Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1290: Must be low-key

"After watching "Hero" released today, I was really shocked. The whole story is extremely beautiful! God, the whole movie is just like a fairy tale, with beautiful people, beautiful clothes, and There are fascinating deserts, lakes, and a shocking palace... I have decided to save money from now, and hope that I can save enough to travel to China within three years."

"To be honest, I don’t really understand this "Hero". Why did the man in white and the man in black have a chance to kill the king, but they both gave up? And why did the man in black give up? Assassination, but the king wants to kill him? This ending is too desperate."

"Oh my God, is "Hero" an action movie or a mythical movie? But in any case, I have to admit that the fights in it are so beautiful, it is simply a piece of top dance-they really are Are you fighting?"

"What the **** is the battle between Wuming and Changkong? I admit that the shots are beautiful, especially when the series of drops of water are mixed in the battle scenes. The beauty is suffocating... But what are they What's the matter?!"

"Who is a filmmaker? Can you come out and explain to me how their chasing and fighting on the lake were filmed? Also, how did they make the lake water without a single ripple?"

"Qin Shihuang, in my memory, he is a famous tyrant in China! In order to confirm this, I deliberately checked the information after watching "Hero"... Then the question is, why do I think Laobai is praising this China The first emperor? I think this is too stupid!"

"Thank you for the Chinese costume films in the past ten years! It is precisely because of watching them that I can understand the movie "Hero" today, and can appreciate the beauty and romance of this Eastern style!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, if you don’t understand, or just understand part of "Hero", then I strongly recommend you to read the long film review I wrote, and then read it a second time! As a senior Huaxia Film Expert, my film review address is..."


"What's the situation? What is going on?"

In a luxurious office in Los Angeles, a man in his fifties angrily slapped his desk and shouted: "Why are there so many praises after the release of "Hero"? There are even many mainstream media desperately helping them promote it? Why does it have such a high score? Eight six points...This is simply a top Chinese historical film, do you know?!"


Several subordinates fell silent for his roar.

For a while, a woman frowned and said: "Mr. Fasting, our people are not lazy, but it is strange that a large number of people popped up just yesterday, desperately advocating this Chinese movie... …And it’s a pity that we can talk about TV stations, newspapers, and even those professional film magazines, but the Internet belongs to everyone, and we really have no way to interfere."


After listening to the words of the female subordinate, Mr. Fasting could almost hear the sound of heat in his nose.

Damn, really damn!

At this moment, Mr. Fasting really misses that era that was almost completely controlled by film companies and film critics!

At that time, the audience could only praise a movie through word of mouth, and even the most talkative person could only affect dozens of people around him. And expect these dozens of people to influence more people, firstly, the efficiency will be very low, secondly, not everyone will tell others how the movie they just watched is like, is it worth buying a ticket or something? ——To put it bluntly, watching movies in most people's lives is nothing more than a trivial matter.

But in this Internet age, or the age of social networking, everything has changed.

That's right, watching a movie is still a trivial matter for most people. But when countless of them are accustomed to using social software to record their daily bits and pieces, and are used to checking friends' dynamics every day, this kind of sharing anytime and anywhere becomes extremely important.

Top film critics? Professional movie magazine?

Sorry, who is watching these young people? Many of them don’t even watch TV, OK?

It was precisely from the words of the female subordinates who thought of this, and also wanted to understand the reason why so many praises appeared on the Internet, Mr. Fasting became sullen, but he could not find a breakthrough for a while. I can only hold it in my chest...

After a long time, Mr. Fasting said in a loud voice, "So, what about the professional media and film critics? Didn't you all say hello in advance? "Hero" is not "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" , There is no Hollywood giant behind them, why are they still... eh? Someone is helping them?!"

Halfway through the words, Mr. Fasting suddenly thought of a possibility.

"Yes, sir."

Nodded, a handsome, golden-haired middle-aged man nodded and said: "As far as we know, Hymens, Haggs, and Capoca are determined to support the attitude, and some second-tier film companies have also joined."

After hearing the middle-aged blonde man’s answer, Fasting’s face changed immediately: “Oh, **** it! Don’t they understand? China is not Japan, India or France, if their film industry really develops , That is the biggest threat to our Hollywood!"

After a panicking silence, the middle-aged woman nodded and said, "Yes, sir, I think they should understand. But they also understand that the laobai can bring them huge benefits! Even such benefits can be no one. I don't know how long it will last, but at least now they get more than they lose, don't they?"

As soon as the middle-aged woman's voice fell, two people nodded in sympathy.

Who will think so much about the future?

Especially for the professional managers of many film companies, why should they consider for others after ten years after knowing that they are still not in this position?

This truth is actually universal in the world.

And after a short pause, the middle-aged woman's expression became more solemn, and she continued: "In addition, China today has the world's largest film market, and it is impossible for any Hollywood film company to give up; and At the same time, that laobai is only thirty years old...Mr. Fasting, I believe that no reasonable person will openly be an enemy of him!"

"... Are you accusing me? Accusing me of what I did?"

"No, I'm just reminding you!"

Taking a deep breath, the middle-aged woman shook her head and said: "Your approach is understandable. Hollywood really needs to suppress laobai, or the pace of development of Chinese movies. But please understand that these things can only be carried out in a low-key manner, and must not be allowed. The other side grabs the handle, because we can't afford the huge loss it brings..."

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