Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1060: Add fire

The screening day is Thursday night, and the actual first day of box office is Friday.

The box office score of 370 million Huaxia coins would be a big explosion on the earth, but Huaxia in this world can only be regarded as a general super blockbuster, not a top-notch, let alone breaking the premiere day record. Of it. But such a number is enough for "Assassin League" to win the box office championship of the day, ranking second for nearly 100 million!

And more importantly, word of mouth exploded again!

Well, in fact, everyone has been used to the explosion of word-of-mouth after Lao Bai's movie was released. Whether it is a script directed or written by him, whether it is a movie or music, or a novel or a picture book, apart from the huge controversy caused by the little wizard and the little wizard, it seems that they are all praised?

Even the little magician is shaking now?

So when the first day was over, Liu Chang, who stayed up late, replaced Sun Peng who had fallen asleep and sent out a Weibo "370 million, thank you for your support, and hope that "Assassin League" can continue to move forward!" Fans who couldn't sleep on Friday covered him up to a thousand floors in an instant!



"Upstairs, you are the bench."

"I just came back from watching "Assassin League", these eighty dollars are worth it!"

"The box office champion with absolute advantage, he won the second place with nearly 100 million yuan. Congratulations to Lao Bai for setting his own new record again."

"What new record? He seems to have only made three movies, right? He also chose a weekend with no strong opponents. What's the point of winning the box office championship?"

"Tsk tut, look at the soreness upstairs!"

"Choose a weekend with no rivals? This is a summer vacation. Why don't you say that other blockbuster movies deliberately avoided "Assassin League"? Is anyone willing to fight against Lao Bai these days?"


Just when fans and fans were fighting on prc Laobai's Weibo, after attending the premiere of "Assassin League" that day, many stars began to interact with Sun Peng.

Ma Boyuan’s Weibo came earlier. He first put an exclamation mark and wrote, "Assassin League is very good-looking, so I packed one today. Please friends, relatives and studio staff...@prc老白,给Brother reimbursement?"

However, not long after Lao Ma’s Weibo was posted, some fans left a message below: "Ma Tianwang, you are Lao Bai’s best friend, so you just booked one? Go to Chen Tianhou to check it out, just The fan lottery has increased the number of tickets, and they have already included ten games!"

"Luo Tianwang has booked five games, and I also invite fans to watch it!"

"Tsk tsk, what are you talking about? Why don't you go and see Chen Changfeng's? They directly gave out 10,000 movie tickets, and they were not limited to the capital city, but also in the magic capital and Nanhai!"

"Ten thousand? Chen Changfeng? Are you kidding me?"

"Are you kidding? People have already drawn more than 2,000 photos on Weibo, and they are still going on!"

"I don't know, right? On the day of the premiere of "Assassin Alliance", Chen Changfeng accompanied Lin Lin to participate, and it seemed to be very close... There is something in it, brothers!"

"Could it be that the previous rumors are true? Lin Lin and Chen Changfeng are in secret communication?"


When a group of Sun Peng’s friends booked a party or gave benefits to fans, another piece of news began to be screened in the entertainment gossip section.

It couldn't be more normal for celebrities to charter a party.

We must know that these days there are fewer and fewer halls in theaters. Basically, they are mostly small halls with about a hundred and eighty people, and the cost of a single show is less than 10,000 yuan. And for a singer queen like Chen Feifei, it's a matter of spending one hundred thousand yuan to invite fans to watch a movie, and express their support for good friend Lao Bai by the way?


Not everyone can do things like chartering!

For example, people like Ma Boyuan, Chen Feifei, and Luo Cheng have a well-known relationship with Lao Bai, and no one will find it strange if the tossing is bigger. There are also big stars like Hu Tian and Chen Changfeng who know they know Lao Bai. , At the same time, there has been cooperation or cooperation soon, and it is not a problem to express intimacy. But if it has nothing to do with Lao Bai, and you have to rent out the venue with fanfare, then you will be scolded and licked.

And the cost of chartering is also exquisite.

Ma Boyuan’s package for one game is okay, just express it; Chen Feifei’s package for ten games is also reliable. After all, this year’s new album was created by the old Bai’s efforts; but Chen Changfeng gave out 10,000 tickets in one fell swoop-even if he and No matter how close Lao Bai’s relationship is, or thank Lao Bai for giving him the role of the male protagonist in the "Super Sensible Detective", such expenses are too much!

You know, that is a huge sum of nearly one million!

So after a brief shock, there was a dexterous person who had long thought of the reason for Lin Lin, the heroine of "Assassin Alliance". And two or three years ago, a photo that was secretly taken by a gossip reporter was also turned over from the bottom of the box. It was a photo of Lin Lin and Chen Changfeng having dinner at a restaurant. It was very late and the two had a very attitude. close……


"So, you are completely public?"

Looking at his cousin who knocked on his door two minutes ago while still carrying a big bag, Sun Peng asked speechlessly.

"Well, it's made public."

Comfortably smashed herself into the soft sofa, Lin Lin stretched her legs vigorously, blinked and nodded: "Yeah, I suddenly feel that it's meaningless to drag it down... Well, it's okay to say it earlier. , The province is sneaky all day long, like a thief."

"Hmph, you deserve it!"

After listening to his cousin, Sun Peng couldn't help rolling his eyes and said angrily.

But that's what I said, but seeing Lin Lin's face at this moment relaxed, as if relieved, Sun Peng was also secretly happy for her. In order to dream of becoming a star, this girl has paid a lot in recent years. She is almost 30 years old, and she has to cover up a relationship!

But after much deliberation, it seems that this girl is also making herself up?

I told her that there is a cousin like me, whether he has a boyfriend or not, fans are up and down, and her movies are indispensable, but it is just a dead-hearted one...

In addition, looking at the big bag next to the sofa, Sun Peng’s mouth twitched: “The problem is that even if you announce your relationship, you don’t have to move to my place? We will move back in a few days, and Jiajia's parents will also follow...inconvenient!"

In order to avoid the upcoming reporter, Lin Lin wanted to live with Sun Peng for a few days.

However, although living in Zheng Jia's parents' place is very comfortable during this time, when the child is about to be born, he will definitely move back.

Although the old house is good, it is not suitable for small babies.

But Sun Peng’s house was designed specifically for the baby room at the beginning, and all the decorations were considered. Therefore, the family will move back in one month at the latest. Although Lin Lin is not an outsider, it will definitely not be too convenient.

"Don't worry, stay for a week at most!"

Holding Sun Peng's neck, Lin Lin smiled: "Furthermore, although our movie won the box office championship, there will be strong enemies coming next week! At this time, I sacrificed myself to complete "Assassin League". ! The day after tomorrow we announced on Weibo that we can just add fire to the movie, and then I will leave when the enthusiasm is over..."

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