Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1333: Angry writer

Lin Lin just told Sun Peng about the matter of restoring the shadow for a year or two.

Although this is the plan, there is no need to pass others, anyway, any invitation is sent to the agent Sun Ya, and someone can help to refuse it. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Lin, who always admires Sun Peng's "leisure", can finally take a complete rest. She wants to play games and find a place to play for a month or two, but no one cares about her.

"In fact, she will soon understand one thing, it's not fun to be idle."

When I returned home at night, I took Sun Wenyao, who had fallen asleep on the road, to Zheng Jia. After talking about today's affairs, Sun Peng yawned and smiled: "I tried doing nothing for a whole month. Don't do it, just eat, drink and have fun or go out to play all day long. It's too clear!"

"Nothing to do for a whole month? When did it happen?"

Regarding Zheng Jia’s question, Sun Peng rolled his eyes and said helplessly: "Wife, the point is not whether this is good or not? The point is what I want to express! I understand that Lin Lin wants to take a break, after all, he is getting married, and this For a few years she has indeed worked very hard, but this person occasionally takes a few days of rest for more than ten days to relax, if she is completely free for a year or two..."

"Don't worry, Lin Lin is not a kid anymore."

After **** her daughter, Zheng Jia carefully put her on the cot and said absently: "If you have time to worry about this kind of unnecessary worry, you might as well think about the end of the year. There are so many awards. Invitation, do you really have time to take us out to play? And it's still that long."

Attending Hu Tian's wedding, Sun Peng had the idea of ​​taking a long vacation at the end of the year.

Of course, it doesn't have to be a small island or something, after all, you have to consider Zheng Jia's ideas. However, the vacation plan has not yet been made, and various invitations have flown over like snow flakes. For Lao Bai, there is no award ceremony that dares to send invitations when the date is approaching, which means complete Give up the presence of this big boss.

Including Oscars and Grammys, there are more than a dozen important invitations!

For these invitations, Sun Ya's suggestion is to pick a few to attend.

After all, Sun Peng has not participated in similar activities for two years. Although the success of the two heavenly queens and the shocking results of these ten films have completely established the position of Lao Bai and Laobai in the two fields, it will not be because Not attending these awards ceremony will have the slightest impact, but if it is too "cold", it will definitely not be of much benefit to his future development.

To put it bluntly, it is easy for those guys to seize the reason to be black.

Especially in Europe and the United States, unless Sun Peng really doesn't care, if someone says "I don't like Oscars and Grammys", it is easy to make some fans who are already a bit rebellious even more upset...

"The time is okay, and I don't have to go to work."

Regarding Zheng Jia’s worries, Sun Peng disagreed: “As for various activities, I really have to show my face a few times this year, otherwise it’s really unreasonable. But I won’t go to the music awards, and I didn’t write songs this year. Just go to the film awards, the domestic Magnolia, the Japanese Film Academy Awards and the American Oscar..."


The news that Lin Lin and Chen Changfeng received the certification went lively on the Internet for three days.

But after three days, the news was soon overwhelmed by more news. At this time, on the 11th of November, Seal Press and Guanglun Press released the release dates of "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" and "Han Bo and the Blue Cloud Clock" at the same time.

On December 31st, the Chinese, English and Japanese versions will be available worldwide at the same time!

According to the contract, Guanglun Publishing had to postpone the release date of the new book and took the opportunity to translate the Japanese version; and after concentrating the work of several top translators, Seal Publishing also completed two books in time The English version of the book, and started printing and distribution with the fastest speed!

The last day of this year is when two books are published.

As for the number of first prints...

According to the original plan, the first print numbers of the two publishers were 15 million and 13 million, but after receiving feedback from major booksellers and the results of online pre-sales, the two The home publishing house has also made minor adjustments, which is a significant increase over the previous figures.

The Chinese version of "Han Bo and the Blue Cloud Bell", the first print increased to 10 million copies, and "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" also rose to 6 million; the English version of Little Wizard is 4 million, little magic The teacher is also ten million! Even in the Japanese version, the first prints of the two books reached one million copies each!

In this way, I haven't counted the French, German, Spanish, and Korean versions that have been translated but have not had time to be on the shelves simultaneously.


"Damn Old Bai! Damn No. 31!"

Whether it was in the capital of China, or in New York, the United States, almost at the same time the news broke, a Chinese writer and an American writer broke their cups at the same time, and then started crazy curses at home!

December 31st?

Damn it, why did they choose this day? !

If it were not for this day, this year's global book sales champion would undoubtedly belong to American Chris? Teng Sen, a suspense novel **** who has just risen in recent years; and if it were not for this day, the sales champion of the Chinese version of the book would probably fall on a Chinese man named Meng Yuan!

Because according to the statistics of the previous ten months, they are leading in the statistics of the two fields respectively!

Chris? Since Tenson won more than ten novel awards last year, including the Golden Bookmark Award, which is the most important part of the Global Book Award, this year's results have come to an explosion! Of the sixteen suspense novels under his name, 35 million copies have been sold in the first ten months of this year, and more than 40 million copies in the whole year are already a certainty.

As for Meng Yuan's words, the same is true. He has accumulated more than 20 years of books in China, and sold nearly 20 million in ten months, which is undoubtedly the first in Chinese!


Behind them, Lao Bai or Lao Bai's sales are not far off.

For an ordinary well-known writer, a few million may be the total sales volume of all his books in his lifetime, and for most top writers, selling millions of books a year is definitely worthy of a big book. Miracle! However, for writers standing at the top of the pyramid in this field, it is only a few million, perhaps just the first printed number...

However, Lao Bai does not belong to any of them.

Two books, over 30 million copies were first printed, and will be released in more than ten countries on the same day! What's more terrifying is that these less than ten countries are the countries with the strongest book consumption capacity in the world!

In Seal Press and Guanglun Press...

No, and under the propaganda of the Hollywood giants and the Chinese film giants, how many copies of the two books can be sold on December 31st?

No one can give a specific number, but the big names of the two writers know that their attempts to break the ambition of Lao Bai or Laobai to rule the writers list may be completely shattered...

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