Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1020: New book

Just like Sun Peng said, why care about the eyes of others?

Or if he is in his current position, why should he care about the eyes of others?

Sun Peng can indeed be low-key. For example, he specially invited teachers from the film school to give him a class, or even invited the teachers to his home to study in the name of "research and discussion"; he can also contact the film circle directly Those big directors here, who follow them to become assistant directors, or collaborate on a movie or something, can also learn things and avoid the opportunity to tell people strange things.

But what is the point in that case?

If that's the case, Sun Peng might as well continue to learn from Wei Xiaolin or Song Qun. Wouldn't it be more comfortable and comfortable to be alone?

After all, the purpose is different.

Whether they study with Wei Xiaolin or hire a teacher, after all, they just make up for some of the shortcomings of Sun Peng’s knowledge. It is more suitable for people with a solid foundation and a scientific background. What Sun Peng needs is systematic and standardized training. ; On the other hand, Sun Peng himself feels that if you are in class with other people, communicating and arguing with each other is more beneficial to your own progress!

Besides knowing more friends, okay?

So ignoring the second sister’s complaint, Sun Peng quickly determined the date for the start of class, and started the preview with a few books...


Before I knew it, the weather in the capital became completely warm.

And as the clothes on her body were taken off one by one, Zheng Jia's belly grew bigger day by day, and it soon reached a level that made the whole family nervous every day. As a husband, Sun Peng is naturally obliged to take care of his wife. Although the mother-in-law has always sneered at this, it does not prevent Sun Peng from enjoying it.

On a Saturday in early May, a call came to Sun Peng’s mobile phone: “Lao Bai, the last two trailers of "Assassin Alliance" have been revised. When will you come back and see when you have time?"

"The trailer, I won't watch it this time!"

Sun Peng, who was busy cutting the apples for Zheng Jia, held the phone between his ears and shoulders, and said casually: "I don't think the problem with the first version is big anyway, and you are all experts, as long as you think it's okay... Now, how is the overseas distribution situation? Is there any good news recently?"

Because of the cooperation between the two giants of Lotus and the Forbidden City, coupled with the fact that Lao Bai's name is big enough, the issuance in major markets such as Europe, America, Japan and South Korea has long been confirmed. Most of them are squeezed into the summer vacation, but there are also a few The national issuance is the weak point of the two giants and has not been finalized.

Although it has nothing to do with the overall situation, Sun Peng occasionally cares about it.

"Don't worry, Teacher Old Bai."

The person in charge who called was obviously well aware of the situation, and soon said with a smile: "Basically, the progress is quite smooth, I believe it can be confirmed by the end of this month at the latest."

"Okay, then you will work hard."

After one apple was cut, Sun Peng happened to finish the whole phone call. Then he carefully cut the apples into pieces, put them on the plate, and brought them to Zheng Jia: "My wife, the apples you want are already cut!"


Glancing at the things on the plate, he reluctantly took a piece and stuffed it into his mouth. Zheng Jia's brows suddenly frowned again: "Oh, it's not delicious...Is there still grapes in the house?"

"Grapes? Uh, I'll wash you!"

After a shock, Sun Peng couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Well, don't guess what the pregnant woman thinks, because you can't understand it. Especially in the recent period, Zheng Jia's appetite has not only increased rapidly, but also has become extremely tricky, always wanting to eat something that tastes different. What's more troublesome is that this tricky taste is still changing rapidly. What you wanted to eat half an hour ago will be thrown aside and replaced with another one half an hour later.

After tossing a few times, Sun Peng's head is big!

But the child’s mother is the eldest now. Just when Sun Peng reluctantly put the plate on the table and was about to start the action, the mother-in-law couldn’t look at the side and stared at the girl and said: "Okay, Xiaopeng, you just Leave it alone, get busy with work, and I will wash her grapes!"


"go Go!"

Pushing Sun Peng, the mother-in-law got up and walked over to the kitchen.

"Huh, go now!"

After finally getting a nod from his wife, Sun Peng was pardoned and quickly got up and walked to his study. Recently, for the convenience of taking care of their daughter, the old Zheng couple insisted that they live in the old house of the Zheng family because they are not used to the kind of villa Sun Peng sells. Therefore, in order to facilitate his work, a study room was specially set aside for Sun Peng. Bookcases, computers and other guys were also equipped with complete facilities.

Although he was at home at leisure, Sun Peng spent half a day in the study every day, either reading or writing.

The third part of the Little Wizard series was written in this study.

In addition to preparing to put it on the shelves at the end of the year, Sun Peng also has the idea of ​​using this book to "practice", so even if the entire book has been written, it is still far from completion-whenever Sun Peng learns something from his uncle , Or when I have some insight, I will immediately apply it to this book...

However, Sun Peng today did not read books or write manuscripts as usual.

Perhaps because of the phone call just now, he found that he couldn't calm down at the moment, so after sitting in front of the computer for a while, he simply opened the webpage and wandered around.

The recent entertainment circle is quite lively.

After the time has entered May, whether it is movies, music, or TV series, it will usher in one of the best schedules of the year. In order to welcome the arrival of this schedule, not only the entertainment giants are showing their magical powers and madly throwing money for publicity, but also all kinds of outside tricks have been released, desperately attracting the attention of fans.

So all kinds of scandals are flying all over the sky, and tears between stars are commonplace.

Among them, of course, all kinds of news related to Sun Peng are indispensable-today's summer vacation, and "Assassin Alliance" have been released successively and "Trumen's World", a powerful new work by the big brother of the film industry, Liangren! Not long ago, Chen Feifei, the queen who was judged by most music critics to release a new album during the summer vacation, just announced that the new album "iwillalwaysloveyou" created by Lao Bai Qingli was set for Christmas. I don’t know how much it broke. Human glasses!

Without a doubt, the pot was dumped to that fellow Lao Bai.

Regarding this, Sun Peng expressed his calmness and even disdain to respond to Chen Tianhou's waiting fans on Weibo. After all, he has already handed over ten songs. As for the fact that the work was too late and delayed the record company's plan, some of the songs were too difficult and prolonged the preparation time. It had nothing to do with him!


At this moment, Sun Peng's tt suddenly rang.

"Xiaopeng, are you?"

Before Sun Peng typed his response to the second sister, Sun Ya’s next sentence was already sent over: "The first part of the Little Mage and the "Western Express Murder" have been prepared, and you can almost post it on Weibo. There was a wave of publicity..."

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