Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1311: Gift red envelope

Huaxia in this world does not have the habit of learning about bachelor night parties from the West.

So on the first night after coming to the island, Sun Peng and the others had a good sleep. Sleeping on the sound of the waves of the sea, completely let go of the disturbance during this period of time. When he was called by the sound of the helicopter the next morning, Sun Peng only felt like he had changed himself, and his whole body was full. Vitality.

Yachts and helicopters are like industrious worker ants, constantly sending guests to the island.

It was almost ten o’clock, the last boat finally docked at the pier on the island, and the last group of guests were sent up—the total number was less than two hundred, and the scale was not that big, but if you consider the wedding The location, as well as all the expenses, Hu Tian and Gong Xiaomeng are all inclusive, which can definitely be called luxurious.

Of course, the so-called luxury here is relative to ordinary people.

For a star of Hu Tian's level, a wedding that spends 10 to 20 million on venues, transportation, accommodation, etc. is not a thing, and it is not even as valuable as the sets of jewelry worn by Gong Xiaomeng at the wedding. ...

"Tsk tusk, do you think they are all the same as you?"

Seeing Sun Peng admiring the wedding ceremony, Lin Lin rolled her eyes and said with contempt: "I heard that Lao Hu not only gave tens of millions of gifts, but also bought a house in Beijing for Gong Xiaomeng-better than you are now The place to live is also an expensive house! Adding in the car, jewelry, and even his own company’s shares, how can it cost two to three billion yuan... Peng, think about it for yourself. Is it a big loss for Jia to marry you?"


Glancing at his cousin sideways, Sun Peng was full of disdain: "Don't think of us as vulgar as you! Can love be measured by money?"


"Haha, cut your ass!"

Cursing his lips, Sun Peng sneered: "To be honest, do you plan to slaughter Chen Changfeng when you get married? Tsk tsk, Lao Chen's net worth is not as thick as Hu Tian's. After getting married, I still have to borrow money to live...Ouch! Lin Lin, let me tell you...Ouch!"

The siblings ridiculed each other habitually, and it ended with Lin Lin couldn't help but do it.

Of course, they are just joking.

After all, Lin Lin knew that Sun Peng did not like high-profile, and Zheng Jia's work and family background did not allow her to high-profile. The wedding of the two was the result of discussions between the elders of both parties. And Sun Peng also understands that the situation of his cousin is different. If Lin Lin and Chen Changfeng are getting married during the rising period of their careers, they will definitely not make the wedding look vindicated or ordinary, even more exaggerated than Hu Tian and the others this time!

Since you have become a star, you must have the consciousness of being a star.

Besides, although the weddings of celebrities are extremely luxurious, if you really count them, they don't necessarily lose money! Let alone the various sponsorships, such as wedding dresses, jewelry, and even the venue and supplies of the wedding, the gift money given by the guests who came to participate is not a small number.

For example, Sun Peng couldn’t help but smile and asked when he was about to get to the place: “Lin Lin, what red envelope are you going to give this time? Don’t be stingy. You will get married next year anyway, and you will definitely earn it back.”

Taking a look at his cousin Bai, Lin Lin said angrily: "How old am I? It depends on how old you are."

"Haha, you have a relationship with me when you give red envelopes?"

Hearing what his cousin said, Sun Peng was immediately happy.

"Why is it okay? It's a big deal!"

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind.

The two were startled and looked at it for the first time. They found that they did not know when, Chen Feifei and Chen Cheng, a couple, had already come behind them, and they were talking about the beautifully dressed Chen Tianhou just now.



After greeted each other, Sun Peng asked curiously: "Sister Feifei, what did you mean by that sentence? Why does the red envelope she gave has something to do with me?"

"You don't want to think about your identity?"

"What do you mean? What happened to my identity?"

"Haha, let me do it."

Chen Cheng, who became acquainted again because of the conversation yesterday, took the conversation and explained to Sun Peng with a smile: "Today, except for the relatives of the bride and groom, almost all friends from the entertainment industry came here, that is to say, everyone. They are all in a circle. In this way, unless you have a very good personal relationship with Hu Tian, ​​a **** for more than ten years, it really depends on you how big red envelopes you send... Well, maybe you have to add Feifei, it depends on you two How old is it?"

"……No way?"

After blinking, Sun Peng suddenly thought of a possibility and his eyes widened.

"Don't, don't compare me with the old teacher Bai!"

Waved her hand, Chen Feifei said with a smile: "If I said that in the past few years, even last year, I dared to give red envelopes as big as Xiaopeng, but now...hehe, how many you plan to send, I will give it as 80%. All right."

"If you give 80%, I can only give half."

"Hehe, we are no better director than you celebrities, so I will give you two achievements and save money!"


After twitching his mouth several times, Sun Peng smiled bitterly: "You people, do you really treat yourself as a company employee?"

Obviously, that's how it is.

If the celebrities who come to the wedding in the entertainment circle are regarded as employees of a company, then the key to how much gifts everyone gives to the bride and groom depends on how much the leader receives. If the leader gives high, the people below can be free according to the relationship and economic conditions; but if the leader gives low, the other soldiers can’t give too much, at least not more than the number given by the leader—unless you and Personal relationships with people are really good, and you can ignore these so-called worldliness.

After thinking about this, Sun Peng felt strange.

Everyone just mixes in the entertainment industry, and they are not in the same company. Is this necessary? The weddings of those stars on the planet seem to have never heard of such rules, right?

In response, Chen Cheng shrugged and replied with a smile: "Who knows! I don't know when there is such a hidden rule in the entertainment industry... I don't believe that we are here. Wait and see, except for the circle. Outsiders, I guess other people haven't arrived yet!"

Upon hearing this, Lin Lin couldn't help but curiously asked: "In other words, everyone is waiting for Sun Peng and Feifei sister to come first?"

"Yes, that's it."

Spreading his hands, Chen Feifei said with a smile: "So, Mr. Sun Peng, how big red envelopes are you going to give? You know, behind you, there are dozens of stars waiting to decide the size of their red envelopes."

After sighing, Sun Peng smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Well, it's not too high, and it's not too low!"

Since there are such unspoken rules, Sun Peng has no plan to destroy it.

And he also knows that among the people attending the wedding today...No, it should be said that in the entire Chinese entertainment industry, there are probably no more people who dare to produce than himself. Even if it were super big guys like Chen Feifei and Liang Ren, at best, he gave him as much.

After this year's summer vacation, this point has been nailed to death.

However, his gift money was too high and too arrogant, and it seemed that other celebrities were stingy. After all, not everyone had a relationship with Hu Tian to the extent that they could be lavish; but when the gift was low, it affected the bride and groom. "Income"...

After pondering for a while, Sun Peng raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Forget it, I don't want that much, just press the double rate in return..."

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