Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1046: awkward

"Lao Bai arrived in London to promote the new movie "Assassin League" and admitted on the spot that the Harry Potter series was launched to promote the Chinese culture represented by the little wizard!"

"Lao Bai's remarks have caused huge controversy, and the future of the new book has cast a shadow."


With the fresh release of one by one media reports, the discussion on the Internet has gradually become louder, especially the old white and black people are more elated like the New Year, and the posts are sent out one by one!

"Haha, dumbfounded, right? He admits that it is to collect money, what else can you say?"

"This guy is so arrogant to the sky! When he arrives, he dared to say that with his head down. It would be his fate to not be scolded to death!"

"Cow! If you can do such a thing with confidence, you will be able to do it."


Of course, just like every time they encountered this situation, countless old white iron fans also stood up for the first time and launched a ruthless siege on these sunspots.

"Tsk tsk, how sore is this! I can't see the exaggeration, only the criticism?"

"Go to see the sales of the two sets of books in Europe and the United States for yourself, and then talk to us!"

"I just admit what's wrong? Bai Da, the old man, is telling you frankly, let the readers choose for themselves, and let you say it is not enough?"

"It doesn't make sense to have a brain damage, because they will make you a brain damage, and then have a very brain damage fight with them!"


As well-known Lao Baichu and Lao Baifen, Yiye Zhiqiu’s Weibo naturally responded: “There is no doubt that Teacher Lao Bai is now a pioneer in promoting Chinese culture! No matter the final result, there is One thing I can be sure of, other people...please note, I mean everyone, I am afraid they can’t do the same thing, because they don’t have the creativity and ability to tell a story completely different. Two styles! Please be sure to believe this, because it is obvious that Hollywood’s Haimens Films and China’s Nanhai Films are film giants, and they will not make stupid choices because of the name Lao Bai. ..."


"My God, did he really say that?"

After reading Ye Zhiqiu's Weibo on his mobile phone, Chen Changfeng couldn't help but his eyes widened, and Lin Lin, who was in his arms tightly, couldn't help but exclaim.

Not everyone pays attention to news or gossip in this area, at least most people who don’t like gossip or don’t pay attention to news in the entertainment circle will not pay attention, but as a TV show star, and still relying on young fans to start Chen Changfeng, for the circle The news here is always concerned, never lightly.

So after seeing the news that Lao Bai admitted for the first time, he can imagine the surprise in his heart at this time.

In Chen Changfeng's view, this is too unwise.

If he encounters this situation, he must let the company’s public relations staff work out the best plan, telling others that he is for a better experience for readers, etc. How can he directly admit that he is to promote the little wizard Series, so I copied the Little Mage series?

In that case, isn't it going to arouse the resentment of others?

"Hehe, really that kid's style!"

Lin Lin, who was lying lazily in Chen Changfeng's arms, smiled when he came over to read the message on the phone.

Seeing Lin Lin smiling and groaning, as if not worried at all, Chen Changfeng asked in surprise: "Lin Lin, aren't you worried?"

"Worry? What are you worried about?"


"Okay, don't worry about it!"

Looking at Bai Bai's boyfriend, Lin Lin said angrily: "He is an old Bai, and he doesn't need to fawn on or please anyone, what should I worry about?"


After hearing this, Chen Changfeng was stunned.

Yes, he is Lao Bai!

Regardless of TV dramas, movies, music, or picture books or novels, he can almost be the top super boss in China, and he is also famous all over the world, with countless fans!

Even if he admits it, what does he need to be afraid of?

Even looking at it from another angle, only after Lao Bai has done such a thing, will such an overwhelming discussion be triggered in Europe and the United States, and it is not all critics, and a considerable part is admiring his genius ideas and Subtle operation!

Suddenly, Chen Changfeng was a little ashamed.

I don't know why, he suddenly thought of his relationship with Lin Lin-until now, the two have been secretly communicating with each other, and have never dared to announce it!

Although this feeling came so inexplicable, Chen Changfeng was a bit unable to get out, so after a moment of silence, he suddenly asked questions; "Linlin, you said... how did we disclose our relationship?"

"Ah? Why do you suddenly think so?!"

After listening to Chen Changfeng's words, Lin Lin was shocked!

"Uh...I just thought of it suddenly."

Licking his lips, Chen Changfeng said softly: "In order to maintain the image of being single, I have never considered your feelings! But this time...I think it has been so long, maybe everyone can accept it if it is announced. indefinite!"

After speaking, Chen Changfeng felt more reliable the more he thought about it.

After several years of hard work, especially after the fire in the first season of "Super Detective", although the results of the next few seasons were quite disappointing, after all, Chen Changfeng was able to stand as a first-line actor. The results of the subsequent dramas were quite good, and he was completely firmly established.

The baggage of idol stars in those days was gradually lost.

So if you think about it seriously now, Chen Changfeng feels that even if he discloses his relationship with Lin Lin, there should be no influence. And thinking about it has been sneaky in the past few years, he also felt very sorry for Lin Lin.


Looking at Chen Changfeng's gentle face, Lin Lin's expression was a little strange.

The peculiar expression of his girlfriend made Chen Changfeng startled, and asked in a puzzled manner: "Huh? What's wrong? Don't you think it's time yet?"

"Ahem, or... wait a minute."

Learning from her cousin rubbing her nose, Lin Lin pursed her mouth in a little embarrassment: "My side of "Assassin League" is about to be released, and I will start filming "Silent Lamb" and "Gu "Tomb Raider"... ahem, how about waiting at least until "Assassin Alliance" goes offline before making it public?"

But as soon as she finished speaking, Lin Lin's expression even had a hint of regret?


The corners of his mouth twitched, and Chen Changfeng stopped talking.

Well, I thought I was too sorry for Lin Lin, so I always chose not to make the relationship public. I didn't expect that others would have the same idea as him...

After listening to Lin Lin's words, Chen Changfeng suddenly thought of a fact!

Compared with his own, who has Lao Bai as a strong backing, and nowadays, both at home and abroad, there is a lot of noise and reputation. Compared with his famous girlfriend, Chen Changfeng's coffee position seems to be much worse?

In other words...

"Ahem, it's okay, it's okay!"

Chen Changfeng coughed awkwardly twice, and then said with a dry smile: "Hehe, everything is still focusing on your career. Whenever you think it is suitable, it doesn't matter to me..."

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