Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1035: old classmate

Sun Peng was very familiar with the familiar feeling of not remembering who it was.

This is not the first time, so when this feeling appeared, Sun Peng knew that it should be someone he had known before, but the impression was not particularly deep, or the relationship was very general, so now "I" can't remember the name for a while, only a familiar feeling.

This situation was very common after Sun Peng was reborn.

It is quite strange to say that Sun Peng was reborn into this world with the memory of the earth, and then the inexplicable previous memory has been infinitely strengthened-anyway, it is the same as Kai Lihang, even if it happened when he was four or five years old. I remember everything clearly, as if I had installed a large hard disk with unlimited capacity in my brain, and it was all in HD!

But the memory of this world...

I don't know if it was because the soul was fused with the earth as the main reason, but it was weakened to a considerable extent. Although I don't want to say that I don't remember anything, but basically the most memorable things are left!

Therefore, when he was gaining weight and exercising for his body, Sun Peng often encountered such things in the process of running. When a kind old aunt greeted him and asked some things about his grandfather’s life, Sun Peng could only I hum along with a smiling face, I just can’t remember what the other person’s name is and where they live...

But in any case, this is "my" alma mater!

It seems normal to meet one or two acquaintances?

Frozen for a moment, Sun Peng quickly smiled and turned his attention to Dean Wu Qingwu beside him again, and said with a smile: "By the way, Dean Wu, after a while, my new movie "Assassin League" "I’m going to hold a premiere at the Long River Studios, not far from our school. Are you interested? If you are interested, I’ll send you a few pictures..."


When Sun Peng left, he walked out of the building alone.

He is quite famous now, especially here is the film school, Sun Peng's alma mater, not too many people know him. Therefore, he declined Wu Qing's enthusiasm for a gift. After putting on his hat and sunglasses, Sun Peng walked to the school gate alone.

Then just after walking a few steps, I saw someone who seemed to hesitate for a while, and finally walked over and said, "Hi, Sun Peng, long time no see!"

It was the "acquaintance" that Sun Peng had just glimpsed from the corner of his eye, and she was a beautiful and **** "female acquaintance" with long legs and tall legs. Hearing the tone of greeting and the natural expression on the face at this time, it seemed that it was still An acquaintance who knows Sun Peng very well!


Looking at this beautiful 28-year-old woman in front of him, Sun Peng was taken aback for a moment, completely embarrassed!

The corners of his mouth twitched, and Sun Peng responded immediately: "Uh, hello, hello!"

this person……

who is it?

The brain was turning desperately, trying to find some clues from the memory of "self", but what made Sun Peng a headache was that no matter what he thought, he couldn't find the name of this woman. He just remembered that he had met when he was in college. , It’s just that we don’t have many contacts.

And looking at his somewhat embarrassing look, the beautiful woman was also embarrassed, and she quickly fluffed her hair and smiled forcefully: "What? The big celebrities have forgotten even their old classmates? Not so? We haven't graduated yet. Ten years!"

"old classmate?"

Hearing what the other party said, Sun Peng's brain quickly turned.

It seems that the other party is in his own class?

Although Sun Peng is also studying in the animation school, it is a junior college with a relatively low threshold, with only about 20 students. And because of my personality problems at the beginning, coupled with the fact that I often go home to live, my relationship with my classmates is very ordinary. I haven't been together for so many years after graduation. Of course, what saddened Sun Peng the most was that in the two years when he was reborn, no one had looked for him, making him feel that he had no friends...

But even if the memory is vague, Sun Peng knows that there is no such a person in the class!

The famous monk class in the school back then, where did the girls come from? And still such a beautiful girl?

Seeing Sun Peng's face still stunned, it seems that she really can't remember her appearance, the expression of the beautiful woman suddenly collapsed, and she wanted to lose her temper - growing up, she has never forgotten who others are. , Where is the reason why a man can forget himself, and can't remember it after thinking about it for a long time?

But fortunately, it’s not the age of a teenager after all, and thinking about the identity of the other person, the beautiful woman quickly controlled her emotions and smiled reluctantly: "Hehe, you are really an honorable person who forgets things...I It's Yunlan, we are in the literature department of our grade, and we all had a meal together back then!"

"Oh, hello, hello!"

Repeated the sentence just now, and then Sun Peng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it's not in their class.

If it’s really in my class and I can’t remember it, I’m afraid it’s necessary to see the doctor to see if there is something wrong with my head-I have not been to the hospital in these years, and I don’t know my colleagues in this world. How are we doing...

"Sun Peng? Teacher Sun?"

Just as Sun Peng's thoughts radiated out in an instant, the other party asked him a few questions in confusion, seeing his face flying beyond the sky!

"Huh? Oh, sorry!"

Hurrying back to his thoughts, Sun Peng smiled apologetically and said: "I just remembered one thing... It has been a long time since I saw you. I'm glad to see you again."

Literature department?

After taking a closer look at the other party's appearance, Sun Peng tried his best to remember, but he still couldn't remember it.

Fortunately, the other party didn’t seem to want to continue to entangle on this issue, and he blinked and smiled: “To be honest, when I saw you on the road just now, I almost thought I was the wrong person! But I saw you next to you. After the accompanying Dean Wu, I finally determined that it was you-hee hee, there are not many young people who can personally accompany Dean Wu!"

"Hehe, the dean is just giving face."

After a few small chats, Sun Peng gradually became impatient.

Although this Yunlan is really beautiful and has a good figure, at least he can be pleasing to the eye when chatting, but now Sun Peng is standing on the road of the film school. There are many students coming and going. God knows when he will be caught. Recognize it!

So after saying some greetings, Sun Peng smiled apologetically and said: "I'm sorry, you see I have another date later..."

"Huh? Are you leaving?"

Hearing what Sun Peng said, that Yunlan suddenly became anxious.

Before she came up to say hello to Sun Peng, she must have had no idea, but now that we have all talked, if Yun Lan is willing to let this great opportunity easily pass, it would be a waste of her to climb the film and television company at a young age. The high position of the Deputy Minister of Performing Arts!

So seeing that Sun Peng was really unwilling to talk more, Yun Lan quickly took out her mobile phone and said, "Sun Peng...Lao Bai teacher, can you leave a contact information? There will be a classmates gathering after a while, and I will give it to you. Send an invitation..."

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