Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1330: Zhang Wan's problem

Sure enough, as Liu Chang said, the evening show was really exciting.

But even so, Sun Peng's mind was not on the stage, even if he was sitting in the middle of the first row of the stage, sitting with the principal of the film school.

The camera lens that drifted over every other time made him very uncomfortable.

So when the newly appointed President Liu said a word to him, Sun Peng replied absently: "Excuse me, what did you say?"

"I mean, are you interested in being an honorary professor at your alma mater?"

An awkward expression flashed across his face, but it disappeared quickly without a trace. Principal Liu continued: "It is not used for a fixed class, as long as a few lectures are held occasionally...Department of Composition, Department of Literature , Or the director department, either."


After hearing President Liu's words clearly this time, Sun Peng was speechless.

Well, if you consider his current achievements in composition and screenwriting, let alone the Beijing Film Academy, any school in the world is more than enough to be an honorary professor. And the few movies he directed have had enough box office, and there seems to be nothing wrong with giving lessons to the students of the director department.


Can you count the things you carry?

Although Sun Peng will not be so stubborn to tell the truth, it is impossible to cheekily go overboard and give some lectures to the students-to be reasonable, isn't that wrong?

So after a moment of stunned, Sun Peng shook his head and smiled quickly: "President Liu, don't talk about lectures, let alone a professor! I know my level very well, and I have to ask other directors for help when making movies... …Haha, it’s not easy to do your own thing steadily."

"Teacher Sun……"

"Okay, Principal Liu, there is no need to talk about this."

Waved his hand, Sun Peng stopped the principal who planned to continue to persuade him, and whispered: "Today's program is very exciting, let us continue to enjoy it quietly, okay?"


Seeing that Sun Peng's attitude was extremely firm, Principal Liu could only nodded helplessly, and said nothing more.

On the other side of Principal Liu, a middle-aged man in his forties listened to the conversation between the two of them. A look of surprise flashed in his eyes. Looking at Sun Peng who was separated from him, he fell into contemplation. in……


"Sorry, it's really too late."

After the party was over, Sun Peng naturally declined the invitation of Principal Liu to have a supper together-at ten o'clock in the evening, he was not interested in having a supper with a less familiar man.

Go home and sleep quickly, that's right.

However, I just bid farewell to the regretful Headmaster Liu. After walking to the parking lot, when Sun Peng was about to get on the car, a voice suddenly came over: "Lao Bai, can you wait a moment?"


Hearing the voice of someone coming, Sun Peng turned his head to look, and his eyes lit up: "Director Zhang? You haven't left yet?"

"Haha, waiting for you specially."

After saying hello to President Liu, the great director Zhang Wan walked to Sun Peng's side and said with a smile: "I finally met again, how can I just say hello? Haha, I plan to go back at ten o'clock? Don’t find a place to have a drink?"


After hesitating, Sun Peng nodded and smiled: "Well, let's have a small cup."

Everyone knows the meaning of a small glass, so after half an hour after two bottles of beer, Sun Peng's words will naturally increase. Of course, the key to this lies in the identity of Zhang Wan, the most well-known and one of the three most appealing directors in China. Five years ago, he was best at costume movies. In recent years, he has begun to transform into other fields...

You have to find a similar director, but Lao Mouzi is similar to Kai Ge on earth.

Zhang Wan and Sun Peng, the two have naturally seen them.

Although there is no overlap, but occasionally attending an awards ceremony together, like the two of them are basically sitting at the same table or in the same row, it is only natural to meet and say hello.

To tell the truth, Sun Peng still admired the director Zhang Wanzhang.

The rise of Chinese costume films can be said to be a long process. From the time filmmakers began to increase investment in costume films 20 years ago, and finally reached its peak ten years ago, it can be said that Zhang Wan, who is 46 years old this year, is a character that cannot be ignored. It was also his "Bad Man" that invested 200 million Chinese coins that year that kicked the door to overseas markets.

In the next few years, Zhang Wan's blockbusters have been the most popular.

Although the decline of China's costume blockbusters is rapid, with the four or five films at its peak, Zhang Wan has established his position as China's top director.

At that time, he was only about forty years old.

Therefore, if Sun Peng is able to deal with Fang's invitation, Zhang Wan's status is the most important. Otherwise, you can try another small director or even an ordinary director? It's half past ten in the evening, drinking with an unfamiliar director, he might as well accompany the same unfamiliar old Liu to a supper!

Naturally, Sun Peng knew exactly what Zhang Wan, who invited himself to drink, wanted.

Therefore, after the two small beers, Sun Peng, who didn’t want to circumvent her, said with a smile: “Director Zhang, I see that your last two movies have had a good response! This year’s is a magical movie, last year’s one... that what? Right?"

""Black Eye"?"

"Yes, "Black Eye", the box office seems to have passed 2 billion, right?"

"Well, 2.2 billion, still make a living."

Nodded, Zhang Wan smiled bitterly: "However, the overseas box office is only 400 million, so the final box office is barely just getting back to the original... Hehe, it's incomparable with Lao Bai's movie "Hero"."

When saying this, Zhang Wan's attitude was quite sincere.

This wasn't a deliberate attempt to curry favor with each other, and as Zhang Wan's identity was not necessary. However, he is really interested in "Heroes" directed by Sun Peng. He obviously only added some martial arts elements. Why is it so popular? Can you find a new way for the declining genre movie?

In the past few months alone, three martial arts blockbusters with an investment of over 500 million have announced their projects. This is not fake news!

After talking about these words, the topic of the two naturally turned to the movie.

At this time, Zhang Wan had nothing to hide and tuck. He first touched the wine glass with Sun Peng, and then said sternly: "Teacher Sun, I want to ask you a question!"

"Haha, Director Zhang is polite, please speak with me!"

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Wan said solemnly: "I just want to know, how do you know that movies like "Han Bo and Lingshi" will also be welcomed by European and American audiences? Do you think the magic of China...or rather Can mythology movies really make foreigners like it?"

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