Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 275 Blue Star's Evil God Summoning Ceremony

at the same time.

Blue Star, Magic City.

In a dimly lit interrogation room, Bai Yi, wearing a hospital gown, gritted his teeth and sat on the interrogation chair, looking angrily at the two uniformed interrogators across the table.

He had woken up a few days ago, and after waking up, he knew that he was indeed what Brother Lin En said, and that he had indeed returned to his original world.

But who knows.

Not long after he woke up, he was taken directly here by the law enforcers and detained.

"Why are you arresting me?!" Bai Yi was so angry that he almost burst into tears.

"It doesn't matter if you were caught in that terrifying world, you will be arrested again when you come back! You are too bullying!"

Bai Yi was indeed very aggrieved.

Because he didn't even meet his parents once before he was imprisoned again.

No matter who it is, it will be very embarrassing.

The two interrogators looked at each other and then said calmly: "My child, it's okay. It's just because of your special experience that we cannot treat you with caution."

"This is the General Bureau of Paranormal Investigation. No one will harm you, because you are the only one who has been found in the large-scale missing persons case in recent times, so we need to understand the situation with you."

Bai Yi said with red eyes aggrievedly: "I have said everything that needs to be said. As for whether you believe it or not, that is your own business and has nothing to do with me."

Monitoring room.

One senior executive after another looked solemnly at Bai Yi in the interrogation room.

Then a senior executive said something into the communicator.

The interrogator in the interrogation room pressed his earphones and nodded, raised his head, calmly stretched out his hand, and displayed a piece of paper and a little finger placed in a sealed bag in front of him.

"Then can you tell me what's on it? And what's going on with that finger? What's recorded on it seems to be some kind of summoning ritual for an extremely evil evil god?"

Bai Yi was shocked.

That was the summoning method and the piece of little finger given to him by Brother Lin En.

Bai Yi's eyes flickered and he said: "That is not an evil god summoning ritual. It is a method of summoning him left to me by my elder brother in that world. My elder brother really wants to return to this world to see it. I...I agreed."

The two interrogators looked at each other and said deeply:

"That big brother you talk about, is he human?"

Bai Yi glared and said, "Of course it is! Brother, of course..."

He choked.

Then he instantly thought of the surging tentacles and eyes on his elder brother.

He felt guilty and said sluggishly: "I guess so."

The two interrogators narrowed their eyes and said, "Then I can understand that he just looks like a human, but he is probably also some kind of monster, and he actually wants to use you to give you such a summoning ritual. With your own hands, let it come into this world?”

Bai Yi trembled, his eyes a little dull.

The situation when he was in the castle instantly appeared in his mind.


Although the eldest brother looks like a human being, he doesn't seem to be a human being, because how could a human being grow such terrifying tentacles and arms?

And no matter how you look at it, the turmoil displayed by the eldest brother is more terrifying than the monsters he encountered.


He thought of the blessed smile in his eyes when Lynn told him he could return to this world.

There is also a hint of envy and loss.


he whispered.

"Brother is not a monster."

The two interrogators immediately expressed their determination and picked up the pens in their hands.

"I may be stupid and cowardly, but some things cannot be deceived. Brother just wants to go home. Maybe this is not his home, but no matter what, even if it is for repayment, I will definitely keep my promise."

He raised his head and looked firmly at the two interrogators.

"Unless you lock me up for the rest of my life, I will definitely summon my elder brother here! I swear!"

He shook hands subconsciously, but what no one noticed was that there was a trace of extremely small pieces of flesh and blood between his fingers.

Dark conference room.

Several senior executives sat at the conference table with solemn expressions, and the projector projected the piece of paper found on Bai Yi's body that recorded some kind of evil god summoning ritual.

The leader, a gray-haired old man, said deeply: "What do you think of the dark world that the child said?"

A woman sitting on the right side of the conference table frowned. Her face was obviously less colored than the people around her, and her whole person gave people a gloomy feeling.

She raised her head and frowned.

"I don't know if you've heard of..."

"The Realm of Death."

Everyone squinted and looked at her.

The woman took a deep breath, her brows became more sinister, and she said: "This is a taboo among us psychics. We can channel the dead, but when channeling some dead people who have committed heinous crimes, there is a high probability that we will. situation, touching upon a taboo of isolation.”

"A frontier."

"Without exception, all psychics who dare to touch that taboo and channel the dead outside the border will eventually go crazy and die, and even bring unimaginable curses and evil spirits."

"And the dark world that the child described is very similar to what I described in the teachings left by some of my predecessors..."

Everyone's brows furrowed.

Because this was the first time they heard such mysterious and absurd things.

"You mean..." the white-haired old man at the head said solemnly: "It is very likely that the child fell into the "death realm" you mentioned?"

The woman held her hand tightly and frowned: "Yes, because a similar case happened in a small town decades ago."

"There was a fire in a school in that town at that time, which killed more than thirty students and teachers. Because it involved supernatural phenomena, several exorcists and psychics went to the scene at that time."

"Then what?" the white-haired old man asked solemnly.

The woman took a deep breath and said deeply:

"After the fire, the school was sealed off and put on hold, but for a long time afterwards, supernatural phenomena occurred frequently in the school. People often reported that the teaching building was still burning, and screams could be heard inside. Call and ask for help.”

"But suddenly one day, when the fire reappeared supernaturally, the entire teaching building suddenly collapsed and fell into a gap, and then disappeared from this world forever."

Her expression became more solemn.

"My teacher who went to investigate the matter was present."

The surrounding atmosphere became depressing, and you could hear a pin drop.

for a long time.

The white-haired old man at the head said seriously: "Is there any way to investigate that place?"

The woman shook her head and smiled bitterly: "It's impossible, sir, because that's hell and the realm of death. Even the most powerful psychics dare not touch the taboos there."

The white-haired old man frowned and said, "If what that child said is true, then I highly doubt that the numerous missing persons cases that have occurred in recent months may all be related to that world."

"Maybe they really disappeared, dragged by something into the realm of death you mentioned."

Everyone felt bursts of absurdity and unreality.

Especially when someone tells you that hell is real outside of the world you live in, and evil spirits, ghosts, evil gods, and monsters are no longer just anecdotes that only exist in urban legends.

This is really not acceptable for a while.

The woman raised her head, looked at the image on the screen, and said deeply: "Sir, no matter what, I suggest that the summoning ritual recorded on that piece of paper be destroyed immediately. Regardless of whether the method is true or not, it must not be spread. go out!"

"If someone really succeeds in performing the ritual according to that method, we may face an unimaginable disaster!"

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