Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1424: problem

In another world version of "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", Sun Peng was also the first time he saw a complete film.

Such a huge investment of super ip, of course Haggs Pictures will not take the risk to China to let him see, and Sun Peng is not willing to fly to the United States just to see the film, so he can only wait until the premiere. The whole picture can only be seen in the style.

I have to say that Hollywood shots are wonderful.

Because the funds are more abundant and the technology is more advanced, at least the scenes and special effects are much better than the original version. So even if the plot is roughly the same as the original, Sun Peng still watched it with gusto and was very happy.

Now, should it be done?

Sun Peng, who felt that "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" was not inferior to "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" at all, and even slightly better, Sun Peng was completely relieved now. What he worries most is the quality of the movie. As long as the quality is okay and the movie is good enough, then the box office will definitely not drop much even if it drops, so it's fine.

Immediately after the film was over, there was warm applause and cheers in the screening hall.

Next is the regular interview time. Because he did not appear in the main creative interaction before the movie screening, as the biggest star today, Sun Peng also gave the organizer ten minutes after the screening to satisfy the British audience. Curiosity, accept the cross-examination of British journalists...

"Yes, I am personally very satisfied with the movie, especially the performance of the three young British actors are very good, beyond my expectations."


"Of course I have confidence. I think the second box office should surpass the first one and create a more brilliant achievement! I firmly believe in this."


"Haha, that’s a good question! The fifth novel is being created...Because I want to take into account the Little Witcher series, I need a longer time to think. I believe the novel will be able to meet with fans next year. Please everyone look forward to!"


"No, no, today is the press conference of "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets". I hope to answer questions about it! As for "The Martian" and "Han Bo and the Chamber of Secrets", including "The Brave", which will be released next summer "Game" and "Die Hard 2" are not in today's category, so I'm sorry..."


"I didn't give up music, I just temporarily stopped creating music albums for singers. In fact, I now focus on making soundtracks for my movies and games... For the past year or so, I have been I am creating the theme song and soundtrack for my new game "The Legend of the Old White Knights"...Well, this game is already on the market. It is a Chinese martial arts game... About the concept of martial arts, if you are interested, you can go to find out ."


"The Sunflower Story Collection is of course still in the process of being created. The latest set will be available by the summer vacation at the latest. The name is "Shrek", I believe the children will like it very much."


"Science fiction movies? You are right. Recently I have really become obsessed with this type of film, so whether I have a new movie or a new script created, many of them are of this type... If you have to say it, the box office is indeed An important factor I considered, but definitely not the only factor."


After answering a series of questions, Sun Peng didn’t feel impatient or anything, but the reporters in the audience were quite dissatisfied. Sun Peng’s answers were all quite satisfactory and unremarkable. No big news came out. What a hot spot.

How does this work?

But just when most people started frowning, a middle-aged reporter in his forties was spotted. He stood up, widened his eyes and asked loudly, "Mr. Laobai, I have a question. I don't know if you can help me answer it!"

"Hehe, of course."

"I have always been very strange. As a Chinese, Mr. Laobai should focus on the culture of his country, right? But your most famous music is dozens of English songs written for Feifei Chen and Chengluo. The highest-grossing movie is Scripts written for Hollywood, even novels and picture books, have the best results in Western works, such as "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" which is currently premiering..."


There is no need to wait for the middle-aged reporter to finish, the audience is already full of crashes.

Almost all reporters became excited at this time.

Obviously, this is a matter of choice!

In fact, no one has asked this question before, but Laobai has always either avoided talking about it, or just said some scenes, and rarely responded positively. But the public opinion war on the summer vacation hasn’t passed long. Now someone has raised this question again. Isn’t it embarrassing to Laobai?

You are a Chinese, why do you always create Western music, picture books or scripts?

"...So why are you doing this?"

After the middle-aged reporter finished speaking, everyone turned their eyes to the stage, staring straight at Sun Peng, waiting for his answer-this question is too interesting and too timing. Up!

How would you answer when "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" is about to be released?

If you kneel and lick Hollywood, then you can suddenly lower the compulsion of the name laobai. At least some of China's fans will definitely be upset, right? But if you open your mouth to praise China’s local culture and degrade the West...tsk, why do you write Harry Potter? And those English songs?

Haha, this is interesting now.

Almost everyone looked at Sun Peng with a little gloat. To say that the only person in the field who was in a hurry at this time, rather than looking forward to it, was probably the supervisor of Haggs Pictures. He couldn't help showing anxiety in his eyes at this moment, and looked at Sun Peng worriedly. If the other party answers an inadvertently, it is very likely that this group of reporters will make use of the question, which may have an impact on the subsequent box office!

So after hesitating for a while, he hurriedly stepped forward and said behind Sun Peng: "Mr. Laobai, go ahead."


With a frown, Sun Peng certainly heard the other party's whisper, and he also knew that what the other party said should be the best way to deal with it.


Haha, what a big deal!

Seeing that reporter smiled, Sun Peng nodded and said: "First of all, I have to confirm that this gentleman is right at all. I am a Chinese and I have never studied abroad or lived abroad. He has written many English songs and Western-style picture books and scripts. This is indeed a fact."


On and off the stage, it was all quiet at this time.

When talking about this, Sun Peng paused for a while, and then smiled: "Of course the reason for this is actually very simple..."

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