Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 37: Stab it in with one blow

at the same time.

First floor.

Linn yawned, sat in front of the chair with her legs crossed, and waited patiently.

Just at this time.


Lin En suddenly heard the sound of chains coming from behind.

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Linn suddenly turned his head.

Then he immediately saw that the dried and skinned corpses that had been hung upside down in the air just now were all standing on the ground at this moment.

Not moving.

A strange and cold breath rushed to his face instantly.

Lynn glared.

He slowly turned his head and sat upright.


The sound came.

He suddenly turned his head again,

Then he immediately saw that the skinless corpses that were standing just now seemed to be closer to his position.


Linn raised an eyebrow.

This time he did not look back, but stared straight at the skinless corpses to see if they were still moving.

for a long time.

He blinked.

In an instant, when Lin opened his eyes again, a skinless corpse appeared in front of him silently, with the terrifying face less than 5 centimeters away from his face.

Linn stared and leaned back stiffly.

Second floor.

The blood-clothed evil spirit sneered, his eyes flickering, looking at the stiff Lin En in the mirror, his face full of joy.

And in the channels in the field of vision, all kinds of evil spirits are even more excited.

"As expected of the Queen in Blood Clothes! The way of creating a sense of terror is too strong. If I were that guy, I would probably be scared too!"

"Yes! Yes! So many corpses of his skinless kin suddenly came to life. Anyone would be horrified!"

"He should be so scared now that he doesn't dare to blink anymore. If he blinks again, his neck will be bitten off in an instant!"

The evil spirits discussed excitedly.

Then they saw that in the picture, Lin was leaning back carefully and staring.

Then he slowly stretched out his hand and carefully reached towards the mouth of the skinless corpse.

"What is he going to do?"

The evil spirits were stunned and didn't understand.

Because from the looks of it, he didn't act like he was scared out of his wits.


Under their stunned gaze.

In the picture, Linn suddenly broke out a gold tooth from the mouth of the skinless corpse close at hand.

He wiped it with a handkerchief, blew on it, and put it in his pocket.

Blood-clothed evil spirit: "..."

Burnt to death ghost: "..."

Blood doll: "..."

In an instant, the originally excited regional channel fell silent.

Everyone's faces were dull.

This isn't right.

This seems to have some conflicts with the development they imagined.

"What is he doing?"

In the regional channel, a message asked dully.

"Gold seems to be very valuable in the human world. It is a hard currency similar to skull coins..." an evil spirit explained.

But this explanation is completely unconvincing.

[Skeleton Demon]: "Look! He's moving! Is he finally planning to escape this time?!"

The evil spirits immediately stared at the screen.

I can only see it in the screen.

Linn slowly got out from under the arm of the skinless corpse, staring without blinking the whole time.

Then he walked around behind the skinless body.

Pull out the boning knife from your waist.

With a pop, it was stabbed directly in from a certain opening below.

Blood-clothed evil spirit: "!!!"

Blood Doll: "(ΩДΩ)!!"

Burnt Ghost: "It was stabbed in! He was stabbed in!"

Seeing this scene, all the dark creatures watching on the regional channel felt their lower bodies tingle, their anus tightened, and there was a look of fear on their faces.


Every time Linn in the picture stabbed him with a knife, the dark creatures watching in the regional channel trembled all over.

Then they saw it.

After the boy in the picture stabbed him more than a dozen times from below.

He turned his head again, stared, and walked to another skinless corpse.


It's the same position again, the same knife.

"Asshole-exploding madman! (ΩДΩ)!!"

At this time, everyone in the regional channel was not calm.

Every time Linn poked, they all trembled and their anus clenched, as if what he was stabbing was not the puppets, but themselves.

"Something's wrong! Something's wrong!!"

"These puppets can't scare him at all. He seems to be getting more and more excited the more he pokes them!"

"No! It's too torturous! I don't want to see this numb scalp! (ΩДΩ)!"

"He's not afraid at all!"

Looking at Lin En in the picture, he set his sights on the next target.

The blood-clothed evil spirit gritted his teeth and immediately gave the order.

"Kill him!"


The motionless skinless corpses in the picture suddenly began to twist.

A corpse suddenly opened its mouth and let out a terrifying and hoarse roar towards Linn.


But he hasn't screamed yet.

Lin En's boning knife that had just stabbed his lower body penetrated directly into his mouth.

Then, countless viewers on the regional channel stared blankly.

Linn seemed to be unparalleled.

One knife at a time!

One knife at a time!

They were knocked down smoothly one after another, and the position of each stab was very tricky.

In less than three minutes, dozens of skinless puppets were all knocked to the ground by him.


There was silence among the regional channels.

All the evil spirits stared blankly at Lin En's handsome back holding a knife in the picture.

" this human being so awesome?"

"They were all killed by him!"

"And he doesn't seem afraid at all!"

"Why am I a little scared! (ΩДΩ)"

And at the next moment when everyone was watching in shock, they suddenly saw Lin En running quickly towards the door.

In an instant, the evil spirits' eyes lit up.

"He wants to run?!"

But less than a few seconds after Linn disappeared from the screen, they immediately heard bursts of chattering sounds coming from outside the screen.

"What is that sound?" An evil spirit was stunned.

And at the next moment, I saw Lin En rushing in quickly, holding a chainsaw in his hand, like a murderous maniac, pulling and pulling... chainsaw.

Everyone: "(ΩДΩ)?!!"

"How dare you scare me! I'm so impatient! (艹艹艹) I'll chop them all up for you today, chop them up, and feed them to my big baby!"

Branch edge——branch edge——

Under the extremely horrified gaze of everyone.

Lin En held a chainsaw and began to destroy the skinless puppets on the ground in a manner that would scare a child to tears.


All of a sudden, bloody and horrific scenes were played out in front of the camera.

[Blood Doll]: "(Screaming) Don't watch it! Don't watch it!! It's too scary! He doesn't even let go of the corpse!!"

[Long-haired Ghost]: "(Extremely frightened) That's right! That's how he sawed it yesterday! Ah - ah -"

[Burned Ghost]: "(Holds his head in horror) He is not a normal human being at all!! Queen, you can't use the same methods as normal people to deal with him! He saws people up more cruelly than his teacher!! "

among regional channels.

Countless [sanzhi-1] directly flooded the screen.

Seeing that the audience was scared out of their minds, the blood-clothed evil spirit quickly turned off the screen, clenched his fists, and said:

"This... this guy!"

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