Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1010: momentum

"You mean, you've been talking about songs all the time?"

After simply listening to Sun Peng's narration, the two Guoan staff members looked at each other immediately, and were a little disappointed for a while.

Although no one thought that Lao Bai, a big figure in the entertainment industry, and a billionaire worthy of tens of billions of dollars, would do anything to traitor to the country, and they also believed in their own survey data. Lao Bai's life history is really innocent. You are innocent, but if you can find something from a big celebrity, isn't it a sense of accomplishment?

After all, for ordinary Guoan people, daily stimulation is seriously lacking.

But chat about songs? what is this?

You must know that the diplomat’s granddaughter is a singer. It has long been found out. In addition to novels and scripts, Lao Bai was originally the most famous and top composer in China. The songs co-stars have swept the world and won three or four Grammys...Of course there are two Oscars. What's wrong with the music?

So after listening to the other party's answer, the middle-aged man was soon disappointed and had nothing to ask.

After a brief disappointment, the young woman suddenly became interested. She blinked her eyes and asked carefully, "Lao Bai, then did you see that Xie Liuna later? Miss Utkin, she was still with you. We played Red Square and the Kremlin together... Could it be that you agreed to write a song for her?"

"This one……"

Looking at the female agent of Guoan with watery eyes, Sun Peng's mouth twitched a few times!

It's amazing, he thought the other party was a little cute?

The female agent is not very old, and she looks very fashionable in her casual clothes. In addition, her looks and figure are all in the upper middle...Of course the most important thing is the identity of the other party, the appearance of a fan with wide eyes. , Naturally there is something called Contrast Meng...

"Ahem! Ahem!"

The more he thought about it, the more mess he got, Sun Peng shook his head quickly and focused on the question just now: "Yes, I promised, and not only promised to write a song for Xie Liuna, but also prepared to sing and dance for the Red Flag. The regiment wrote a few songs and used them on the anniversary of their victory in the Great Patriotic War next year!"

"Huh? Why?"

After listening to Sun Peng's words, the female agent hurriedly asked.

"This one……"

The corners of his mouth twitched twice again, and Sun Peng's brows suddenly frowned.

Looking at the three men with weird eyes at the same time, the female agent suddenly realized that her attitude was inappropriate, and she was suddenly embarrassed. But after biting her lip, she quickly remedied: "I mean, why did you think of writing music for them? As far as I know, you seem to be writing an entire album for Chen Tianhou this year... …"

"Well, let's stop here today!"

It is clear why the male agent who suddenly asked this question glared at her and stood up apologetically: "Excuse me Director Zheng, Teacher Lao Bai, I disturbed both of you today... We just came over to find out the situation. There is really no other meaning! Of course, whoever you write a song to and what you write is your personal freedom. We have no reason to interfere... Then, we will go back first."

After the male agent glared fiercely, the female agent closed her mouth and dared not say anything more.

And after seeing all of this, Sun Peng waited until the two left, and then asked the old husband with a weird expression: "Dad, do you think these two people...especially the woman, it seems strange!"

"Strange? Which is strange?"

After hearing this, Zheng Tianliang asked in a puzzled way.

"It's... it's a bit too ordinary, not at all like people from the national violence agency, even when they talk to us, they always have a smile on their faces!"


After staring at Sun Peng for a long time, Lao Zheng suddenly violent: "That Lao Tzu is also a member of the state violent agency, shouldn't I also face you with a face to face every day? Well, I think your kid is floating recently. I don’t even know who I am anymore. I got involved with a retired ambassador when I went out of the country, and I also recruited Guoan from home...


Being trained by the old man was naturally painless to Sun Peng.

But after dinner, he was given another training by his wife, and Sun Peng could not be treated as a okay person. Especially Zheng Jia now has a brighter belly, and slowly began to feel the burden of small things on her, coupled with the effect of hormones, the original good temper has become a little weird...

Sun Peng absolutely dare not mess with pregnant women.

So with the kind words of Datong, Zheng Jia finally fell asleep, and Sun Peng sighed helplessly after lying on the bed-it was an occasional whim, wanting to do something to nostalgia, why? Caused so much trouble? Although there are still hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of territorial disputes between China and the Soviet Union, in the final analysis, which side is China taking advantage of? As for such a surprise?


Take out his mobile phone and look at the rumors that have been divergent over the past two days on the Internet. Sun Peng is really getting more angry as he looks at it-why does he admire white and always want to write stories that happened abroad? Didn't those martial arts novels and the Little Wizard series take place in China? And why don't you look down on domestic singers and always want to develop in Europe and America? I didn’t write the albums of Chen Feifei and Luo Cheng sweeping the world?

What is even more exaggerated is, why did he sympathize with the Soviet Union and support them in taking back their territory?


But after being so tossed by others, Sun Peng's temper really got up!

Since he was so hacked, he really had to choose a few songs, at least to make the Hongqi Song and Dance Troupe satisfied! Of course, it would be even better if these songs could be as high as the ones on Earth!

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, and Sun Peng suddenly smiled, turned over and sat up.

Turning on the bedside lamp next to him, Sun Peng took out a pen and paper from the bedside table and began to write and draw on it...

Since you want to write, write the best!

In Sun Peng’s mind, the best music of the Soviets is undoubtedly the set of every time the Red Square parade—or rather, the Soviet music he has heard is not much, and the most impressive is undoubtedly those. First!

"Holy war"? This must have!

"unbreakable alliance"? This must be carefully considered, after all, he is a foreigner who touts Lao Maozi so much, it is not appropriate to think.

"Katyusha"? There should be, there should be, there should be a tender song in the mighty and majestic song. And the style of this song is quite suitable for China, and it should be more popular when it comes out.

and also……

Conquer heaven? Valkyrie?

When thinking that something too western might not be suitable for the Soviet Union, and might be rejected by the other party, Sun Peng regretfully smacked his lips. You must know that in the previous life because he watched the Red Square military parade, Sun Peng also deliberately searched for a lot of "most powerful music", "ten powerful background music" and so on. There are so many dry goods in his stomach... …"

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