Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 800 Is that why you don’t dare to see me?

The lesions and expansion of flesh and blood have once again expanded to more than double the size.

Even this huge underground space seems to be unable to accommodate the crowded flesh and blood tissue and diseased body.

It was as if every nerve brought great pain and suffering.

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And her wandering consciousness didn't notice it at all.

Just above her.

In the crowded dark strata, there was a group of fire that kept jumping towards here.

Maybe there's not a lot of anxiety.

But there are some people in this world who, with either rational or emotional impulses, try to fight against the chaotic curse again and again.


It seemed like it was at that moment.

A roar from gritted teeth.

It sounded suddenly in this dark space again, just like every time before, just like the cat that chased him out every time and maybe didn't care much.

But it seems to have perseverance.

Trying to come to her again and again!

It was like that moment.

When she lifted up the bloody flesh and blood tissue during the painful peeling off, she saw the figure holding a giant scythe emerging from the bloody mist.

He seemed to appear out of thin air. In the radiant light, one could even clearly see the gritted teeth flashing in his dark pupils.



"Go away!!"

She once again let out a bone-chilling scream at the figure.

But experience again and again made Linn suddenly accelerate at that moment, gritting his teeth, right above her, in the huge storm, suddenly stretched out his hand in her direction.

But every time before, he failed at this step and was expelled.

But this time.

He didn't want to be driven away again at this moment!

And it was at that moment, when fate was frantically writing the words that would banish him again on the paper.

He finally flew to her side in the strong wind.

At the last moment.

He grasped hard the brush strokes that were writing his destiny crazily.

"Quill! It's me! I'm here to help you!"

He almost used up all his strength to tighten the bloody strokes, but what he was greeted with was another sharp scream from the huge flesh and blood tissue.


A huge burst of power.

His body flew backwards in an instant and hit the ground heavily, leaving a long trace on the ground.

But he climbed up with difficulty, opened his hand, and the bloody quill was already in his hand.

"It's okay, as long as I'm here, you won't have killed me..."

But he hasn't finished speaking yet.

The expression on his face instantly froze in place.

The bloody quill lay in the palm of his hand as if it had no life breath. It was completely different from usual. He didn't feel any flow of consciousness from it at all.


This is actually a dead thing.

In the distance, he slowly heard the sound of low crying coming from him.

He suddenly seemed to realize something. There was a loud bang in his brain. He raised his head in shock and looked at the bloated flesh and blood veins that were almost stuck to the entire alien space.

That low cry.

It sounded from the loach's cysts and squirming pieces of flesh.

That moment.

Lynn seemed to suddenly feel the absurdity of the world, and suddenly realized why she had screamed at him to "don't look" before, and why she still seemed to be able to make rational judgments and decisions again and again. The earth drove him away.

Could it be that...

"Quill pen..."

Lin En stood up from the ground in a daze, looked at the bloody brush in his hand, then raised his head and murmured at the huge flesh and blood disaster.

"It's not your body... You are the real quill, you are the writer, right..."

Huge growths of flesh and blood were disproportionately entrenched in all directions around him. Lin En murmured and looked at it. Facing the huge and twisted catastrophe, he subconsciously took a step forward.

"Don't come here!"

A high-pitched cry.

The twisted piece of flesh wanted to retreat like crazy. The huge piece of flesh kept trying to curl up. Weird power kept floating on the veins of the piece of flesh, trying to turn those twisted limbs into nothingness, but in Under the huge backlash and crazy gaze, she couldn't hide her cruelty at all.

It's like trying to hide.

It was like she was curling up desperately not wanting him to see her true appearance.

And Linn finally understood.

It's not that she doesn't want to communicate with him, it's that she doesn't want him to see herself at this time, because at least in the past, it was still the clean brushstrokes who just wanted a quiet desk.


The quill is just her external manifestation. She has always used the power of authority to hide her ugliest side. But in fact, Linn should have realized from the beginning that she was still in the form of a cat and was The moment when the power of nothingness held you in your arms.

He should have been able to realize it.

She actually has her own body.


He just can't see it.

"Please go back quickly, let me stay here alone. After the backlash is over, if you have anything to ask, we can talk properly, but now... please leave."

The trembling voice that almost sounded like crying came from the twisted flesh and veins.

It seemed that every exposed blood vessel was trembling.

She tried her best to hide her body in the darkness, not wanting him to see it.

And the voice was almost pleading.

And Lin En had never seen her like this before, because every time he quietly pushed open the door, he saw the quiet and lively feather pen scribbling on the paper like a hermit.

She seemed to have always been pure innocence, writing many fairy-tale stories.

Although she knew that he had always been a human being.

Although she wrote down every experience he had in the cursed city as if recording from a distance, she used a romantic brushstroke to adapt his story into an interesting adventure of a cat.

Lin En held the pen and stared at her quietly. He calmed down from the absurdity.

But he did not leave.

The moment he realized the truth, he knew the pain she had endured.

"You are afraid that I will know your true appearance, so you dare not see me at this time, right?"

Lin En stared at her steadily.

It was as if he did not hear her pleading at all.

He took a step.

Holding the feather pen.

Step by step, he walked towards the huge curled cyst.

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