"Xiaopeng, pay attention to this Ge Hailan in the future!"

After the two groups of people left one after another, Sun Ya couldn't help reminding her brother: "The girl looked at you just now, and there was something wrong in her eyes, and she kept inviting you to have lunch, weekend gatherings... I am a woman, and I can see that she has an attempt to you!"

"Any attempt against me? What can I do?"

Hearing what the second sister said, Sun Peng was immediately happy.

"Hehe, what do you say?"

Looking at her cousin sideways, Sun Ya couldn't help but shook her head. If you just look at the height, appearance, and figure, this kid really has nothing to do. It is invisible when thrown on the street, but it is necessary to talk about talent...

Gee, that's another matter.

So in the past few years, Sun Ya has really seen a look like Ge Hailan's eyes, especially when she is accompanying Sun Peng to participate in certain activities, aren't those female stars shining with this kind of light? It's just that this kid has always been incomprehensible about the style... No, it should be said that it is too specific to Zheng Jia's girl, and he doesn't even think about it.

Of course, Sun Ya didn’t say these things so thoroughly, and shook her head and said, “Okay, the contract has been signed, and you have finally dealt with that matter, and now there is only the "Western Express Murder" left. The publication has not yet been finalized."

"What? No one wants to publish?"

"Cut, how is it possible?"

Posing her lips, Sun Ya said in an angry tone: "Lao Bai's new work, and it's still a new work that has been raging on the Internet before, how can no one be interested? It's just that the sales of the previous little wizards are not as high as martial arts novels , These people are not willing to pay high prices."

"It doesn't matter. If it doesn't work, just return the light wheel and scholarship!"

For this result, Sun Peng also looked indifferent. Anyway, now that he doesn't pay much attention to the cost of the manuscript, but since it has been raised, he feels uncomfortable when he falls. Besides, whether "Murder on the Orient Express" is a bit lagging behind the times, or whether it can be popular in the world, Sun Peng knows its lofty status on the earth, and the price is really low and it can't be accepted... …

Let him go, just let the second sister toss.

After the brothers and sisters chatted a few words casually, Sun Peng stretched his arms and stood up: "Sister, since there is nothing wrong, I will withdraw first! I even made an appointment for lunch with someone at noon today. It's almost time."

"I said why you didn't want to eat with them just now, who did you date?"

Hearing what Sun Peng said, the eyes of the second sister flashed with gossip light.

"Hehe, an old friend."

Sun Peng obviously didn't want to discuss this issue with her second sister, so he hurriedly withdrew after a few laughs. But Sun Ya stared at his back for a while and then suddenly smiled, shook his head and went to work.

Sun Peng drove all the way to the palace, and then led by the waiter to the reserved private room.

"Sorry, I'm late!"

As soon as he walked in, Sun Peng said hello to the two people inside with apologies.

After seeing him enter the door, Wei Zhi and Ma Xiaoling stood up quickly, and Ma Xiaoling pursed her mouth even more: "It's okay, it's okay, it's just a few minutes...it didn't delay your work, right?"

"Haha, how is it possible?!"

Looking at Ma Xiaoling, who was a little bit cautious, even though Sun Peng had a smile on his face, he couldn't help but sighed in his heart. Compared with Wu Ming, Ma Xiaoling, a real old friend, Now the relationship with him is undoubtedly much estranged.

There was Ma Xiaoling's reason, and Sun Peng's own reason.

Of course, in any case, the fundamental reason is that the gap between the status and status of the two is increasing rapidly, especially when Sun Peng’s career has reached a level a year and gradually reached the top of the entertainment circle, Ma Xiaoling has always been an unknown dance. Actors, or small supporting roles in TV dramas and movies, no matter how good their figure and face are, they cannot impress the audience with the small transparency.

Therefore, Ma Xiaoling has hardly contacted Sun Peng in the past two years.

As for Sun Peng’s side, it’s not that he never thought about asking her out to sit down, but on the one hand, he is already married, and Ma Xiaoling also has a boyfriend.

However, this lunch today was Sun Peng who was invited by another person.

Everyone sat down, and after some gossip, Wei Zhi spoke first: "Dapeng, I really want to ask you this time! In fact, Xiaoling, this girl should be more familiar with you, but... ahem, she You also know that this person has a strong nature. I have told her many times, and I still can't open this mouth!"


After blinking, Sun Peng turned his gaze to Ma Xiaoling next to him.

Compared with the female man in his impression, Ma Xiaoling is now obviously clearer. Even before, she is definitely not fat, and the word slim is quite appropriate. But now Ma Xiaoling is thinner, and the wearer is more mature, but there is a trace of worry between the brows and eyes that linger.

Of course, Sun Peng knew that Wei Zhi was busy.

In fact, Ma Xiaoling moved to the film and television industry after graduating from university. Because of her good congenital conditions, she also took a lot of roles, but she was never decent. This time, I finally auditioned for the female number two of a TV series, and the producer and director were very satisfied, seeing that they were about to win, and suddenly they were topped by a small star!


After knowing the ins and outs of the matter, Sun Peng hesitated for a while, and smiled bitterly: "Xiaoling, I have actually learned about that drama. It is a project on the lotus side. It is indeed okay for me to say hello, but ...Are you sure you want me to do this for you?"


Ma Xiaoling didn't speak, but bit her lip, her slightly pink eyes instantly turned pale.

Looking at Sun Peng strangely, and then at Ma Xiaoling, Wei Zhi opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but when he saw his girlfriend's face also turned pale, he swallowed. He closed his mouth again. Although he didn't quite understand what Sun Peng meant, his girlfriend's reaction let him know that this was not the time for him to interrupt.

Ma Xiaoling did not respond, and Sun Peng was not anxious, but sat there quietly waiting.

Rather than waiting for an answer, it is better to say that he was waiting for a result, which he and Ma Xiaoling both knew. And when he saw the **** the opposite side's increasingly pale face and the almost bleeding lower lip, Sun Peng shook his head insignificantly, and let out a sigh from deep in his heart...

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