Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1082: Old bookworm

The fastest time for a person to change is the few months he was just born.

As a baby, Sun Wenyao is even more magical than the eighteenth girl, especially after the family had finished the full moon wine for her, in just a few dozen days, she became more and more lovely every day.

The skinny little red monkey who was just born soon became a fat elf.

When he was a doctor in his previous life, Sun Peng once heard a very interesting theory from his mentor, that is, why three- and four-month-old children are the cutest, and it is easy to show some of the characteristics of their father-the reason is the result of natural evolution , Let the baby please his father as much as possible!

The more cute, the easier it is to touch a man's hard heart.

And after a few months of hard work during the first few months of the baby’s birth, the baby’s face shows some characteristics of the father, which will also clearly remind these men that this is your offspring, and your blood is flowing in the body. To put it bluntly, this is a kind of self-protection for babies, reminding their fathers all the time not to abandon themselves, but to continue to work hard to take care of themselves...

Of course, Sun Peng doesn't know whether this theory is correct, but he almost became a full-time dad, and he was very happy to witness all this!

The hard work of changing diapers every day, bathing the children, and wiping the **** all seemed to transform into a deeper fatherly love.

Again, the more you give, the more love.

Being a father is not like being pregnant in October. Mothers who are suffering to give birth to a child are born with a natural bond between a woman and a child-suffering for ten months in order to give birth to a child. So normally, the relationship between the father and the newborn is far less intense than the relationship between the mother and them.

So in reality, there will be many examples of children who have just been born, but have not yet completed their role transformation. For example, when a child cries at night, the first person to wake up is always the mother. Another example is when the child needs to be taken care of, when the father wants to sit in front of the computer and play a game or something.

Mountain-like fatherly love is not something all men are born with.

So after working hard for three months, Sun Peng now sees Sun Wenyao that it is becoming more and more cute, it is the cutest baby in the world, there is no one...

Well, far away.

In a word, Sun Peng is very fortunate that he has the ability to make a choice, choosing to stay at home for the first three months of her baby's birth, and not missing every moment of her growth! He even had an urge to squat at home like this until Sun Wenyao grew up completely...

"No no, this is just your illusion!"

He waved his hand casually. Uncle Sun Qicheng looked at his nephew calmly and said: "In fact, if your mother-in-law lives at home and you have a nanny specially appointed to help take care of the children, I can be sure that you only want to go out to work, not stay. Taking care of the children at home... if you are also taking care of the children!"

"Uncle, this is what you don't know, I'm at home but..."

"Did you change the baby's diapers? Or did you help them bathe her? Or did you coax her to sleep occasionally?"


Seeing the uncle's look of disdain, Sun Peng was taken aback.

"Trust me, you don't feel the pain of serving a child at all!"

Looking sideways at Sun Peng, the uncle categorically said, "Moreover, when there are three women in the family, you are at best doing miscellaneous work and helping out! If you and Jiajia are the only two people, then you will be able to experience the beginning. What it's like to be a father..."

When talking about this, a strange expression appeared on Sun Qicheng's face, which seemed to be a little nostalgic, but mixed with a little bit of fear!


As a nephew and a new dad, Sun Peng could only respond with silence-arguing with an old dad who raised two daughters and had no one to help him. He knew he had no chance of winning!

Seeing the silence of his nephew, Sun Qicheng frowned and smiled: "Okay, I won't give you a life education class... I heard that all three of your new books have been written? Tsk tusk, even if you just had a child, You can still write a book a month on average, your kid’s efficiency is simply terrifying!"

After speaking, Sun Qicheng touched the three books just sent by his nephew on the table with admiration!

"Ahem, uncle, I didn't finish writing this in three months!"

Hearing what the uncle said, Sun Peng waved his hand quickly, denying it embarrassingly.

One book "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" is almost a copy of Rowling from the original, without any changes. The other book "Han Bo and the Prisoner of Hell" is adapted from the former, this time The changes are quite large, but they started when they were studying with the uncle, and it took quite a long time. As for the third book, "No Life", it is the most difficult and time-consuming one, relatively speaking. unit.

In the last three months, most of Sun Peng's leisure time has been devoted to it.

After all, the time and background of the story are different. There was no mobile phone and no internet at the time when Grandma wrote the book. Many details of the story had to be revised; and this time, Sun Peng was quite bold and changed the location of the story to China. This means that he must carefully consider every detail of the book, and then make difficult changes-the song of the ten little Indian boys must be changed, the identity of the nun must be changed, and even the captain's crimes in East Africa must be changed. ...

So in response to the uncle’s admiration, Sun Peng quickly explained: “Strictly speaking, those two books have been written since the second volume was published last year, and this "No Life" is also from the "Western Express Murder". "After sending it for publication, the idea has already begun and the first draft has been written."

"Well, that's amazing too!"

Nodded, Sun Qicheng said with a smile.

This time, Sun Peng brought three new books over, in fact, he wanted his uncle to help them. "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" is nothing more than that. In fact, it's just a walk away form, but the latter two Sun Pengs are always a little worried about their adaptations, and I hope the uncle can help check them.

So after another glance at the three books, Sun Qicheng pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "Leave it with me, you will come back in a week!"

"One week? So fast?"

After listening to the uncle's words, Sun Peng was taken aback for a moment, and asked in surprise.

You know, these are three books!

Although they are not very large tome, the first two are children's literature, and the more difficult "No Life" is relatively short, but Sun Peng didn't let him just appreciate it, but asked his uncle for suggestions!

"Well, enough time!"

Pushing the reading glasses on his nose, Uncle Sun Qi Chenglou grinned and said: "Young people, don't underestimate the reading speed of a professor of literature! You know I have been studying for decades, but it is a real man. The old bookworm is coming..."

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