After a busy morning, late at night, Jon finally had time to rest.

He rode a Tyrannosaurus to the beach alone.

“It’s getting a little colder.” Jon descended from the Tyrannosaurus and felt the chilling sea breeze.

Jon came to this world in early August, and now it is mid-October, almost three months later, he has adjusted to life in this world.

“During this time, I have also accumulated a lot of merit points.” Jon clicked on his system, and it was just past midnight.

[People in the territory: 2137. Daily Merit Value: 17959]

【Merit: 201497】

In the past few months, in addition to daily expenses, as well as the monthly consumption of five-star career renewals, Jon’s merit value has accumulated to more than 200,000.

[Main Quest (The Rise of the Border Town) Mission 3: Each resident of the border town generates 10 points per day, reaching 1,000 people. Completed. Rewards: 200,000 merit points, first-order Pokeball*10]

“Sure enough, it’s done today.” Jon breathed a sigh of relief, the reason why he pushed off the dinner tonight was to wait for the task to be completed.

In the past few days, this number had reached the bottleneck, and there were few people away from the goal of a thousand people, so Jon had free time and waited for this moment.

【Merit: 401497】

“If the money is enough, then those things can now be exchanged.”

【System Store:

One company’s special forces equipment · 100,000 ¥ (locked)


Jon has been looking at this special forces equipment for a long time, and has long wanted to exchange it for Xiao Duoduo and their squad, and now the funds are completely sufficient and can be generous.

Although there is such a thing as a weapon, there is not much threat to the existence of a high level.

However, this weapon still has two advantages.

First: Border towns can still have the ability to defend against enemies while Jon takes away Pokémon.

Second: there are samples, Tang Yuan may be able to make firearms, the arms business is far more profitable than any bicycle.

[Redeeming ‘one company’s special forces equipment’ costs 100,000 merit points]

【Meritorious Point: 301497】

Brush the blah

One by one, light appeared, and wooden boxes containing weapons appeared in front of Jon.

Jon opened the box, and it was full of AK47s, as well as some more terrifying weapons.

With these weapons, Xiao Duoduo’s squad of dozens of people and the other party’s army of thousands of people did not have any problems.

“Now it’s the big thing, and it’s not in vain that I’ve saved up for more than a month.” Jon took a deep breath and clicked on his system warehouse.

First-order Pokeball*100

That’s right! Jon did not summon Pokémon in large quantities during this time, just to complete the task of summoning a hundred Pokémon at the same time.

In addition, Jon doesn’t have much demand for Pokémon now, so he simply accumulates it like this.

Add the 10 you got from completing the previous mission, which is exactly a hundred!

Also accumulated, there are experience cards that can satisfy more than a hundred Pokémon to upgrade from the first level to the fourth level.

Jon took a deep breath and raised his hand.

A hundred Poké Orbs were summoned by Jon at the same time, and a hundred rays of light emanated.

The scene was quite gorgeous.

[Achievement mission: Open a hundred first-order Poké balls at once. Completed, get a random 5th order Poké Ball*1]

Fifth Order Pokeball!

This is still the most advanced Pokeball Jon has seen so far, and the fourth-order Pokeball has also appeared, selling for one million merit points.

From this, it is inferred that the fifth-order Spirit Ball is at least 10 million merit values.

“It’s scary.” Jon gasped.

At this moment, a hundred Pokémon also appeared in front of Jon in turn, increasing the effect according to the same probability of summoning at the same time, and this time there were also a large number of duplicate Pokémon.

There are exactly five types.

【Small magnetic monster (quantity: 20)

Level: First order

Experience: 0/10

Attributes: Electrical and Steel

Qualification: Legend

Skills: Impact, Ultrasound, Electric Shock]

[Achievement Mission: Record a fairy ‘little magnetic monster’ that has never been obtained.] 30/50】

Twenty small magnetic monsters floating in the air, looking at them, Jon seemed to faintly see flashes of electricity.

“The little magnetic monster is a Pokémon of electricity and steel, and electricity can create electricity. Giving the little magnetic monster to Tang Yuan may speed up her scientific research progress. Jon muttered to himself.

Jon took out twenty copies of the upgraded fourth-tier package.

A yellow glow appeared on more than twenty small magnetic monsters, and then began to upgrade.

[First-order small magnetic monster upgraded to second-order small magnetic monster]

[Second-order small magnetic monster upgraded to third-order small magnetic monster]

[Third-order small magnetic monster evolved into a three-in-one magnetic monster]

[Achievement Mission: Record a never-acquired sprite ‘three-in-one magnetic monster’.] 31/50】

【Three-in-one magnetic monster (quantity: 20)

Level: Level 4

Experience: 0/10000

Attributes: Electrical and Steel

Qualification: Legend

Skills: Impact, Hypersound, Electric Shock, Electromagnetic Wave, Sonic Boom, Light Wall, 100,000 Volts]

The small magnetic monster evolved into a three-in-one magnetic monster, and its combat effectiveness and the current emitted have increased a lot.

After reading the first, Jon looked at the second Pokémon.

It was a little blue turtle…

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