Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1450: Real boss

"To be honest, I am not very clear."

After looking at the numbers on the phone screen, Lin Lin blinked her eyes and shook her head with some hesitation: "Did he really make more than 400 million US dollars last year? I am afraid that even he himself will not be very clear. He really knows the details. The number should be his agent."

There seemed to be some embarrassment on her face, but Lin Lin couldn't help but tan in her heart.

460 million dollars?

Ha ha!

Even if you don't know the specific figures, one thing Lin Lin is certain is that her cousin's annual income is absolutely impossible!

Because the kid's income is not only from the entertainment industry and publishing houses!

"I don't even know? Are you kidding?"

After listening to Lin Lin, Michael? Pete was taken aback.

"Hehe, nothing strange."

Shrugging, Lin Lin explained with a smile: "Because in addition to movies, scripts, music and animation, Laobai also has royalties from novels and even income from making games. It's too messy..."


"So for how much I earn in a year, generally I only look at the final number."

Facing Hu Tian’s incredible eyes, Sun Peng said helplessly: “After all, those projects are in cooperation with different companies. If I have to figure out each item... ahem, there is no such thing. Energy and time are not necessary in the second place."

My second sister didn't believe it, who else could Sun Peng believe?

In fact, Sun Ya once sent an invitation to Zheng Jia, hoping that she could quit her job as a police officer and join a brokerage company to take up an important position. Among them, she meant to be supervised, but Zheng Jia did not hesitate. Refused. And Sun Peng was even more relieved, almost like a shopkeeper, and then just check the report every quarter.


Regarding Sun Peng's situation, Hu Tian could only be silent.

No way, he couldn't understand the other party's approach. At least if hundreds of millions of dollars of income were put on his body, Hu Tian would definitely not be like Sun Peng. Not even his own sister, let alone just a cousin.

But this kind of remark is just thinking about it in his heart, and Hu Tian will naturally not speak out.


When I think of the guy on the other side, his income is hundreds of millions of dollars a year, and when he thinks that he will be tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars a year, or the Chinese currency, Hu Tian just patronizes his heart. Are you in the mood to worry about other people's affairs?

Seeing Hu Tian no longer interested in questioning, Sun Peng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

460 million dollars?

Of course there is!

And there is more!

In fact, last year's music royalties alone exceeded US$150 million, reaching the highest value in recent years. The songs he wrote for Chen Feifei and Luo Cheng are too classic. Every year, more fans will spend money to buy them online, and if all kinds of advertisements and movies need to be used, they will all have to pay Sun Peng a royalties and accumulate them. Quite terrible! Coupled with those Chinese songs that I wrote before, they are also more and more popular in China, and the income is quite high!

The copyright income of film and television is no worse than that of music.

The various peripheral and copyright dividends paid to Sun Peng by Capo Card last year also exceeded 100 million U.S. dollars! Even the first "Frozen" released, nowadays it can still bring more than 25 million to Sun Peng every year...

What's more, there are little wizards and little wizards, as well as those martial arts novels by Sun Peng, all of which are big gold mines.

Just last year, the second round of film and television adaptation rights of several martial arts novels sold hundreds of millions of Chinese coins, and the annual royalties of tens of millions of sales should not be underestimated...

Therefore, if you really want to investigate one by one, Sun Peng earns more than 460 million a year-people Rowling earns hundreds of millions of pounds a year by relying on the Little Mage series, let alone Sun Peng so many works ? The Americans got this number because they underestimated the percentage of shares Sun Peng could get, and at the same time underestimated the sales in the surrounding areas.

However, Sun Peng doesn’t want the specific figures to be clear from the outside...

Just when Sun Peng was thinking about it, Hu Tian glanced at him and suddenly said: "Then have you thought about it? How to answer the reporters later?"

"Uh, what reporter?"

Hearing this, he was slightly startled, and Sun Peng asked subconsciously.

Rolling his eyes, Hu Tian said helplessly: "Of course it is the reporters at the launch conference! After this ranking, do you think they will only ask questions about "The Martian" today? They will definitely chase your income. Is it okay to keep asking? Whether they are ordinary fans, they are most curious about the income of stars..."


"Sorry, no comment on this!"

Facing more than one hundred reporters in the audience, Sun Peng said blankly: "Income is personal privacy, I have no interest in making it public!"

"But you are a public figure!"

"I think fans have the right to know these things!"

"Bai Da, talk about it..."


"Sorry, I think you are right."

After a chaotic call, Sun Peng still said blankly: "I am a public figure, and fans have the right to know, but I also have the right to refuse to disclose... OK! If you are interested, we can It took a whole day on this issue, but I think it makes no sense."


After Sun Peng finished speaking, the reporters in the audience finally stopped.

It was not because Sun Peng was always expressionless when he spoke, but because of the impression he left on reporters in the past-as long as Lao Bai didn't want to say or do, no one could force him to say and do. And Lao Bai is not an ordinary star, and some of the reporters' methods are not easy to use here.

And looking at Sun Peng, who looked careless on the stage, many reporters in the audience murmured secretly: "Besides, if I can make hundreds of millions of dollars a year, I have the confidence to beat anyone, right?"

Fortunately, they didn't, so in a sigh, everyone had to focus on the upcoming "Martian" filming. After all, the cooperation between Lao Bai and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration was also very eye-catching, and although the novel is far less popular than the previous martial arts and reasoning, it has sold millions of copies at home and abroad!

In addition, this time there is an investment of more than 500 million Chinese currency, which is the hottest news in the movie circle recently.

So next, the official interview at the launch conference began.

And looking at Sun Peng who started answering questions from reporters, Hu Tian, ​​who was smiling and standing next to him, jumped his eyelids and smiled secretly: "Sure enough, saying that there is no comment is no comment. The key is that these people dare not yet. Entangling endlessly, this is the real boss..."

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