Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1398: God made


Amidst enthusiastic applause, the curtain in Hall One of the Hasha Theater slowly opened.

An orchestra with more than twenty people appeared in front of everyone, and above their heads, was a huge screen with the music to be played next and some simple information on it.

"Blessings of Love."

Composer: Sun Peng.

Performance: Changfeng Orchestra.

Solo violinist: Liu Siqing.

As China's most famous violinist Liu Siqing and famous conductor Zhong Yuan walked from behind the scenes to the front desk, the two-way audience bowed, and the applause instantly increased by several decibels!

Everyone knows that today's great show is about to kick off.

With the conductor and violin solo in their respective positions, the whole hall was quiet, and everyone was quietly waiting for the start of this piece. However, at the same time, there were also many people whispering in the audience, quietly chatting about "Blessings of Love"...

Feng Hai from the Modu Conservatory of Music stabbed an old friend next to him, and said in a low voice, "Pharaoh, what do you think of this song "Blessed Lovers"?"

"What do you think? I didn't even listen to it."

Glancing sideways at his old friend, Wang Feiming, a violin professor at the China Conservatory of Music, said angrily.

"No, I'm not asking how you feel after listening."

Frowning, Feng Hai whispered: "I mean this piece... it's almost half an hour, and it's still a sonata, don't you have any thoughts?"

"Hehe, I understand what you mean."

When he heard this, Wang Feiming suddenly realized.

Subconsciously glanced left and right, Wang Feiming drew close to his old friend and said in a low voice: "Are you trying to say...that old Bai can't create such a sonata?"

"Hey, I didn't say that!"

Rolling his eyes, Feng Hai quickly shook his head and said in a low voice, "That's Teacher Lao Bai. Isn't it normal for people to write anything? Hehe, after all, he is a genius!"

After staring at Feng Hai, Wang Fei raised his brows and said, "Old Feng, you have something to say!"

"I'm just……"

"Okay, let's talk later!"

This time before Feng Hai finished speaking, Wang Feiming waved his hand directly: "Listen to the tune first! Look, they are ready to start..."

Feng Hai didn't speak any more, but straightened himself up and turned his sights back on the stage in front.

Wang Feiming understood what the other party meant, but did not dare to think about it.

Although I have not started to listen to this song "Blessed Lovers", no matter the brochure distributed by the organizer or the words that Liu Siqing said when he invited him before, it all shows one thing: "Brightest Lovers" is a classic, even Chinese. The most classic in the history of violin, and it is also a concerto!

This concept is different from Lao Bai's "One Step Away" before!

If I have to give an example to illustrate, it is equivalent to a composer who writes pop songs every day suddenly wrote an entire opera, and it is of the level of "Jester"...

To be honest, Wang Feiming couldn't believe it.

As an old guy who has been dealing with the violin every day for more than 40 years, Wang Feiming knows too well how difficult this is! Not to mention that Sun Peng had been writing pop songs before, and the only violin song was the tango dance song "One Step Away".

This kind of change can make professionals like them so depressed to vomit blood!

Therefore, Wang Feiming can understand the doubts of Professor Feng Haifeng. And he believes that so many violin composers present will also have the same feeling, that is, if "The Butterfly Lovers" is really as great as Liu Siqing said... Is it really the work of the old teacher?

"No no, I can't think about it anymore!"

As soon as his mind touched this idea, Wang Feiming shook his head immediately, not daring to let himself think about it anymore. Although he is a well-known violinist in China and a professor at the Beijing Conservatory of Music, such unreasonable speculation is not the work of a wise man, not to mention that old Bai is not something he can provoke!

When Wang Feiming's face changed slightly, the performance on stage began.

Against the background of the soft strings and the faint tremolo of the timpani, the sound of a flute like a bird chirping opened, bringing hundreds of listeners into a world of beautiful spring and fragrance of birds and flowers...

The story of "Blessed Lovers" can be said to be a household name in China.

And when everyone comes in this time, they will receive a booklet carefully prepared by Liu Siqing, which introduces each paragraph of the violin concerto "The Butterfly Lovers" in detail. From the presentation department to the unfolding department, to the reappearance department, from falling in love to anti-marriage, to the butterfly, almost every detail is shown in front of everyone.

The passages that match the concerto are naturally clear at a glance!

So in Wang Feiming's gradually losing focus, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai met, and the pure friendship deepened and gradually turned into a deep affection of mutual affection-the love of birds and flowers, the worship of grass bridges, three years of classmates, eighteen phases Sending off, bidding farewell to Changting, fighting against marriage in Britain and Taiwan, complaining by crying spirits, turning butterflies in front of the grave...

For half an hour, he seemed to have watched a whole sad and moving love story.

When the violin and the cello have an affectionate dialogue, the intermittent tone seems to be Zhu Yingtai, who is disguised as a man,’s hesitant to speak; when the sound of the brass tube becomes severe in rhythm and gloomy tone, it is the family darkness covering the two of them. When Liu Siqing used the loose violin solo to state Zhu Yingtai’s grief and panic, people couldn’t help but feel sad; when the violin solo and the band’s allegro alternately appeared, it was Zhu Yingtai. The grave complained with blood and tears; until the last time the gongs and cymbals rang, Zhu Yingtai threw himself into the grave and made Wang Feiming's chest depressed to the apex!


When the flute and the harp set off against each other and lead people’s thoughts to the mythical wonderland, Liu Siqing’s violin once again played the love theme of "Blessings of Love". The suffocation in Wang Feiming's chest gradually dissipated, but another inexplicable feeling Swelling to his heart-he seemed to see a pair of butterflies flying freely among the flowers, an extremely intimate scene...

"The sound of nature, the voice of nature!"

When the last note of "Blessings of Love" slowly dissipated in the hall, Wang Feiming couldn't help sighing quietly, and subconsciously wiped the corner of his eye.

At that moment, he couldn't help crying.

This violin concerto...

"God made!"

After sighing secretly in his heart, Wang Zhong didn't hesitate anymore and stood up to join the other clapping and cheering crowd! At this moment, cheers and applause could almost overturn the roof of the theater!

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