Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1409: underestimate

Downloads are not equal to sales. Everyone knows this. Generally speaking, only about 80% of the people who choose to pay after downloading, and the remaining 20% ​​ultimately did not purchase them for various reasons.

In addition, for a well-known game like "The Legend of the Old White Knights-Book of Swords and Enmity", the number of downloads must be the highest on the first day. Just like the fans’ movies, the box office has exploded before it starts Fell sharply.

However, the number of downloads in nearly one day reached 210,000, which was far beyond Chen Maolin and their expectations.

You know, this is just the download data from the official website.

If you add in the data from the tt game platform, there are two places other than download diversion or something, the first day of downloads may have reached the level of 400,000! In other words, the sales on the first day alone exceeded Chen Maolin's expectations of 400,000!

"God, this is a miracle!"

Still retaining the mantra used to working in the British studio, Chen Maolin, who succeeded Chen Fengzhi, exclaimed excitedly on the phone: "Yesterday afternoon we thought that the growth of downloads would slow down very quickly, but it turns out that this is not the case! In fact, by 12 o'clock in the evening on the 16th, our downloads are likely to reach 500,000 or even higher!"

"What about the tt platform? What's the situation?"

With a bright smile on his face, Sun Peng hurriedly asked.

He was too lazy to investigate why their statement yesterday was so far from today, what happened in the middle, or what happened to the calculation method. Sun Peng is of course the happiest with the explosion of data in The Legend of the Old White Knights.

The depression of last night dissipated all at once.


After a pause, Chen Maolin then continued: "We can't get the tt data for the time being, because their platform is given once a week. It is impossible for ordinary game companies to get it in advance..."

"Ok, I understand."

Taking a deep breath, Sun Peng nodded; "Then do this first, I'll call tt to ask!"

Chen Maolin is not easy to ask them, but Sun Peng has no such worries.

Not to mention the four battle royale games, although their popularity has fallen, they are still the most popular genre on major live broadcast platforms. "Fortress Night" continues to be popular in Europe and the United States, bringing continuous new development to the tt platform Players, just talking about Sun Peng's own identity and status in the entertainment circle, can't tolerate tt's rejection.

Sure enough, after the call, Meng Chong, the new general manager of the tt platform, answered the call in person, and quickly gave the data Sun Peng wanted: "Lao Bai, we don’t have a saying that we can download first and then buy, so only You can download it for a fee...The number of purchasers in 24 hours has exceeded 180,000."

"180,000? Are you sure?"

After hearing these two numbers, Sun Peng suddenly gasped!

"Haha, of course, I'm pretty sure!"

After blinking his eyes, Sun Peng hurriedly asked, "Meng, what does this number... mean? How much can there be on the night of the 16th? In addition, what is the general refund rate on our platform?"

The phone was stunned for a while, and then quickly replied: "The refund rate is generally based on the game. The good game is lower, and the bad game is higher! But according to my personal experience, "The refund rate will not exceed 5%! By the evening of the 16th, our data should be at least forty-five, possibly reaching 500,000!"

"Understood, thank you very much!"

After taking a deep breath, Sun Peng hung up the phone.

If the Tt platform can reach 500,000, plus the 500,000 downloads of the official website, that is a full one million!


After calculating the account, Sun Peng laughed happily. Now he can be sure that "The Legend of the Old White Knights", which was officially activated at 0:00 on the 16th, is likely to set a new record, that is, China's first rpg game that sold more than one million on the first day...


In the early morning of November 16, the number of downloads on the official website of the game exceeded 450,000, and the growth rate did not slow down as Chen Maolin expected.

At 11 o'clock in the evening on the 16th, the official website had more than 600,000 downloads, and the number of paying users exceeded 200,000. If you consider that the number of the tt game platform should be higher, the sales of 400,000 have already been obtained. No doubt.

"Well, I admit that we underestimated the influence of the words Lao Bai."

After taking a deep breath, Chen Fengzhi's voice on the phone looked a little weird, and he seemed to say helplessly: "It turns out that a great **** in the entertainment circle rushed into the game circle, so his work must not use ordinary game routines. Make an estimate...Boss, your reputation alone is worth one million units sold on the first day!"

To be honest, even Sun Peng could hear the loss of Chen Fengzhi's words.

But think about it, it’s clear that he and Chen Maolin worked so hard to form Laobai Studio, dug up so many game elites from all over the world, and then worked hard for almost three years to make the best RPG in China. The game "The Legend of the Old White Knights", who doesn't want the greatest satisfaction from the sales of the game?

If the first day of sales of "The Legend of the Old White Knights" meets expectations, and then a wave of sales frenzy is ushered in with its strong reputation, Chen Fengzhi and Chen Maolin will definitely pass out with joy.


The reality today is that the sales volume of "The Legend of the Old White Knights" may exceed one million on the first day!

This is too exaggerated!

Even if some people are bold enough, I am afraid they can't believe that this is based on the strength of the game itself!

You know that Laobai Studio is a new force in the game circle, they have not even released any game yet! As the producer of the game, although Chen Maolin has proven his strength in the UK, there is still a gap between the world's top game production, and it is definitely not worth the first day of million sales.

In fact, there are no more than ten producers in the world with such appeal!

For most gamers, they don’t even care who the game’s creator is. They only care about which company made the game, how much money they invested, and more importantly, whether the previous games are fun or not. Like it or not!

Yes, almost all games that can get millions of sales on the first day are sequels of well-known IPs!

There are a few exceptions, and all of them have invested hundreds of millions of dollars, developed for several years, and have accumulated a large number of fans through various game exhibitions, trailers, and demo videos!

And what does "The Legend of the Old White Knights" rely on? Is it just relying on the huge investment of more than 600 million Chinese currency in the promotion? Are there any demo videos released at major game shows?

Give me a break!

That's really great, and it's also very attractive to Huaxia players, but it's definitely not worth the first million!

There is no doubt that this is the embodiment of Lao Bai's strength!

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