Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1002: problem

The first question asked what Sun Peng wanted.

So almost without any hesitation, he smiled and said, "Of course I know that first-class cabin is more comfortable, and I really don't lack that little money, but..."

Suddenly holding up two fingers, Sun Peng continued with a smile: "Two reasons. The first is that it is difficult to book tickets for the Polar Bear, and my itinerary is a bit urgent. Under normal circumstances, I really can’t get first class. The second one is because of the content of my new book, which basically happened in the carriage of a train, and there were exactly 16 passengers in the carriage! Think about it, if I really went to first class , But you can’t appreciate the details of the 16-seater carriage."

"Wow! Is it difficult for Lao Bai to buy first-class tickets?"

"The operating party of the Polar Bear has a brain drain? Don't they know how many fans Lao Bai has? How much impact can a single sentence bring?"

"Cut, haven't I heard that people do not worry about selling tickets? What impact? Isn't the focus of everyone's attention on the words "under normal circumstances"? There are not many stars who are willing to be low-key like Lao Bai these days..."

"The preceding is also nonsense. Isn't the focus on the content of the new book? A story that happened in a train car?"


So when Jiang Hailun drew out the second lucky audience, the other party directly asked: "Bai Da, when will my Linlin star in your script again? That's a cousin, so you can't just ignore it after being popular. Now when it comes to being a coffee, Linlin is not an international superstar!"


In the place where the audience couldn't see in the live broadcast room, Sun Peng's face instantly went black!

However, the person who asked the question couldn't see it. Jiang Hailun, who was sitting opposite Sun Peng and closely watching the changes in his expression, trembled in his heart, thinking that Lao Bai was angry because of this question.

But fortunately, Sun Peng only turned dark, and immediately said with a smile: "This question, in fact, this summer's "Assassin League" starred Linlin! Believe me, this movie is very exciting, absolutely not It's worse than "The Matrix"! And I also believe that after this movie is released, her celebrity can be further improved..."

As for whether it can reach the level of an international superstar, Sun Peng is not very concerned.

Not this time, then next time!

Anyway, as long as he is there and Lin Lin herself works hard enough, even if it's a matter of reaching the top of the international film scene, it will only be sooner or later. What is there to worry about?


"Lao Bai, can my new English album be released as scheduled this year for Feifei? Why haven't I heard any news yet?"


"Lao Bai, is there a sequel to The Matrix? We are still waiting to see the battle between the savior and the computer boss!"


"Lao Bai teacher, in fact, I personally like the Little Wizard series very much! But what I don't quite understand is why you want to adapt a set of Wizard series? Is it really like some people say, because from the bottom of your heart, you are more admiring foreigners. , So you want to please Western readers with a set of Little Mage’s novels?"


As one question after another came out, Sun Peng's face darkened.

This bunch of fans...

The quality is not good!

I have already pointed it out just now. The purpose of my car ride this time is to perfect the details of the new book... Why doesn't anyone care? No one asks the specific details? Don't you ask me how to speak?

Picking out the nth lucky audience, Jiang Hailun began to read the latest question: "Old Bai Da, I just want to know what the subject matter of your new book is. It is worth taking a special trip to the Polar Bear, and also special rides in 16 boxes. The second-class carriage..."

"Ouch, here comes!"

When he heard this, Sun Peng lifted his spirits, and even the body that had been leaning on the back of the chair straightened up again!

"...So I guess it should be a mystery novel, and it's a mystery novel that took place in a closed car! Old Bai Da, is the result of my guess correct?"

Just after Sun Peng straightened up, Jiang Hailun read the rest of the content word by word.


His cheeks twitched vigorously, and Sun Peng couldn't help but roll his eyes, and he leaned back again!


After finally waiting for someone to ask the main question, he guessed the answer directly, and he simply didn't give Sun Peng a chance to speak! At this moment, Sun Peng felt his eyelids tremble endlessly, his scalp tightened, he wanted to grab Jiang Hailun’s cell phone and buckle it on the steak in front of him...

Of course, I can only think about it. Sun Peng grinned reluctantly in front of the camera Jiang Hailun raised, and then gave the other side a thumbs up: "Awesome! It's so amazing! That's right, this time." I was preparing to write a mystery novel, and it really happened in a carriage with 16 private rooms..."



Suddenly, it has been confirmed countless times, but when Jiang Hailun finished today’s live broadcast and looked at all the data again, she couldn’t help but swallowed again without any promise, and at the same time a heart beating like Like a giant drum on the battlefield.

Oh my god, it's too exaggerated!

At the peak, more than 8 million viewers poured into Jiang Hailun’s live broadcast room, setting her new record-in fact, using the word record is not accurate anymore. After all, she had the highest peak in the live broadcast room. There are only 1.1 million people here!

The number of followers in the live broadcast room skyrocketed by 600,000 in one day!

Although I know that these people are not necessarily coming for myself, it is most likely because I am on this train, and in the next few days it is possible to see Lao Bai through myself, but...what does it matter? As long as you pay attention to your live broadcast room, you can leave them behind with your ability!

Step back ten thousand steps, even if you can't keep it, some people don't cancel after paying attention, but they also add data to themselves!

What's more, in addition to the crazy following and the number of live broadcasts, all the gifts Jiang Hailun received this afternoon and evening combined are more than the gifts she received in the past three months! In other words, she just ate a meal with Lao Bai, chatted with him, and relayed the questions raised by netizens by the way, and earned all the income in the past three months!


After understanding all of this, Jiang Hailun's eyes on Sun Peng became more and more fiery.

Thinking about the days and nights ahead, and thinking about his dream of entering the real entertainment industry, Jiang Hailun could no longer contain the throbbing in his heart. He smiled at Sun Peng and said, "Lao Bai, thank you. Invite me to dinner tonight, and I will invite you tomorrow morning! I will get up early and call you?"


Seeing the sudden change of the girl's expression on the opposite side, and the slight flushing, Sun Peng's heart suddenly burst, and he waved his hand quickly: "Hehe, no, no, no. I'm too tired today, and I must sleep in tomorrow. Yes. Besides, my assistant is here with me this time, and she will naturally call me..."

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