Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1307: Sea of ​​roses

"Today's box office trend is average, only over 8 million."

Looking at the mobile phone in the car, the assistant said with a flat mouth: "If you continue to fall at this speed, the total box office of "Tomb Raider" may hardly reach 3.5 billion..."

"Haha, it's normal."

Taking a deep breath, Lin Lin moved her buttocks and found herself a more comfortable sitting position.

She knows the truth in a rush.

"Tomb Raider" is Lao Bai’s fourth film this summer, and it is also the key to whether the final box office can surpass 3.5 billion US dollars. Therefore, when the overseas box office was not good when it was released, domestic fans broke out. Unimaginable enthusiasm and potential, in one fell swoop, "Tomb Raider" first weekend box office burst to more than one billion.

Then the goal of 3.5 billion was achieved a few days ago, and many fans and passers-by were relieved.

With this relief, the box office of "Tomb Raider" began to decline rapidly.

At the beginning, since I was anxious and disappointed, but after spending more than a day to understand, Lin Lin became bearish-the box office has exceeded 3 billion, why do you think so much?

"Tomb Raider" is not "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" after all, nor is it "Mulan". The former is a Hollywood super production, and Lao Bai’s picture books have accumulated many fans; the latter is China’s first film with an investment of more than 100 million US dollars, allowing fans to see the animation of domestic hope, and there is a reason for the box office explosion. Even so, the domestic box office of "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" is not particularly high, much worse than that of "Mulan".

In the case of "Tomb Raider", the current results have exceeded expectations.

So after attending another event in China today, Lin Lin can finally breathe a sigh of relief-next is the closing stage of the movie, there is no need to run around for publicity.

Thinking of this, Lin Lin said lazily: "Amo, after you send me to the restaurant later, you can go back first, don't wait for me."


He pursed his lips, and a smile flashed across the face of the assistant who called Amo.

Tonight, Lin Lin of Chen Changfeng asked to celebrate the box office sales of "Tomb Raider" first. Instead of waiting for her and the driver, it would be self-evident where Lin Lin would spend the night after dinner. But the little assistant has no reason to object. After all, Lin Lin and Chen Changfeng’s relationship has long been public, and even if people in their thirties live together occasionally, who can say anything?

"Oh, yes, sister Linlin."

Seeing that the restaurant was here soon, the little assistant suddenly remembered something and quickly said: "September 19 is the wedding of Hu Tian and Gong Xiaomeng. Sister Ya has already booked 18 for you and Teacher Sun. The ticket for No. 1 is the day after tomorrow..."

"Okay, I see."

Nodded, Lin Lin lost her consciousness for a moment.

Hu Daxing and Gong Xiaomeng's wedding, the limelight during this period is a little worse than Lao Bai's four movies, and it is also quite hot. And because of Zheng Jia's relationship, Lin Lin and Gong Xiaomeng had a very good personal relationship, so she naturally had to attend. Just thinking of weddings...

"Sister, here it is."

Just when Lin Lin was stunned, the assistant called out suddenly, and then the car slowly stopped.

"Okay, you can go back."

Settling down, Lin Lin glanced at the brightly lit restaurant, and ordered the little assistant to get out of the car by herself. Of course, she didn't forget to wear a hat and sunglasses, and when she got out of the car, she lowered her head slightly.

"Miss Lin, welcome to the palace!"

"Huh? Did you recognize me?"

Lin Lin was shocked when she heard the welcome from Miss Yingbin.

"Yes, of course I know Miss Lin!"

The beautiful welcoming lady smiled respectfully, and said respectfully: "Moreover, Mr. Chen has already notified us that you are coming... He is not very convenient to meet him at the door, so he specifically asked me to wait. Miss Lin, please follow me bring it on."

"Oh, yes, thank you."

Lin Lin, who knew what was going on, frowned and followed Miss Yingbin into it.

What is Chen Changfeng doing?

Even if the people in the palace are relatively strict and protect the privacy of the celebrities, there is no need to tell them that they are coming, right? Wouldn't it be good to book a box and let yourself go in?

While scolding her boyfriend secretly, Lin Lin walked into the hall on the first floor of the palace. But when she just walked into the hall and saw everything in front of her, she was stunned!

"Huh? What's the situation?!"

The hall was empty at this time.

Not only did there not have a guest, but even the palace’s own staff were, it can’t be said to be empty, because in Lin Lin’s sight, except for a long table in the middle of the hall Except for a piano in the corner, all the tables and chairs in the palace have disappeared, but they are filled with something else!


Fiery red roses!

Thousands of roses filled every corner of the hall on the first floor of the palace!

"Oh my God!"

After recovering, Lin Lin suddenly covered her chest!

Seeing this scene, where did she still not understand what happened? It was obvious that Chen Changfeng had entrusted the entire palace to celebrate her, and also arranged such a grand and romantic sea of ​​roses!

Lin Lin's heart beat crazy.

There is no doubt that Chen Changfeng is a very romantic person, and I don't know how many heartbeats he has given Lin Lin in the past few years. But never once did she make her heart beat so hard like now, and even her whole face started to burn.

"Miss Lin, for tonight, Mr. Chen spent a few million to buy flowers."

Leaving a word that didn't know if it was an assist or a superfluous sentence, Miss Yingbin quietly retired with a face full of envy--according to the script's requirements, she had already retired at this time and could not wait to be a light bulb here.


Unable to swallow and spit, and put down the hands covering her chest, Lin Lin began to look for Chen Changfeng's figure.

Just looking for a long time, but still no one can be seen.



With a few soft sounds, all the lights in the hall went out.

It was only then that Lin Lin discovered that the long table in the middle of the hall had already lit up dozens of candles, illuminating her way forward.

Subconsciously pressed her hand on her chest again, and took a deep breath, Lin Lin walked to the end of the long table and sat down.

Well, just see what you are going to do!

On the white tablecloth, there was nothing but two sets of tableware and a few candlesticks. After sitting down, Lin Lin also resisted the urge to look around and took off her hat and sunglasses first.


"What about people?"

After waiting for a minute, Lin Lin became a little impatient.

Well, the sea of ​​roses is very beautiful, and the atmosphere is even more romantic to the point that her heart beats for a long time, but no matter how romantic the atmosphere is, what does it mean to be alone?

If Chen Changfeng doesn't come out again, Lin Lin will really get angry.

At this moment, Lin Lin's ears suddenly moved, and heard a soft noise from the corner of the hall—like the sound of a stool moving?

Next, there is a series of piano sounds like the sound of heaven...

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