Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 374 I am a puppet who only needs you

If Miss Doll only acquiesces, then he does not recommend that anything happen between you and me, but if it is because of the offense that Miss Doll cannot resist...

The nature is completely different.

Because even if he, Lin En, is a bastard, he can't really forcefully kill the doll lady he has only known for less than a day just to vent his lust, because in that case, what is the difference between him and an animal?

He will never do anything against a girl's will. This is one of his bottom lines.

Brackets: except left and right.

Reason: No explanation needed.


Linn finished.

Heixianyue paused for a moment, then she slowly turned her head and looked at Linn quietly from her shoulder, the expression on his face reflected in her eyes.

Just watch quietly.

And the spell lines beating like flower buds on her bright back made her as beautiful as dreamy glass at this moment, which was thrilling.

This scene really almost made Linn lose control again.

Black Xianyue looked at it quietly for a while and said:

"Are you going to give up on me? Mater."

Lin En smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying: "That's not what I meant, but one thing you may not know is that your mother actually asked me to hire you for other reasons."

"I don't know if you know that it was the emotional bond and physical fusion between your mother and my teacher that finally allowed her to transform from a doll to flesh and blood."

"And the real purpose why she asked you to protect me is actually for this."

After finishing speaking, Linn sighed and shook his head.

"But I know that you can't force things like feelings. Forcing them together will only be counterproductive in the end, so I feel the need to tell you this, because this employment is very unfair to you. "

After finishing speaking, Lin En stretched out his hand seriously and said:

"So, we hope that we can break the contract because in my opinion, you should be a living person with a mind and free will of your own, not a cold puppet who only follows instructions."

"So is it okay? Miss Crescent Moon."

Black Xianyue didn't speak, her eyes were still watching him quietly.

But in those dark eyes, there seemed to be some subtle fluctuations that were completely unchanged from before.

Lin En didn't speak anymore, didn't look away, and met her eyes seriously.

Time passes slowly.

for a long time

Black Xianyue slowly looked away quietly, turned his head, closed his eyes, and gently hugged the clothes that had been taken off to his chest.

"I actually know what you just said."

Linn was startled.

Black Crescent Moon closed her eyes and said:

"I'm still surprised that you can tell me this in person, because as my master, you don't actually need to explain it to me."

"Mother has given you the greatest authority. Within the validity period of the contract, I am yours alone. You can control me according to your own will and ideas, and you don't need to care about my ideas at all."

"So if you really want to use my body, please don't care about my will at all. I will comply..."

"Your use."

Her voice was low, and her hands gently rested on her legs. Under the refraction of the dim light, her snow-white back exuded charming waves.

And those words also told him that she would not disobey the instructions.

She will comply.

Lynn can now do anything he wants if he wants to.

Because the puppets on the stage are puppets that live to be manipulated. Without the control of silk threads, no matter how gorgeous the puppet is, it is just a piece of scrap metal without direction.

In the silent halo, she closed her eyes and waited quietly. In the floral Gothic dress, from her cheeks to her neck, from her shoulders to her waist, she dreamily exuded a charming cold-toned light.

That is indeed a perfect ketone body that is irresistible. For any man, it is like a poison that can drive people crazy.

Time passes slowly.

But Lynn didn't offend him as much as she thought.

Just a stabbing sound was heard.

It appears to be a tear of some kind of paper.

And a cold synthetic sound sounded in her mind almost instantly.

[Your employer, Mr. Lin En, has terminated the employment contract with you. Employment Agreement No. 951 has expired, and your protection mission has been unilaterally suspended. 】

In an instant, Heixianyue suddenly opened her dark eyes, turned her head suddenly, and looked at Lin En behind her.

Lin En held the torn contract in the box with a smile, adjusted his monocle, and said:

"Didn't I already say it? Miss Puppet, you should become a person with your own will and heart, not just a puppet that follows instructions. If that's the case, what's the point of living? "

Black Xianyue stared at him blankly.

For a moment, she couldn't say a word.

"But I still want to hire you."

Linn smiled and extended his hand to the black crescent moon on the bed, as if it was an equal invitation.

"But I don't want it to be in a mandatory contract like before, but in a more equal way, so now, I sincerely extend an invitation to you."

"Miss Black Moon, are you willing to accept my employment for a month?"

Lin En took off his tall hat, bowed like a gentleman, put one hand behind his back, and extended a sincere invitation to the beautiful lady on the bed with the other hand.

Lin En blinked and smiled:

"The conditions are very generous."


At the same time.

In the puppet manor, the puppet lady who was sitting on a chair and monitoring the status of Black Moon from the equipment in the suitcase was suddenly startled, quickly put down the red wine in her hand, and looked at the curve above, with a burst of surprise in her eyes.

Because the curve representing her daughter's spiritual development suddenly increased by several percentage points at that moment just now.


She looked at the data transmitted back in surprise.

And she also received the information that the contract was terminated almost at the same time, that is, the contract she specially drafted for Lin En and her daughter was unilaterally torn up.

But unexpectedly, her daughter's emotional development was also greatly improved.


At this moment, something must have happened to Lin En that caused her daughter's emotions to fluctuate greatly.

But the data sent back did not seem to be a manifestation of love.

She was stunned.

Because this was almost contrary to her plan.

But it didn't seem to be a bad thing, because she didn't expect that after just one day away from the Doll Manor, her mechanical daughter's spiritual development had been greatly improved.

"Lin En, did you use any terrible means?"

She murmured to herself.

This guy, he seems to be very good at it.


Night City, hotel room.

[Ding! Black String Moon's emotional development increased to 15.5%]

[Ding! Black String Moon's emotional development increased to 17.1%]

[Ding! Black String Moon's emotional development increased to 18%]

With the system prompts ringing in her ears, Lin En still maintained the sincere expression on her face and stretched out her hand to the doll lady who was like a machine on the bed.

"Will you accept my invitation, Miss Doll?"

He repeated it again with a smile, his eyes full of sincerity and honesty.

Because he had seen from the beginning that the reason why Miss Doll's emotional development was very low was perhaps not because she was fundamentally different from her sisters.

What she lacked was perhaps just the respect of others.

Don't treat her as a mechanical puppet, don't treat her as a sharp knife, don't treat her as a weapon, but treat her as an equal person, an individual with personal will.

What she needs.

is equal treatment.

And it was because of this that he took the initiative to tear up the contract.

And he didn't really want Miss Doll to become a tool for his sexual gratification, although he could do so, but what he hoped more was to have another friend who was in tune with him.

"So, are you willing?"


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