Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1052: The truth

"Hello, what's the situation?"

After Chen Changfeng was eager to find his seat, Sun Peng quickly pulled his cousin aside and asked in a low voice: "Why are you two here together? And they are so close... Could it be that you are already Planning to disclose their relationship?"

Lin Lin and the others have been guarding against this for a long time, and there has never been any news.

So just now when Sun Peng saw the two getting off the same car and Lin Lin was still holding Chen Changfeng's arm very intimately, he was really taken aback by his cousin.

"Well, that's it."

Blinking, Lin Lin nodded with teeth.

"Ouch, did you really play it?"

His eyes widened in an instant, and Sun Peng said in amazement: "Isn't it said that we should focus on career now and postpone public matters indefinitely? Why did you suddenly want to open it?"

"I changed my mind, can't it?"

Rolling her eyes, Lin Lin glared at Sun Peng angrily, not wanting to entangle this issue.

A few days ago, when Chen Changfeng suddenly proposed that he wanted to make his relationship public, Lin Lin was actually a little resistant. Although she said perfunctorily after the results of "Assassin League" came out, she actually wanted to go back and convince Chen Changfeng and put the time behind. Drag for a while.


Women are always fickle.

What's more, Lin Lin is not the kind of master who gets bored when something happens, so she quickly talked to her second sister. As a result, the agent suddenly turned his eyes and mouth when he heard it, and said: "Anyway, with your current overseas name and Xiaopeng's support, I am not afraid that the fans will be dissatisfied and there will be no acting, and there is nothing to announce. And since it will be announced sooner or later, why not announce it now? It just so happens to give a wave of publicity to your "Assassin League"!"

Lin Lin also made sense when she heard it, and after a few days of consideration, she made up her mind.

Of course, she didn't want to tell Sun Peng about these things, because she was afraid that this kid would laugh at herself, so seeing the next star on the red carpet had already gone halfway, she hurried away.

After seeing the person, Sun Peng didn't dare to neglect, and quickly greeted him: "Sister Feifei, why did you come so early today? There was nothing wrong with the year before, so it's okay to come a little later..."

"Cut, I dare to be late for your movie?"

Go up and give Sun Peng a hug, then pose for the reporters to take a picture, and laugh in a low voice: "Furthermore, I have a headache and throat when recording a song recently, so I took the opportunity of your premiere to take a good break. Well."

Hearing this, he raised his brows, and Sun Peng said with pleasure: "Oh, Chen Tianhou is tired of recording songs? I have a sense of accomplishment by saying that!"

Who doesn't know, this Chen Feifei Chen Tianhou is a workaholic?

Especially when a new album is being recorded, I can’t get out of it in the studio almost every day, and the attitude of excellence can sometimes drive the producer crazy! As a result, when Sun Peng saw this today, the other party actually said that he wanted to come out and breathe, take a break?

"Humph, it's not your songs!"

Speaking of her new album, the expression on Chen Feifei's face is definitely painful and happy, and said helplessly: "Although I can deal with most of them easily, but there are so few...Tsk, my voice almost broke. Don't you know?"

"Huh? Not so much?"

Hearing what Chen Feifei said, Sun Peng was taken aback.

Although there are two songs that are a bit more difficult, for example, "IWillAlwaysLoveYou", Whitney? Although Houston's voice makes people drunk, but it is really difficult, not an average singer can sing. But Chen Feifei's voice, Sun Peng, is very clear. Even if it is more difficult, it shouldn't be a problem to sing it?

"Not so? It's so good!"

After glaring at Sun Peng, Chen Tianhou said angrily: "Especially when you just finished singing a song with a lower tune, and immediately go to sing a song with a higher tune... Tsk tsk, I really want to give you a punch. You talk about you, can't you set the tone for an album for me? It's so varied every time, and I'm exhausted!"


Hearing what Chen Feifei said, Sun Peng finally understood, and suddenly laughed.

When he chooses a song for the queen, where does he think about the style and tone? I must think of that song or choose which one I like! As for Chen Feifei's suffering because of this, there is a saying, if you want to wear the crown, you must bear the weight!

Then when Sun Peng felt relieved, Chen Feifei suddenly squeezed her eyes and asked with a smile; "By the way, Xiaopeng, I heard that when you went to Japan, you found a beautiful woman to eat with you? And you still work hard in Korea. Chinese beauty?"

"Why? Want to gossip about me?"

After squinting Chen Feifei, Sun Peng said angrily.

He became annoyed when he mentioned it. It was a whim at the airport. He thought it was really interesting to meet 5cg twice in a row. And considering that the little Chinese girl seemed to be excluded, Sun Peng also wanted to help each other. -Of course, he didn't mean to test his influence.

However, afterwards, what people paid attention to was not anything else, but the fact that a man and a woman had lunch together...

Bah bah, why is it true?

At that time, even if there were no dozens of reporters in the dark, assistant Liu Chang was there, and it was okay to have a table with them?

"Gossip? Then I'm not interested!"

Raising her eyebrows, Chen Feifei said with a smile: "But if you tell me the truth, are you very optimistic about that Wang Jia? Do you think she has a future, or do you plan to write a few songs for her?"

Hearing what the Queen said, Sun Peng was stunned, and then he understood, and looked at it slantingly: "What? You are also interested in reincarnation records? Could it be that... you know the news that she wants to return to China for development? ?"

Hearing that, Chen Feifei frowned, and Chen Feifei shook her head and said, "She is going back to China for development? We don't know this very well, but we are interested in people you are interested in. Can you understand this?"


Seeing Chen Feifei's narrow expression, Sun Peng was speechless.

Understand? Of course he understands!

To put it bluntly, I just thought that I liked that Wang Jia and wanted to write a song for her, so I thought that girl had a future? As for whether the other party wants to return to China for development or not, it is not important for a company of the level of Reincarnation Records-the big deal is money!

Seeing that Sun Peng didn't want to talk to herself, Chen Feifei quickly stepped forward and pulled his arm: "Xiao Peng, hurry up, hurry up and talk about it, so I can go back for business!"

"Sister, tell you the truth!"

Being entangled by Chen Feifei, Sun Peng had no choice but to whisper: "I have nothing to do with that Wang Jia, and I never promised her anything. It was just two chance encounters at the airport, so I invited her to a meal... ...Hehe, what is your look? Don’t believe me?"

"Okay, okay, I believe you, I will tell them the answer when I go back."

Seeing Chen Feifei saying that I believe you, while rolling his eyes, she looked like a ghost and believed, Sun Peng couldn't help but sigh - to be honest, no one wants to believe it...

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