and blood exuding the aura of the Colossus.

Zuo Zuo suddenly panicked and said: "What's going on?! Isn't her brain right here?! Where is she?!"

The ultra-dimensional induction is still running normally.

The location of the Colossus pointed to by the super-dimensional connection is still here, and their induction is still clearly pointing to the inside of the machine in front of them. Everything is telling them that the piece of flesh and blood is the brain of the Colossus they want to find. .

Linn's reaction was also extremely fast.


He smashed the huge machine in front of him with one blow of his halberd.

As the piece of Colossus flesh and blood inside fell to the ground, the Colossus aura and extradimensional induction that were pointing strongly towards this place also disappeared in an instant when the machine shattered.

Lin En raised his head suddenly, narrowed his eyes and said:

"It seems that we have been calculated."

He was deceived.

This is also the first time in history that there has been such a huge problem with the extra-dimensional induction between the colossi.

Something deceived his senses!

And almost at the same time that he smashed the machine, pictures quickly emerged among the countless noises on the square walls inside the prison, like four-dimensional imaging, appearing. A mechanical face appeared that I had never seen before.

"We know you will come - Lin En - we also know you will follow the induction of the Colossus - find here -"

"You have sneaked into our base more than once - it's time for you to pay the price for your arrogance - do you want to know why we can suppress the Colossus in the main universe -"

"Because we have cracked the Colossus's super-dimensional induction - although we have only retrieved part of the technology from that year - but it is enough to lead you here -"

The voice is dull, but it seems that countless voices overlap, sharp and piercing.

It was a purely mechanical face, without facial features, only a smooth mirror surface, the mirror surface was like an abyss, endless, and countless digital codes seemed to be jumping inside, like an ancient and terrifying supreme AI.

But Lin En was not flustered. He narrowed his eyes and calmly stared at the face on the screen and said:

"Is that so? It seems that I miscalculated this time?"

The face stared at him and said mechanically:

"The hatred between us - is it so inevitable? We all just want to survive - now the situation in the main universe has changed drastically - why don't we unite - face our common enemy together - in the face of the survival crisis - I don't think there is any conflict that is unavoidable -"

Hearing this, Lin En smiled, he adjusted his monocle and said:

"Indeed, you are right."

"Then you should disarm yourself, hand over your core technology, open all your permissions to me, and release Miss Intelligent Machinery. If you can do it, then we can sit down and talk slowly."

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