Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1042: Stabilized

The TV show in the afternoon is a classic interview of TV Tokyo.

Relatively speaking, although the style is relatively relaxed, it is still a more formal show after all, so Sun Peng is also very positive and answered some questions seriously in the show, such as why we should write a little magician series, such as Ten The "creative history" of "The Enormous" released in January, for example, in order to avoid the box office masterpiece "The Lion King", the release date was delayed until the beginning of August "Howl's Moving Castle"...

"This summer vacation, three movies about you will be released!"

At the end of the interview, the host asked solemnly: "Teacher Lao Bai, some people say that because of these three movies, this may become a summer vacation file for Lao Bai. What is your opinion on this? Is it true? Looking forward to this result?"

After listening to the host, Sun Peng couldn't help laughing: "Haha, if you say no, would you look too hypocritical?"

After causing a lot of laughter in the studio, Sun Peng said seriously: "As a screenwriter and director, I certainly look forward to this happening! But whether the final result is like this, of course I have to wait for the audience. judge!"

"What about yourself? What about your judgment?"

As soon as Sun Peng's voice fell, the host asked in a hurry.

"My own words..."

After a brief pause, something called self-confidence gradually appeared on Sun Peng's face: "Ladies and gentlemen, before I came to Japan, I actually called it Lao Bai's summer vacation..."


"Mr. Fujiwara, Miss Aoki, it's been a long time!"

When he met his old friend at the premiere, Sun Peng seemed extraordinarily happy, and the exhaustion of the busy day seemed to disappear.

"It's been a long time, Teacher Lao Bai!"

He gave Sun Peng a strong hug. Today's Fujiwara Kura looks particularly radiant, and his "beautiful" face looks even more handsome than the Aoki Kasumi next to him!

After embracing Kasumi Aoki, Sun Peng looked at Fujiwara Kura again: "Boy, how is the promotion of "The Encouragement" going on? It will be released at the end of the year, but it seems that I haven't heard anything in China. What a big movement!"

"The promotion fee is just that, and the focus is of course on Japan!"

Shrugging his shoulders, Fujiwara Kura said helplessly: "Especially the Huaxia market is too big. Throwing away our funds will not have much effect at all. It is better to do a good job in the domestic market first! Of course, if you are old If Teacher Bai is willing to help, there will be no problem!"

When he finished speaking, Fujiwara Kura blinked at Sun Peng.


When Sun Peng heard this, he shook his head and said, "The script I wrote will of course help publicize it at that time, but... after all, it still depends on the input of the producer. I can only help and cheer on the side! "

Sun Peng also quite understands Fujiwara's explanation.

After all, the content of the movie is there. It is really not a purely commercial movie. It is impossible to invest too much in production or promotional expenses. And as far as the subject matter is concerned, the Japanese flavor of this "Encouragement Division" is too strong, it is difficult for anyone to guarantee that people from other countries will see it, let alone enjoy it!

Therefore, the method of concentrating the production team's efforts in Japan is really fine!

You must know that even with the title of Lao Bai as a screenwriter, after seeing the true content of "The Encouragement", China's domestic distributors are also embarrassed, and finally reluctantly agreed to the request to be released at the same time as Japan. But don’t think about comparing it with "Assassin League" or even "True Lies", which is twice as high as the average Japanese movie...

At this moment, Kasumi Aoki, who was next to him, was unhappy, and pushed Fujiwarakura to groan: "Well, today is the premiere of "Assassin League". What is going on with "The Enemy"? Sun Sang , There will be celebrities coming in a while, we are almost going in too!"

As the host, Sun Peng wants to greet the guests, it's not okay to chat with them all the time.


Seeing another wave of people appear at the end of the red carpet outside, it looked like it was the crew of "Howl's Moving Castle", led by the director Sun Peng familiar with, Fujiwara Cura quickly pulled Aoki Kasumi in.

The Sun Peng who was left shook his spirits, put a smile on his face again, and strode up: "Haha, Director Matsumoto, it's been a long time..."


"At 11:15 in the morning, Lao Bai arrived at Tokyo International Airport and was greeted by hundreds of reporters."

"Hundreds of reporters and hundreds of fans at Tokyo International Airport picked up the plane, and Bai Li defeated the popular Korean girl group 5cg. The popularity in Japan is amazing!"

"After arriving in Tokyo, Lao Bai did not rush to the premiere scene immediately, but had a secret lunch with Wang Jia, a member of 5cg Zhonghua Xia, during which they talked and laughed happily!"

""League of Assassins" premiered in Tokyo, Japan. Lao Bai attended in person and dozens of Japanese stars came to cheer!"

"Lao Bai's new film premiered in Japan and received rave reviews. Fans are excited to say that this is the best Lao Bai movie!"

"Lao Bai staying in the hotel is only two kilometers away from 5cg..."


"Damn it, are these people blind?"

During the routine phone call to Zheng Jia, Sun Peng angrily scolded: "Where is the secret? At that time, there were at least 30 reporters around. If I did it in secret, I would let them know? And Sister Chang also did it at the time. Sitting next to eat together...The two bodyguards are also on the table next to them, can't they see?"

"Ha ha……"

Zheng Jia's cry made Sun Peng's scalp cool.

If you put it in the past, he is certainly not worried, but now his wife is pregnant and her temper has changed a lot. Sun Peng can't be careful anymore, and immediately said: "My wife, I will call you right away. I don’t mean anything else, I just feel that she seems to be a little angry in the Korean women’s team... Anyway, she is also a Chinese, so let’s save her face!"

"Cut, the old white **** personally invited to dinner, it's so great!"

After a disdainful murmur, Zheng Jia turned to say: "Okay, you don't have the guts! Did today's premiere go smoothly? How did everyone respond after the movie?"

Just casually vent a small dissatisfaction, Zheng Jia's sense of measure is very good.

"Hey, how could it not go well?"

Speaking of the premiere in the evening, Sun Peng's mood suddenly improved.

There are still a few days away from the official release of "Assassin League" in Japan. Apart from the lucky fans who came to the premiere today, they are film critics and friends from the entertainment industry. As the director of the movie, Sun Peng was watching the reactions of these people, in addition to paying attention to whether there were any secret shots during the broadcast of "Assassin League".

So when it is over, he is almost certain that this new movie is stable...

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