Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1048: Just the beginning

"Yes, sir!"

After pressing his hand and motioning to stand up and ask the reporter to sit down first, Sun Peng smiled and nodded: "Just like I said before, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" is from "Han Bo and the Spirit Stone" The wizard version, or the British version or the Western version, is fine! The reason for its birth is that the results of the Little Wizard series in the West are average, at least compared to my previous picture books, so I hope to use this version to help. Try to see if it is the problem with the book itself or some other reason."


After listening to Sun Peng's answer, there was a commotion in the audience.

Of course, compared to the airport, the performance of the reporters today is much more reserved. After all, it is not the first time that Lao Bai has expressed his position, he just confirmed it again under their inquiry.

However, hearing this answer made many reporters look weird.

Well, this is the waywardness of Hua Tiancai?

"OK, ladies and gentlemen!"

While the reporters were still in a daze, Sun Peng waved his hand and said, "Although I know you have a lot of questions you want to ask, what I want to say is that I have finished saying or what I want to say. , You can interpret the rest by yourself! But now, here is the premiere of the movie "Assassin League" in the UK, and three days later, it will be released in China, North America, Europe and Japan at the same time! I sincerely I hope you can focus on this movie, thank you!"

After speaking, he bowed slightly, and Sun Peng handed the microphone to the host beside him.

"Mr. Bai! Can you answer one more question?"

"No, Mr. Bai..."

Ignoring the calls of the reporters, Sun Peng turned his head and stepped down and sat back in his place. The host saw the situation not good, and hurriedly shouted: "Ok, ladies and gentlemen, let us invite Maria? Taylor, she will bring you an ending song of "Assassin Alliance" skyfall "......"




With the heavy and imposing prelude, Maria? Tyler's deep and deep voice sounded, and the whole premiere scene was finally completely quiet-classic music always has infinite charm.

"Wow, it's awesome!"

Looking at the radiant fellow diva on stage at this time, Tyson? Wood couldn't help but exclaimed.

She is completely different from it in English. Sun Peng can easily hear what Wood is referring to, so he smiled and nodded: "Thank you, this song is really great!"

"Skyfall", one of Adele's elegant classics, is also one of the best music in the 007 series of movies.

Although it has nothing to do with "Assassin League" on earth, and it seems a bit of a waste to put this song in this popcorn movie, but just like British journalists thought, who made Sun Peng so self-willed What? And after putting it on, Sun Peng also felt that it was quite appropriate—with the poignant shot of Lin Lin being shot through her head, it couldn't be more appropriate!

For Sun Peng's indifferent reaction, Tyson? Wood also shook his head secretly.

As a director, he is very clear about the importance of a classic song, or a classic soundtrack, to a movie-it's not just cooperation or enhancement, but sublimation!

It's just a pity that such a classic is something you can meet but not ask for!

Even for a super director of Lucas's level, it would be great luck to meet a few songs in a lifetime, and like Tyson? Wood's level, songs like "skyfall"...

To be honest, he has never encountered it once!

But look at the Huaxia people around him, he is simply a classic wholesaler!

Needless to say, the two Chinese singers have five albums before and after, more than forty English songs. If they are not released together, almost the capital is the strength of the champion single. As for the movie soundtrack, from "Spirited Away" to "Kill Bill", from "Frozen" to "The Lion King", to today's "Assassin League" ending song, the soundtrack used And songs, it can drive any director crazy!

So after hesitating for a while, Tyson? Wood still opened his mouth and said, "Mr. Bai, "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" is also your work, so after shooting in the future, can you also write a song or several soundtracks for it?"


Squinted at Tyson next to him? Wood, Sun Peng was immediately happy.

This man has really regarded himself as the director of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", and now he has begun to think about the soundtrack?

But well...

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wood."

Without too much hesitation, Sun Peng directly shook his head and said: "Although I am very confident in myself, I still think that the soundtrack of the Little Magician movie is the best choice for Western composers. Especially your UK It is one of the origins of magical culture, should it be more suitable?"

Although of course I remember the original soundtrack, the problem is that I don't think it is too classic.

So for such a movie, Sun Peng will let the composers of this world show their talents-many years ago, he did not dare to despise the artists of this world. Maybe the final result may not be as good as the original one, but what if there are a few classics?

In that case, the little magician can make a lot of money.

After just a few small chats, Maria? Tyler's singing ended, and the long and long sound of the last sentence "atskyfall" seemed to be like a double-smelling wine, and almost everyone was in aftertaste.


It wasn't until the music completely fell that thunderous applause rang.

Although it is a work of Chinese people, this song "skyfall" is obviously scratching the British people's itching, just listen to it again, these gentlemen and ladies are crazy in love with this western classic and elegant song. So many knowledgeable people are secretly startled after listening-how can that young Chinese man grasp this style so accurately? Compared with him, British composers are simply scum!

The British female singer from another world should be crying in the toilet at this time...

In any case, just a song "skyfall" has established the success of this premiere!

And when the movie itself was released in theaters to allow these guests, reporters, film critics, and lucky fans to see it first, Sun Peng mixed up the original "Assassin League", many Hollywood, Hong Kong action movie classic shots or bridges on the earth. The new version of "Assassin Alliance", like a very rich meal, undoubtedly also conquered these picky diners.

"Ladies and gentlemen!"

When he finally took the stage, Sun Peng looked around and said loudly in a confident and high-spirited tone: "Let's look forward to the global release in three days. Believe me, this is just the beginning of Lao Bai's summer vacation..."

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