Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1341: Finalized

The news that "Hero" lost the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film was a big hit on China's Internet. It has also attracted a lot of controversy in Asia, but it has almost no attention in Europe and America.

Although Laobai's fans in the United States are not small, few people think he has been treated unfairly. Therefore, from the announcement of the list until the arrival of the Oscars, there has never been any waves.

Originally, there have been too many "unfair treatment" movies in the history of Oscars. Who cares if you are a laobai?

As for Sun Peng's own words, after he truly accepted the result and watched the five selected films, he immediately became calm.

In essence, he was not angry because of his failure, but was afraid that works from the earth would be treated unfairly.

But after watching those five movies, even if he is inclined to "Hero" in his heart, Sun Peng must admit that any one of them has a very high artistic standard. After studying hard for several years, Sun Peng Finally, it is possible to analyze the pros and cons of a movie from a professional perspective, not from the perspective of watching the excitement.

When it comes to viewing and box office, "Hero" naturally beats them, but it's hard to say when it comes to artistry.

After all, art is not a matter of mathematics, physics, and physics. There is an objective standard for high scores and low scores. Don't fool anyone. Different types of movies and styles of different countries are difficult to judge whether they are better or worse. The criterion for judgment can only be the audience's preferences and tendencies. The final result proved one thing, that is, the Oscar judges have a preference for movies from Europe, and at the same time they are not very cold about the name laobai.

On social media in Europe and the United States, many people even praised this behavior of defying power and adhering to the truth!

The first time I heard this statement from Lin Lin on the phone, to be honest, Sun Peng’s mood and expression were quite subtle, because he really did not expect that in the eyes of some people, he became a power in the film industry. In their eyes, filmmakers from other countries have become a little bitter, letting them spoil the kind...

But by this time, Sun Peng was no longer in the mood to pay attention to these little things.

After confirming that they won the top of the list of writers of the year, their family has left the capital and flew to a small island in the South Pacific. In Lin Lin's words, that is that my cousin finally got the hang of it after a long time and is willing to spend a fortune on enjoying life!

Sun, sand, and the endless sea.

After contracting an entire island for a month, Sun Peng also sent out invitations to his relatives and friends, anyway, whoever wants to go, stay as long as he wants. And Wei had this day, and Zheng Jia also took a month off, so the family had enough time to spend time on it.


It takes experience to spend money, and upstarts like Sun Peng especially need it, otherwise he really doesn't know how to spend it if he is holding money...or it should be said that he can't spend it.

After just a week on the island, Sun Peng began to feel bored.

After staying on the island for another week, he finally couldn't help it. He simply handed the island to Zheng Jia, and the uncle and sister who had just come to enjoy the slow life, and quickly escaped from the world. Isolated world.

"Huh... I really am an urban creature!"

After getting off the plane at the Beijing International Airport and getting in to pick up his car, Sun Peng let out a long sigh of laughter: "Even this air seems to smell better with car exhaust..."

"But in the city, don't you stay at home most of the time? What is the difference from the island?"


Looking at Liu Chang's slightly contemptuous eyes, Sun Peng rolled his eyes and said helplessly: "Stop talking about me, aren't you the same? After staying on the island for only three or four days, you ran away?"

"I'm different, I have something to do!"

Joking with each other along the way, Liu Chang sent Sun Peng to his home, then he glanced at his little book before he got out of the car and said: "The Oscars will be held on February 19th, and I have already booked it for February 16. Airfare arriving in Los Angeles on the same day..."

"Sixteenth? Why are you going so early?"

Taking a look at Sun Peng who was puzzled, Liu Chang shrugged and said: "It's very simple, because I have an appointment with the people of Hymens, Haggs and Capocca to see their progress. This is something that has already been decided. … By the way, Michael? Pete wants to treat you to a meal. Are you interested?"

In fact, there are many people who are interested in eating with Sun Peng, but Sun Ya sifted out most of them, and Liu Chang only chose Michael? Pete alone.

In their opinion, this guy is worth having a meal together.

After hesitating for a while, Sun Peng smiled and nodded: "Okay, it's all old friends anyway. Of course, it's okay to have a meal... By the way, I finally went to the United States and booked two tickets for me. It’s the front row..."


His wife and children all continued to play in the water on the island, and Sun Peng, who returned to the capital, had plenty of personal space and time.

For two weeks, he did not go to Lao Bai's studio or DreamWorks, but spent the entire day with the experts from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

The novel of "The Martian" has entered the final stage.

In fact, when it comes to the so-called hard science fiction, laymen can hardly even think about it, especially for Sun Peng. But with the original novel as a reference, Sun Peng's entire "creation" process seems extremely simple.

He draws up a storyline, proposes an idea, and then the experts from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration fill in the blanks.

After all, the gap between the two worlds is still relatively large, especially the names and parameters of various equipment and aerospace equipment. If you directly take out the original novel, it will definitely be a joke. Whether the settings or techniques in various original works can be realized in this world, or whether they are operable, also requires experts to evaluate and modify before they can be applied in the novel.

Sun Peng's goal is to make the content of the novel as flawless as possible.

And not only that, while the novel is gradually taking shape, he also worked with experts to perfect the script of "The Martian", and even asked them to help complete the design of various spacecraft and equipment in the movie. For example, the huge spacecraft, the landing module and the old probe on Mars, etc...

Fortunately, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration attaches great importance to this cooperation. At the same time, Sun Peng also gave a large sum of money to the participating experts. Otherwise, the heavy work alone would be enough to make people refuse.

Even if your old Bai's reputation is great, who is an ordinary person who is willing to pay so much without getting rewarded?

So with everyone fully committed, on February 14th, the novels and scripts of "The Martian" were finally completed! The rest of the work is for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to conduct a final review to pick out the problems and omissions inside, while waiting for the experts to complete the design drawings of the equipment and spacecraft.

As for Sun Peng himself, he must leave for Los Angeles...

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