Another World: My life is on the rise!

Chapter 825: Son of the Evil God! Lin En!

Inside the conference venue.

In fact, this meeting did not go very smoothly. In the end, Lin En was silenced by the dimension-reducing blow of targeted spells.

"So, I think it's up to you to decide."

Sir Egwene took a deep breath and took the lead in breaking the strange and somewhat unusual silence, trying to regain her serious expression.

He knocked on the table.

"If you really want to implement this plan, in order to increase the probability of success, you must spread as many targeted spells and ritual circles as possible in various surface worlds, so this brings up this serious topic again. Are you really sure that such a spell should be spread?"

Everyone fell into silence again.

Because it's really too evil.

But this is not the kind of deterrent evil, but the kind that is difficult to explain clearly...

The Titan head also took a deep breath, looked at the sentence on the spell carefully and seriously, and said:

"I don't think it matters - it's not like you don't understand my son-in-law - since he dares to write such xp on the spell - he must have his own intention - and he believes in pragmatism - only Usefulness comes first—since one sentence can increase the success rate of summoning by 90%—"

He said deeply.

"Then how could he not use it?"

Everyone thought, and then nodded in agreement.

That's right.

From what they knew about him, he was indeed a fearless man. He even dared to follow the Brain of the Colossus to bombard Hell, and he even dared to take on the job of provoking Hell. How could he possibly do such a thing? Will you care?

Family members know family members best.

And he might even have a little bit of a nasty, twisted excitement...

After all, his g-spot is somewhat different from that of ordinary creatures.

There are no doubts or considerations. This matter has been settled. After all, is life or xp more important? To choose one of the two, of course you have to choose your life! This is simply something that does not need to be considered. As for whether to ask for his opinion...

Let’s talk again.

After all, with his current idea of ​​not caring what hell would do to him, if he really told him, he would definitely reject it directly, so there was no point in telling him.

"I'll get ready right away."

Sir Egwene arranged the documents in his hands seriously, stood up and said:

"First reserve the 107 worlds that I can access. After I spread out, I will need further assistance from everyone. In order to maximize the possibility of being summoned, I am afraid that you will also need to play the role of the evil god. Although organizations like cults are relatively bad, they are also the most efficient. In three days, we can't think about other meaningless things. "

Preliminary plans were quickly drawn up.

If it is the kind of world that is difficult to be deeply affected, then engrave the spells and magic circles on some kind of container, or write them on some kind of book, and use big means to transfer them.

This is more fateful.

The other method is also more optimistic to them.

For those worlds that are easier to penetrate and influence, it is to randomly select a lucky cult member from each world, and then use the form of dreams to let them sense the revelation of "god" in the dream. Of course, this "god" may They are "ferocious bleeding heads", "twisted and swollen brains", "nihilistic and grotesque nightmares", "hanging upside down suffering angels", etc.

But as long as authority and deterrence are established.

Then pass on some little dark knowledge to them, and give them the important task of summoning "sons of demons", "sons of hell", and "twisted lolicons" in the world where they live.

Take this kind of cult-like organization.

They would definitely be easily seduced by an evil god with such a high position as themselves, and then enthusiastically and enthusiastically join the wave of fighting for the great cause of the evil god.

As for why not incarnate in the image of Wei Guangzheng?

I would like to ask, which normal person would think that the revelations sent from hell are revelations from the bright and majestic God?

Does your God live in hell? !

There was no doubt that the basic action guide was quickly formulated in this small conference room, waiting for the next specific implementation.


Sir Egwene raised his head and said seriously:

"If that's the case, it's settled. I'll let you know after I've arranged the relevant matters. So it's best for you not to leave Night City during this period. Is there anything else you want to add?"

He glanced around, then nodded, picked up the document and said;

"In that case, then I..."

But before he finished speaking, the silver-haired girl who had been sitting opposite him with a calm expression raised her head and said:

"One more thing."

Sir Egwene's eyes immediately fell on her.

The silver-haired girl's eyes were unwavering, and she said: "I have always been curious, how did Lin En survive in that situation? In fact, you have all seen it before. The gaze of hell made him, regardless of flesh and blood, Souls and powers are all being peeled off in a disorderly manner. In other words..."

"It's just that the rules that maintain his existence are showing signs of collapse."

Her eyes fell on Sir Egwene opposite, and she said:

"So how did he survive under such circumstances?"

Sir Egwene and the others frowned slightly, and the surroundings fell into silence again.

Dim and silent.


At the same time.

In the corridor of the punk-style hotel.

Lin En, dressed as a night doctor, held his bird-beak mask and strode towards his room. His footsteps made a creaking sound in the corridor where people came and went.

He adjusted his monocle, smiled, took off the glove on his left hand, looked at his palm, and said with a smile:

"Zuo Zuo, you have said a word to me since I woke up. What's wrong? Are you still angry with me?"

He stretched out his hand and flicked the middle finger of his left hand.

Tease it a little.

But Zuo Zuo still didn't respond.

Just like an ordinary left hand.

Ignore it.

Lin En shook his head with a smile.


I'm just angry.

However, he immediately remembered what Sir Egwene had said to him.

"She dragged you up by force. When we found you, she dragged you, covered in blood, in the square and cried for help..."

Regardless of whether they were connected by fate or they were one, Zuo Zuo saved him again at a critical moment. If there was anyone in the world who was most unwilling to see you get hurt, it would probably be Zuo Shou, who had walked with him step by step to the present.

Just as she said.

She was not happy every time she saved you.

Because if possible, she would rather not save you once, because every time such a situation occurred, it meant that he was in danger and forced himself into a dead end.

So this was probably the reason why Zuo Zuo remained silent and didn't say a word to him after he woke up for so long this time.

"Don't be angry~ Am I alive now? So don't be like a little kid and make trouble with me, come, eat candy~"

Lin En stared.

He took out a earthworm-flavored lollipop from the system space and swung it in front of the palm of his left hand.

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