Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1457: Too uneconomical

Regardless of the Little Wizard or the Little Wizard series, Sun Peng is the same as the original, and plans to let them make all eight of them.

This also means that whether Haggs Films, Nanhai Films and Rainbow Films, they must not be relaxed in the following years, and they must be released at the rate of one film a year... You can stop at most two in the middle Years. For example, this time, the second and third films were released for two consecutive years. As early as after the third film was released, Nanhai Pictures had already made various preparations for the fourth film. Recently, the script was also polished. The filming will start when the actors sign subsequent contracts.

After all, according to the school system of magic or wizard school, and the speed of the development of young actors, the risk of delaying later is too great.

Especially the Little Mage series, even more so.

The actors of the little wizards are all Chinese, and the appearance and age of the yellow race are indeed more metaphysical. It is not surprising that people in their twenties are like seventeen or eighteen. But the little magicians use British actors, once they are over twenty...

Gee, are you impersonating Xiao Xianrou?

That's more difficult!

So Sun Peng can understand Nanhai Pictures' idea of ​​letting himself come forward. They want to get this annoying thing as fast as possible, and then start filming the fourth part as soon as possible.

But understanding is to understand, it is impossible for Sun Peng to be a bad guy.

In his opinion, there is nothing wrong with the idea of ​​other small actors. Which actor does not want to get more pay after he has become famous and has a strong box office appeal? Perhaps in China’s traditional way of thinking, Nanhai Films is the Bole of the Iron Triangle. Only with the Little Wizard series can they have such a reputation, but if you think about it the other way round, it’s not because of their wonderful performance in movies. Did the Little Witcher series get so much box office?

There is nothing wrong with pursuing higher pay and dividends.

But so in turn, I wanted Sun Peng to help the young actors. This is impossible!

Sun Peng took a large share of his own, and it was no problem to increase the salary of the young actors, but if he wanted to share it, and each person had five points...just think about it with his thighs, I am afraid that Nanhai Pictures would rather give up the Little Wizard series , Or simply change a group of actors to come again!

"Hehe, let them quarrel!"

Without thinking about it, Sun Peng made a decision directly: "Taking a solid shot of my "Martian Rescue", as for who will lose in the end, and I don’t believe it, Nanhai is willing to take the risk. Risk substitutions? Or are the three young actors willing to let their just-started acting career be ruined?"

It's okay to fight for film pay and dividends. If it is because of their own greed that destroys the Little Wizard series, these three little actors will be completely finished.

That's Nanhai Pictures, one of the Big Four of China Pictures!

If you really get anxious, the giants shot to kill you a few little guys in the entertainment industry is a problem? Not to mention that because of Lao Bai, the relationship between the Big Four is pretty good now...


For Sun Peng, who was busy filming "The Martian", the dispute over the rewards of the Little Wizard series was nothing but a busy minor adjustment, which soon disappeared with the departure of the second sister.

The most important thing is to make the movie well.


When I returned to the hotel to rest at night, looking at the thick stack of "Shrek" drawing books left by my second sister, and then looking at "The Wandering Earth" on the computer waiting for his final finishing work, Sun Peng couldn't help but smile. .

There are many things besides daily shooting!

"Wandering Earth" is nothing more than that, in fact, it can be taken out long ago. The 120,000-character novel can be said to have racked Sun Peng's brains. There is much more content than the original version, mainly in some details. Sun Peng asked a lot of experts to help himself to improve it, otherwise the original version would have too few words. In order to ensure that the book was not ruined by himself, Sun Peng also repeatedly revised it, and he did not hesitate to postpone the completion of the book three times in a row.

But the picture book "Shrek" can't be delayed.

The "Sunflower" storybook has now become a brand, whether domestic or European or American, every new set of picture books will be bought by many parents as soon as they are on the market. So Sun Peng may always forget about it, but the publishing house can't wait to send someone to remind him every day!

So after getting the manuscript just completed by Chen Ruoyi, Sun Peng must reply within a week.

Let this matter, it can't be delayed any longer.


Seeing the thick pile of papers on the table, Sun Peng did not immediately start to look at it, but narrowed his eyes slightly, and the focus of his eyes began to diverge slowly.

"The rise of domestic animated films cannot always rely on DreamWorks!"

Sun Peng had similar thoughts before, and wanted several major domestic animation companies to collaborate on a large-scale production, that is, to choose a copy of Xiangyanghua Story. And those companies were also quite interested, and they were almost settled for a while.

But after that, it kept dragging.

Nothing else, Sun Peng's requirements are too high. An investment alone requires at least 800 million to start, and it takes three to five years...

Who can stand this?

Although the domestic animation industry also has several large factories, compared with other domestic animation companies, compared with other domestic animation companies, it is too far behind the Hollywood animation giants. It's okay to ask them to put out two or three hundred million to make an animation, but they put out eight hundred million in one breath... or even one billion, basically there is some liver tremor!

The risk is too great!

Of course, if it's just a box office risk, everyone can still accept it. After all, the screenwriter is Lao Bai, and Sun Peng also agreed to give them a full set of soundtracks. This has been a big day for several times. With the examples of several previous animated films, everyone is not worried about the bad box office after they are made.

The main worry lies in the production of animation.

Sun Peng's psychological bottom line is the effect of "Mulan", so the required standard is to be the same as DreamWorks' "Kung Fu Panda"! And in order to inspire these animation companies, Lao Bai also said that if the final effect can reach the current level of Hollywood, he is even willing to give away the script and all the soundtracks for nothing...

However, this request scared several animation companies!

Even if it reaches the current level of the Hollywood Capoca Company, everyone knows that it is impossible, but it reaches the standard of "Kung Fu Panda"... After several company bosses have visited DreamWorks, they have a black face. , Turned back and temporarily put aside the final negotiations.

My sister, it's too difficult!

DreamWorks not only has the best equipment, but also the world's cutting-edge animation production software. At the same time, there are more than one hundred animation elites dug from Japan, the United States, Canada and other places. These are accumulated over several years. Background, how do they compare?

To reach the level of "Kung Fu Panda", several companies must invest at least 30% more, and the production cycle must be extended to at least five years!

This business is too uneconomical.

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