Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1038: Claim

Many people, including the second sister of his agent, asked Sun Peng a question.

The background of the first story of "Tomb Raider", why not choose it in China, but choose Egypt, thousands of miles away, to study what mummies?

There are so many subjects such as domestic immortals and zombies, is it not enough to toss?

Of course, this question is very easy for him to answer. The sentence "I want the domestic market and I want the overseas market" is enough to deal with everyone's questions!

After all, the mummy is more famous than the Chinese legend in the world.

Even if China's current national strength and cultural influence far exceed those of Egypt, it has been a matter of the past ten years. In the past, Westerners were not very interested in the East. But because of previous colonizations and world wars in Egypt, the West can no longer be familiar with it. The legend of mummies has been circulated for a long time.

So if you want to open up the situation, using the original version is undoubtedly the best way.


Although he was very unwilling, Sun Peng had to admit that if he was asked to write a sufficiently good script now, or to adapt other Chinese things into a mummy-like appearance, he still couldn't do it.

So in the face of everyone's inquiries, he could only answer that way.

Of course, if it's someone else, maybe everyone will sneer at it. After all, it is too difficult for China's movies to have the ambition of selling overseas. But no one dared to question Lao Bai-"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" is crazy hot in Europe and America, but it's still in sight!


After listening to Sun Peng’s explanation, Zhuge Ming pondered for a while and said: "You mean we need to cooperate with Hollywood? Use their accumulated experience on Egyptian subjects?"


Sun Peng smiled with a clap of his hands.

A "Mummy" that is very popular all over the world, it looks like it is a popcorn movie, nothing special, but when Sun Peng started to study the industry, he realized that not everyone can make this film. It looks good, at least the plot seems so convincing. Otherwise, why did the third part of "The Mummy" hit the street? It's not just that other places don't like it, but Chinese people are even more bored and stupid?

After all, I take it for granted.

The crew thought that by choosing characters and stories that are familiar to Chinese people and finding a big star to star in, they would be able to produce works that were as popular as the previous ones, but never thought that knowing a little about the fur is not really understanding, and painting a tiger is not the opposite. Dog...

Anyway, Sun Peng didn't want this pioneering work with high hopes to be ruined by Phoenix.

Especially those inconspicuous in the movies, but the audience can see the faulty costumes, props and sets at a glance. Which can they handle?

"One year of preparation, one year of shooting!"

Putting up two fingers, Sun Peng said with a smile: "To create a real boutique, this is what I want to do! So if the Phoenix is ​​the same as I think, then it’s better to find someone with rich experience in this area. Hollywood studios, it’s better to cooperate with them! Besides, with their participation, future releases will be easier!"


Hearing what Sun Peng said, Zhuge Ming also pondered.

Letting the Phoenix swallow the series of "Tomb Raider" is of course the best, but Zhuge Ming couldn't ignore the opinions of this old white-do they really have this strength?

Even if you find a Hollywood company to cooperate, it will take a year of preparation period?

It seems that the rumors that Lao Bai is extremely demanding on his own script shooting is really not groundless!

Although he wanted to reject people and let Phoenix give it a try, Zhuge Ming felt uneasy when he thought that Sun Ya insisted on signing only the first contract, even giving up the higher share ratio and remuneration. If by any chance this guy in front of you is pressed into a hurry, if you don't even sign the first part, then don't count on those behind!

Seeing Zhugeming's thoughtful appearance, Sun Peng also smiled slightly.

If they have this strength, of course Sun Peng doesn’t need to mention this, but it’s obvious that the current Phineas must not be good at shooting... at least it can’t be a perfect shot of "The Mummy," then there is nothing wrong with bringing an American company in. of. Moreover, the "Tomb Raider" series also needs the European and American markets. The directors, supporting roles, etc. use Americans, British or even French people, isn't it good?

It's like Hollywood on the planet later frequently invited Chinese stars to film, just the other way around.

So after waiting for a while, Sun Peng simply added another sentence: "Mr. Zhuge, only this one is left for the specific requirements. Basically there are no other comments. Just talk to my agent! Oh, yes, My cousin will star in another movie of mine next, from the end of the year to March and April next year. If you prepare faster, it will start shooting in April and May next year..."


"So, have you planned?"

After the Phoenix people had left, Sun Ya glanced at her younger brother and smiled: "Isn't it an idea to find a Hollywood company for cooperation?"

"Well, it has always been."

Nodded, Sun Peng sighed helplessly.

Although full of reluctance, Sun Peng can only hope to use one or two "Tomb Raider" to lay the foundation, especially in the distribution and promotion. The rest may be able to make Hollywood movies The company kicked off-so Sun Peng became more determined to only sign one contract, and the rest is determined slowly.

Regarding this, Sun Ya nodded clearly, and then asked: "Where is Linlin that girl? Are you planning it too? Let her play "The Silent Lamb" first, and then she will come closer. "Tomb Raider"? The gap between the two is quite big!"

After listening to it, Sun Peng was happy and opened his mouth and smiled: "Haha, "The Silent Lamb" is an attempt, and "Tomb Raider" is her profession!"

"The Silent Lamb" is a timeline and it is also a reward from Sun Peng to his cousin.

I have to say that Lin Lin is not that kind of genius actor, even if she has acted in several movies, in fact her acting skills are only an entry-level ordinary level. But on the other hand, Sun Peng's cousin's efforts are also seen bit by bit!

In addition to his script, Lin Lin has played many roles in recent years.

Moreover, both the director and the cooperating actors have a high evaluation of her: it is not the acting skills, but the work attitude.

That's why Sun Peng came up with "The Silent Lamb" and wanted her to give it a try.

But in the final analysis, this is just a gratifying success, but an acceptable attempt to fail. In essence, Lin Lin's positioning is still a **** girl with long legs and a double gun or a long knife!

This point, Sun Peng will not change because of his head.

And Sun Ya, who was convinced of this, smiled tacitly and nodded: "Yes, what kind of Oscar did that girl Lin Lin dream of with me a few days ago! Ask me to say that she can be pushed to the position of an international superstar in this life. , I really want to burn incense in the temple..."

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